Lone Survivor featurette

| December 17, 2013

The folks at Lone Survivor wanted you to see this couple of minutes of the movie and some of the people involved in making the movie. It includes Marcus Luttrell along with Daniel & Maureen Murphy (Lt. Michael Murphy’s parents), Corky & Donna Axelson (Matt Axelson’s parents) and Dan & Cindy Dietz (Danny Dietz Jr.’s parents).

For some reason the embedded link isn’t working so you can see the video at this link.

Category: Real Soldiers

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I got goosebumps and I started to cry remembering the book and seeing it “live”. Man. Right in the pit of my stomach…because it is about brotherhood. Period.

Pinto Nag

I had serious reservations about seeing this movie — I knew how angry I’d be if Hollywood had messed it up. Now, I have every intention of seeing it. Thanks for posting this, Jonn.


60 Minutes segment w/ Marcus…

JarHead Pat

I’m glad marky mark is now a hero,why he could have stopped 9/11 all by his self.


Looks good but I hope they don’t overdo it with the sappy background music and cliched military movie situations.

Joe Williams

Anafternoon matinee for me. least people in case my emotions get the best of me. Joe

Taco Bell

I have met Marcus and served with “Instructor Reno” over in Kabul. I will be seeing this. I think it will be up there with “we were Soldiers Once” and “Black Hawk Down” and yes, I will go by myself too. Joe you are spot on.


I have been planning to see this with a couple of veteran buddies. I think it will be very good.

Just a question, is Daniel Murphy also a SEAL? He was wearing a trident.


Dan Murphy (wearing the Trident) is the father of LT Michael Murphy, USN recipient of the MoH (KIA OPERATION RED WINGS).

I know the Murphy’s well enough to say they are a true Patriot family. Dan Murphy spoke at my retirement ceremony, I gave him the podium and he announced (first public announcement) the location and approximate date of the Commissioning of the USS MICHAEL MURPHY. I was special guest at the commissioning. It was quite spectacular …

Another great movie about about Murphy is: MURPH – The Protector http://www.murphmovie.com/

Pinto Nag

@4 I heard that silly remark when he made it, and felt the same way, but I think his contact with Marcus Luttrell opened his eyes and took the hot air out of his balloon.


Made me cry a little, especially when Matt Axelson’s mom told how she thanked the guy who played her son.

Also, I have been posting my X-mas wishlist on facebook…wanting the following to have ship’s named after them:

Ship’s Cook 3rd Class Doris Miller (Navy Cross)
ST2 (SEAL) Matthew Axelson
GM2 (SEAL Danny Dietz
HM1 (SEAL) Marcus Luttrell


I meant to say that the other three were awarded the Navy Cross as well.


Saw this last night. Hollywood did NOT go over the top with the accuracy of the film. Obviously there was some artistic license here and there, but everything up until the last five minutes of the film was true to the book. I am an aircraft mechanic with the Army and like I said, minus a few nit picky details (the Apaches didn t have the scoops on the exhaust at the time this actually occured), it was an amazing film. Definitely go see it-and your stomach will fill into an icey ball. There is no getting around it, and it is emotional through and through.


#9 I understand who he is. I was just wondering if he was also a SEAL. I have nothing but respect for the Lt. Murphy and his family. The sacrifices of these operators and their families is at once heartbreaking and awe inspiring.