CBO seeks “cost sharing” with retirees
So I was at the VA hospital in Martinsburg today picking up my wheelchair, so I’m sorry that I’m behind in catching up on my email and posting. But, speaking of veteran care, David sends us a link to Reuters which reports that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is driving hard for Tricare hoop;
The most effective way to control the rising expense of the military healthcare system is to boost cost-sharing among retirees, the Congressional Budget Office said on Thursday, endorsing an unpopular step Congress has repeatedly rejected.
The non-partisan CBO said the Defense Department spent some $52 billion in 2012 for its TRICARE healthcare program, which covers about 1.8 million troops and their 2.6 million family members, plus 5.2 million military retirees and their families.
That’s nearly 10 percent of the Pentagon’s $530 billion budget base budget for 2012 and about $5,400 per person.
Of course “cost sharing” means gouging veterans’ pockets. But even if they cut out healthcare entirely from the Defense Department’s spending, that’s only 10% of their budget. Are you telling me that scraping the bottom of my wallet is going to help them get spending under control? Like I’ve said countles times, we had a $770 million surplus last year from our “cost sharing” Tricare costs and DoD raided the fund to have a bagel station in Chuck Hagel’s office. Or something. If there was $3/4 billion surplus, it seems to me that we’re doing our “cost sharing” sufficiently.
The CBO looked at three ways for increasing cost-sharing for retirees, many of whom leave the military after 20 years of service and begin receiving benefits while they are still in their working years between the ages of 40 and 65.
The options looked at increasing fees or limiting service to so-called working-age retirees, as well as modest fees for retirees over age 65.
Yeah, we know that “modest” is a subjective term and usually doesn’t mean the same thing to the CBO that it means to a retiree over 65 years old. And, um, just because a military retiree is working age, that doesn’t mean he’s actually working. Sometimes not by choice, either. That seems to me to be an arbitrary yard stick to measure the solution.
I’m going out on a disability retirement and I’m several years from 65, are they going to factor that in? I don’t think they know what they’re doing.
Category: Veteran Health Care
Once again Jonn, the target downrange is on the back of the veterans. With shit stains like Hagel in charge I am sure he and his ilk are all over taking every thing they can from vets. So they fund another do everything, everywhere, joint strike piece of shit or some such.
Geez, the Roman army treated its vets better than this.
Actually, Jonn, they know EXACTLY what they are doing. This administration has NO interest in cutting waste in the food programs (remember the surfer dude buying his lobster with his taxpayer funded credit card), or in reducing tax “refunds” that go to people who pay no taxes. And, of course, they see the absolute necessity in continuing to advertise the availability of food stamps in Mexico. No,we can’t possibly cut any of those critical programs that are near and dear to the hearts of the liberals. So if cuts need to be made, who better to to target? After all, didn’t Michelle O just suggest that we embrace the suck?
Guarantee this CBO study was commissioned by the back stabbers in the Pentagon. I have 22 years in and wanted to retire this year. I was asked to stay with my team one more year and reluctantly agreed. I’m ready to just say F it all after reading stuff like this every week. Time to make the old Army Values Card an inspectable item for every officer in the Pentagon.
Have the politicians in DC given up even a penny in pay, benefits, or perks? Have B. Hussein 0bama & family foregone even the slightest perk or luxury to save taxpayers’ money? Look at people like Frank Lautenberg’s widow who collects her late husband’s $173,000 a year retirement check!
Unemployment benefits and welfare benefits increase while veterans benefits go down. Illegal aliens get tax breaks for anchor babies. Tricare was a profitable system, therefore it must go away. OK Barry, we get it. You don’t like veterans. Got 2 words for you. Fuck off.
@5 – You’ve probably already figured it out, but I urge you to spend that last year getting ready to transition (if that’s what you decide to do). For some it’s easy… others, not so much (depending where you live, job market, etc). I’d just hate to see you get screwed on your way out on top of all this bullshit that’s going on.
$52B?!!! Are you fucking kidding me? That is God damn POCKET LINT in comptroller terms!
Even if it is 10% of the DOD budget, if you don’t have healthy Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines you are screwed.
What makes these God damn jerks think that this money is a bad investment?
$52B to take care of the men and women (and their families) who stood the watch to protect this country from their enemies?!
I am getting sick and tired of these clowns more and more every day.
@5 When I was a young “steamin’ Seaman” I would ask my old crusty Chiefs when I would know it was time to retire.
“Oh, you’ll know. Trust me, you will know.”
Yup, the Chief was right again.
I was like you. My fun meter was busted and the maintenance contract was not renewed.
Good luck. If you plan well, you will not miss it at all. You’ll miss your old comrades and you’ll look back at your career with nostalgia, but you won’t miss it.