GPS sends veteran to jail

| February 4, 2014

1000 Island bridge

Andy sends us a link from Yahoo News about US Army veteran Louis DiNatale who was driving around the Great Northeast with his wife when he followed his GPS’ directions which took him to the Canadian border at the Thousand Islands Bridge border crossing, but he didn’t want to cross into Canada. He asked the border official if he could turn around and he was told ‘no’.

A border patrol agent then asked if he owned a gun.

“I told him I was retired military, I had respect for weapons, and I had a concealed carry license to do so,” DiNatale explained in a statement. “He asked me when was the last time I had a weapon on me. I told him, ‘Earlier that week.’ He asked me again, ‘Why?’ I told him it was my right as an American citizen to do so.”

According to DiNatale, he had forgotten about the Bersa .380 handgun he had stowed in the center console.

Agents searched the car, found the gun, and arrested DiNatale for attempted gun smuggling and lying to border patrol agents. He was released four days later, and a court date was set for June. If convicted, DiNatale, a retired Army sergeant major, faces three years in a Canadian prison.

Now, I lived a few miles from the border crossing, and I find it hard to believe that Mr. DiNatale was surprised that he was nearing the border. It’s pretty well marked with signs, and oh, a big f’n bridge with big f’n Canadian flags on it. And, since the gun was not locked in a box out of reach of the driver and passenger, he was also breaking New York State’s laws. DiNatale is a resident of Kentucky and the only way you can transport an unloaded weapon through New York State without a license from that state is with the ammunition and weapon separated and locked away.

1000 Island bridge2

From the LA Times;

If a Canadian citizen made the same mistakes at a U.S. border post, agents would be able to exercise some discretion, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official said. If agents found no evidence of an intent to smuggle weapons, they would probably confiscate the gun and deny entry — but in many cases the offender would not be prosecuted, the official said.

“The Canadians tend to take guns more seriously” because handguns are strictly regulated, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to discuss border practices.

So, I guess they’re going to make an example of Mr. DiNatale. But, he should familiarize himself with the laws of states he’s visiting before he takes a gun with him on his trips around the country. Is it right? Nope, we are endowed by Our Creator with the inalienable right to arm ourselves everywhere on the face of the planet, but then some places will put you in prison for exercising your inalienable right.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Remind me again why I don’t like Canada please. I mean four days before being released is a bit much. The guy does have a responsibility to be heads up when traveling. Especially in this day and age. Traveler beware I guess but I still say it’s MESSED UP.


Let’s trade him for Beiber and call it even!

I am starting to hate Cananada as much as the French!


If you are on Route 81 North, it says “1,000 Islands Bridge, Wellesley Island, Canada” and of course “Pay Toll”. If you are on Route 12 and getting on to 81, the sign that says Canada is much smaller and then the next sign you see on 81 says “1,000 Islands Bridge, Pay Toll”. So I suppose it is not out of the realm of possibility that they didn’t really realize that Canada is right there if they were on Route 12. I’d like to know what the GPS destination was set for.


His GPS was set for Highway to Hell … Cananada!


Seriously? Gun smuggling??

Nothing says “hardened criminal” quite like having contraband concealed so well that it can be easily found. Or admitting to being a contraband owner.

Maybe next time he tries to smuggle something into Canada he will think through the plan a bit better.


Unfortunately that ‘not being allowed to turn around’ can be real, even if it doesn’t sound right. Can’t say how many people I heard of in El Paso who wound up hemmed in by concrete dividers on the US side who essentially were forced into Mexico – some of whom went to jail for merely possessing a few rounds of loaded ammo.


I’m less than sympathetic to anybody who “forgets” where they keep a gun and then gets into trouble. This includes people who “accidentally” try to bring a gun onto a plane.

Carrying a gun is serious business. If you are prone to that kind of forgetfulness you ought not to be carrying a firearm.


Who would intentionally go to Canada, unless they’re looking for Charles de Lint?


Done that border crossing a thousand times

Also picked up dozens of Joes, while on Staff Duty, from the Border Patrol who got in trouble in Kingston

I wonder what the good SGM would have done had it been one of his Joes who made the same “mistake”

Green Thumb

Maybe we should get Phildo one.


David, that almost happened to me. I was following my GPS to an El Paso Rhinos game. I was stuck in the middle of several lanes of terrible traffic. The Mexico sign kept getting closer. Thankfully an El Paso PD officer was doing traffic control and he stopped traffic so I could get the hell out of the Mexico lanes.

I didn’t have anything illegal, but we are not allowed in Mexico, and I didn’t want to take any chances with those jokers.


Ok the charges may be stupid and over the top.

But, you actually forgot you had a handgun in your car? SGM?

That is negligence. You deserve a night in the pokey, for being felony stupid. Now, beat your face until I get tired, SGM.

Frankly Opinionated

As a cross country/cross border trucker, I have come up on that same scene, perhaps 50 or 60 times, and always take the exit to the right. I don’t see any way for a northbound driver to get confused.
I took that Hwy 12 exit through A Bay, because I would much rather clear customs over at Champlain.


@ 2, seems to me that there was no hate towards the USA @ the NATO role 3 hospital in KAF, everyone was treated equally by the Canadian Command team/staff 2005-2008. @ 8, who would go to Canada? How about the thousands of US airline passengers who had to go somewhere when US air space was closed to all traffic on September 11th. You’re welcome… BTW, the dumbfuck’s 2nd Amendment rights don’t trump our sovereignty. Have a great day, eh!

Just Plain Jason

Wait he lives in Kentucky and has a court date in Canada? Hmmm… Don’t show up to court and don’t go to Canada again.

Old Tanker

Guys, the answer is simple….he was too close to Quebec and probably didn’t speak French….

Seriously, not smart on his part but to not let him turn around and then bust him for coming to Canada with a gun? Over zealous much?!

@14, You’re right, our 2nd amendment rights do not trump your sovereignty but the guy didn’t want to go to Canada so why MAKE him and then throw him in jail? Thanks for letting our planes land there on 9/11…..after the hijackers came through Canada to get here…and thanks for sheltering our draft dodgers too…


I grew up about 1 mile from the Border with Canada. When I was a kid there were a bunch of roads that crossed the Border that were only marked with granite markers so you might have crossed without knowing if you didn’t know where you were.
Now on this road there are giant signs everywhere, a giant bridge and Canadian Flags. There are giant signs to the effect of “CANADA BORDER CROSSING 1 MILE” on every Interstate and Major Crossing. I am not buying this story one bit.

One more thing. Canada is not kidding about Handguns and Handgun Ammunition particularly Hollowpoints even if the HP are 22LR. Do Not Attempt to bring Handguns or Handgun Ammo into Canada. What is Handgun Ammo? I asked a Canadian Customs this question as several rifles fire handgun ammo and she said that if there is a rifle that can fire the ammo don’t bring it.

The soldier will be told not to come back to Canada and escorted to the border. Being Ontario it will be politely.


@11: I got onto this road by mistake with my semi a number of years ago. There was no way in hell I was going into Mexico so I just stopped my truck right in the middle of the road and put the 4 ways on and backed up. People were pissed but tough shit.


Have to wonder just how in-your-face the SGM got with the border folks, too…. No offense to some of the GREAT Sergeants Major I have known, but for some of them ‘inform’ is a word that entails about 15 minutes of high volume, and what a SGM defines as ‘confident’ could easily be taken by anyone else as “attitude.’ “Finding” a “forgotten” handgun thereafter? He may be lucky he came back at all and isn’t being held for trial.

and yes, hopefully this is the quotes allotment for the week.


Sorry, but did the SGM get his CCW permit from a Cracker Jacks box?

He should know which states have reciprocity (hint: NY does not have reciprocity with KY) and even then, you cannot, as Jonn said, travel with ammo and/or weapon within arm’s reach.

Also, I’ve been near the Canadian border a number of times and the fact that he says there was noplace he could turn around? Uh, no. Not buying it. There are plenty of warning signs, even on the most basic roads (like Route 3 north of Pittsburg, NH, etc.)

Zero sympathy given. You want to exercise your Second Amendment rights, fine. Just remember the rules, remember what you’re carrying, and remember that it doesn’t apply in Canada.


@16, the origins of the 911 terrorist is in your public record, and it wasn’t Canada. Accepting the uneducated, hysterical squeals emanating from Janet Nepolitano’s blow hole is your choice. The former leader of my country created a policy that allowed your draft dodgers/cowards/war resisters to enter/remain in Canada in 60s/70s, governments change, and now we send that trash home. I’m sure that the Canadian Army fighting and dying alongside our friends and allies in A’stan influenced current policies. Your welcome…


“Nope, we are endowed by Our Creator with the inalienable right to arm ourselves everywhere on the face of the planet…”

Seriously? Do Americans get some sort of permit from God himself they can show people? Because one of those would REALLY help sort out mixups in other countries which didn’t get any guaranteed carry rights in the bible.


@22 Ian – I can understand your lack of understanding and your attempt at humor; however, we Americans operate (in theory) under a Constitution that enumerates the power(s) of The Government accompanied by a Bill Of Rights that defines the limit(s) of that power. As such, the 2nd Amendment does not confer any rights to us (the citizens). It merely states that The Right (in this case to keep and bear arms) shall not be infringed…. the inference being that The Right preexisted the document. Personally, I could care less if that right comes from God or The Giant Spaghetti Monster. Also I could care less if citizens of other countries just don’t “get it”.


Hey #23, cool. I get it, and do what you want where you live. But you DO get that your right to legally wave your legal handgun around ends exactly where our border begins and both are illegal, right? While I would love to see an American arguing the Second or the US bill of rights at a customs shack on Canadian soil, though. I would actually enjoy watching that if someone has a Youtube link to something like that. PS We already have Freemen, they don’t count.


Canada does not recognize the basic human right of keeping and bearing arms (but knives are OK, right?). Meanwhile, the UN has declared that access to the internet is a basic human right. I hope Canada is down with that and from which it comes. The fact that one does not have the inherent right be armed in Canada is not my loss, it is yours.