Carl Dale admits he’s an imposter
ChipNASA dropped off a link in the comments to an article about the phony we wrote about last week, Carl Dale. According to the Toronto Sun, he turned over his phony finery to military officials yesterday;
Dale is the second fake soldier exposed in recent weeks. David Dodd, of Peterborough, apologized Jan. 22 for pretending to be a combat veteran. He was found out after making false claims on a Facebook page.
Last week, Dale was in contact with QMI Agency saying he was being harassed, bullied and threatened by someone in Ottawa over the issue and said that he was planning to consult a lawyer.
Dale admitted he was never a captain in the PPCLI, but claimed he had served in the reserves for five years.
“It was years ago, I’m not any longer. That was not my career,” said Dale, who said he is a contractor.
A search of the PPCLI’s global database did not turn up anyone named Carl Dale.
He also denied wearing medals on his uniform despite a widely-distributed photograph showing him wearing one under his name tag.
But by Tuesday it appeared Dale had a change of heart and by noon on Wednesday Banks had received Dale’s uniform.
Two in the last two weeks? That’s pretty light. We’ve had about a hundred and fifty since last May when our last tournament began. Speaking of which, TSO says that he’s gearing up for the next tournament, so you phonies have a few days to punch up your résumés. Threats of violence and legal repercussions always seem to work with this crowd.
Category: Phony soldiers
I wish a bunch of our turds here would take the hint.
Gregy “I like little boys” Banks
Walrus Dick Church.
/jes sayin’ is all.
//I’m sure you guys can add more and pile on.
Now we just need to get Greggy Banks and Church the Liar of Lenoir to give it up and turn their costumes in !!
Damn Chip we must have been posting at the same time ..
Great Minds and all that.
Man, that Captain Dale looks hard in that picture, a salty, war-weary grizzled Canadian combat veteran and leader…whoops! He’s just another phucking phony! Never mind…
Now one point to consider, fucksticks–coming here always bumps up your seeding. Ditto with sockpuppetry, and doubly so if you claim to seek legal action, membership in the Lucky Sperm (Guzzler) Club, etc.
However, on the subject of spouses, while entertaining to read, this can actually backfire on you when the seedings come out, considering while we know you’re too gutless to come defend yourselves and sending your spouses, girlfriends, etc., is always entertaining, it’s not really helping your false image of the Billy Badass, so that can actually knock you down a few seed.
This clown is probably in negotiations with Commander Monkress and All Points Logistics to open a Canadian office.
he seems to possess all of the correct qualifications.
And I am pretty sure he could find a Canadian Veteran’s MC to ride with….
Will Psul and Monkey be in the tournament? (BTW: where does all that stand?) How about Witless?
Now if we could get Bieber to admit he is a drug using punk bastard we would be batting 1000!
And not a peep out of dandan the bernastypants man since he made those nasty posts of his.
Bernasty may be attempting to build his own reduced in scale variant of a swift boat that’ll run up or down the Tualatin River. Its tough being landlocked and no other avenue of escape, don’tcha know? Heh.
Beiber?!?!?!? Who the hell is she? *cackle*
@9 Master Chief, I’ll take one for the team. I’ll take probation for a couple of years, if…I get to give Beiber a good old fashioned American, back of the barracks, beat down. Then I would take on Celine Dion and Carl Dale. I’d give Celine first punch and Carl first swing.
I wonder, how skilled is he with Shovel-Fu?
“. . . by noon on Wednesday Banks had received Dale’s uniform.”
Oh great – now Banks has another uniform. Wonder if he’ll play “dress up” with this one?
David Banks is a retired member of the Princess Patricia’s Canadia Light Infantry and the President of the Kingston Ontario branch of the PPCLI Association, he has no need to don this pathetic farce of a Patricia’s dress uniform as he has his own dress kit!
NHS, dont forget about Dalton “bunny love” coldiron when ya do your bracket. Not only does he come cplete with Ranger tab tattoo, but he also showed up here pretending to be me and posted gay porn links. there should definitely be something in his bio in the next tourney about his vast knowledge of gay porn sites
Oh, good, I feel SO much better now.
[…] Admits to being an imposter ; […]