Michael James Jarrett; recallable Marine Force Recon phony
Scotty sends us his research on one Michael James Jarrett who flashes a DD214 around that says he was a corporal of Marines but slotted as Gunnery Sergeant. Quite an accomplishment, heh? He didn’t award himself any medals which seems a little strange, except that he claims he has an “expert sniper” badge. Scotty says that there’s no such thing. Well here’s his DD214;
Especially interesting is the note in Block 18 that says that the Marine Corps needs to know where he is at all times so that if they need his irreplaceable skills, they can recall his valuable ass;
Well, the Records Center looked at the DD214 and said “Who? Huh?”
I guess we don’t have enough phonies ready for phony duty, so the Marines need some of them on a short leash, like special Mikey. By the way, his family reported that he was missing a few months ago, but then they discovered that he had “misused family funds” and his status went from “missing” to “wanted”. he’s been located and authorities extradited his ass back to West Virginia and he rests in the warm bosom of his family, or Bubba, whoever he’s sharing his cell with these days.
Category: Phony soldiers
You know, a BA in psychology is pretty good. I think I will diagnosis him “Sociopath with an idiopathic sense of self-importance”
Oh by the way, I have a 2 yr degree.
Yes a BA in psychology is very good, however neither a two year or a BA in psychology gives anyone the right to declare an individual mentally ill. If an individual is able to declare a person mentally ill and make a proper psychological evaluation off of a blog, then whatever Professor taught anyone that they had the right to diagnose after a BA or a two year degree is wrong! You can’t psychologically assess an individual based on what is written in a post. Sorry to break it to you guys.
Yes a 4 year in psychology is very good, however neither a two year or a BA in psychology gives anyone the right to declare an individual mentally ill. If an individual is able to declare a person mentally ill and make a proper psychological evaluation off of a blog, then whatever Professor taught anyone that they had the right to diagnose after a BA or a two year degree is wrong! You can’t psychologically assess an individual based on what is written in a post. Sorry to break it to you guys.
Well he was released… placed in drug court and is living here in wv with a woman he met while at rehab… this guy basically got a slap on the wrist but I dont think it will last long… seen him yesterday he has died his hair practically changed his whole appearance lol prob gnna hop on the lamb and do it all over again…
Cavscout51 where did you see him at? I want to find out if he is using this woman like he has all the rest I know he told some of his whoppers while he was in rehab just wonder if she fell for it.
Extra turd.
I met this loser at my doctors office last week. I knew something was off with him when he said he had found out he had liver cancer over a year ago and should have started the same chemo treatments as mine. I over heard the doctor almost yelling at him about his lack of concern over his treatment plan and denying chemo therapy. It seems to me this idiot just wants to die. After reading everything about him I would say this bastard is going to get everything he deserves.
Nice try Mr. Jarrett…..your a horrible liar.
That’s such a great story and you tell it so well…
Im his son i saw everything. Ive heard the exact stories you talk about mae lord. But you dont know this man like i do. He has no self esteem he makes up stories about who he is to make him feel good about himself. He always drank to escape reality. He feared being alone so he always had to have a wife. He was mentally unstable for the longest time. He was mentally ill
It’s clear that Mr Jarrett is visiting this blog and making up stories. He even has his child coming her to get sympathy? Is this the young man that helped his Dad commit crimes while he pretended to be dead?
There are a lot of contradictions so all we know for sure is that he’s a criminal and yes, he needs help…while serving his time behind bars. This is an inexcusable crime. If he needs “help”, jail is the best place for him. A court order is just a piece of paper and it won’t keep people safe from the harm he can/will cause.
A “Phildosical” dude this clown is.
So I hear this guy has court today….after all of the resources the state of West Virginia used when looking for this guy….I think they can spare a few more pennies for his 3 hots!!
Update loser gets 4 to 40 years in prison. Justice has been served. Dirty secrets exposed for both pappy and Jr. Like father like Jr all the way. You know the secret I speak of little man. Just like daddy!
Do you have a link to a news item for this, would be cool to post it.
As soon as it hits the news I will share link. Soon to be ex wife #3
Hopefully WVVA has caught it by now.
Yeap 40 years eligible for parole in 4 years!! I notified WVVA this morning. Should be on the noon news!! 🙂 And I’m sure going to help him all I can when it comes time for his parole hearing to get all 40 years!!! He wouldn’t even look at us in court He kept looking out the corner of his eyes. I’m so glad that he got to see me with his soon to be ex-wife and watching his face drop!! Thanks to Judge Sadler for seeing him as he really is!!
I hate when the domestics arrive. Freakin’ soap operas. Isn’t there a blog for unhappy spouses/lousy parents and such?
Aw 2/17 Air Cav,
Lighten up there Francais…
That’s where we get some of our best information from. AND we just get first hand confirmation of facts not hearsay.
Update from “domestic”. news story can be viewed at wvva.com if you go under local news you may read it.traveling so I am unable to copy and paste link from my phone.
Here’s the link –
*Fist Bump* Mr Bill.>/b> Great Minds and all that.
Fist bump returned!!!
Thanks guys….now please make sure your family has specific instructions to stay away from goodwill with your uniforms after your passing! That’s how my brother claimed to have gotten his uniform.
I see no reason for the slander that has occurred here. It is childish and hurtful. Your son has already admitted to and apologized for what he did. He said he thought helping his Dad was the right thing to do at that time and his Brothers have forgiven him as well. As a Mother, I would hurt for my child as well. He was conned by his own Father and tricked into secrecy while many of us feared he was dead.
You admit that Michael is a liar in previous threads so please don’t come here to slander innocent people because you and Michael made up. I’m glad you have forgiven him for raping you as that is a pain that many pray to let go of. I’m sure Michael is glad to be forgiven for all the things he’s said about you and done to you. It’s seems as though you’ve moved on from things Michael has done to you but yet you still believe the lies he told you about others. You can’t have it both ways. IT WAS ALL LIES!!!
Two other children grew up in Jimmy’s house and are successful and honest people. My COP father is a good, honest person. I guess being a “KOP” (hahaha) did save him BECAUSE IT DIDNT HAPPEN!!! SHUT UP ABOUT MY FATHER AND HEATHER!!! ITS OVER SO STOP BEING ARROGANT!!
We ALL hurt for Michael and the people he’s hurt. I just hope his new girlfriend isn’t pregnant. Too many children have been hurt….even my brothers adult children.
Now I’m going to call my amazing Father and his beautiful wife and tell them how much you’ve reminded me of how wonderful their love is. You can sit around a sulk about how you will never have a love like theirs.
I’m done with you forever. Your a mean and hurtful person….my brother didn’t make that one up!!!
2/17 Air Cav,
I may have to rescind my previous statement…
/as the worm turns.
Great title!
Its true he did deserve prison time for what he did. But he also needs a doctor a therapist he was mentally unstable for the longest time
He needs a doctor with a Louisville Slugger.
And now, a moment for a comedic interlude….
Extra shitbag this clown is.
Well said!!!
I would like to sincerely thank everyone that has legitimately served our country, putting their lives on the line to keep all of us safe. All of you are heroes in the largest form imaginable. We as a family, have appreciated the support. I can’t apologize for anyone’s dramatic posts that had nothing to do with how he faked being a Marine and how much of a disgrace it is to the actual people who have been in the military and given up so much to ensure we have our freedom. I have the utmost respect for all of you. I grew up in a military family. My dad went to West Point and my grandfather was Dean of West Point. When I found out about “turd” (greenthumb, 2014) I was horrified. I will be the bigger person and apologize for the bad behavior displayed by some domestic individuals who have turned this into a complete circus of mayhem. Thank you to all and God bless each and every one of you. Thank you for serving our country.
Utmost Respect,
Mae Lord AKA soon to be ex wife #3 from family whose family turned him into this blog.
typo at the end but I am sure you guys get it 🙂