Monday morning feel good story

| December 9, 2013

Richard sends us our feel good story this morning which happened in California. Two men identifying themselves as sheriff’s deputies forced their way in the house of a former sheriff’s deputy and were met with a hail of gunfire;

The men donned white ski masks when they broke into two homes in separate Lancaster neighborhoods within a matter of minutes Saturday night, according to the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

In the first attempted robbery, the men falsely identified themselves as sheriff’s deputies to a man and his son. Upon entering the home on Avenue K-15, they forced the two down onto the ground, but then left the home, officials said.

In the second home invasion just moments later, the men unknowingly forced their way into the home of a former deputy of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Lancaster Station.

The former deputy fired shots at the men but missed, officials said. The two fled the scene and are still being sought by authorities.

“It is scary, because you never know how safe you are,” neighbor Alice Baldus said.

Officials warned residents to always question people identifying themselves as sheriff’s deputies or police officers.

Actually, that’s the exact scenario that I’ve been anticipating from a certain fellow who likes to pretend that he’s law enforcement. It’s unfortunate the former deputy has let his marksmanship skills deteriorate since he left the department. He needs some more range time so the police don’t have to search very far for the perps.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Anyone who tries to use the argument that LEOs only should carry guns because they’re more proficient with them, here is one more piece of evidence that said talking point is bullshit.

John Robert Mallernee

When searching darkened buildings, rooms, et cetera, I was trained to rely on the shotgun as the primary weapon, with the service revolver worn as a back-up weapon.

I was also taught that when practicing at the range, to do so using the same high powered combat ammunition that was used on patrol.

You train the way you will fight, because you will fight the way you were trained.

I was also taught that for home defense by private citizenry, the shotgun is MUCH better than a pistol.


Where I live, we have been told to ask a cop for ID, especially if he’s not in uniform.

Old Trooper

@2: My wife feels more comfortable with the pistol than the shotgun. She is a really good shot with the pistol and will use the shotgun if necessary. It’s not that she doesn’t know how to use the shotgun, she does, but she prefers the pistol.

Of course, by the time they successfully get by the 170 lbs. of teeth and attitude, in which they may not feel like continuing the home invasion, she will have had a cup of joe and settled into a proper shooting position. Of course, if someone is determined to do a home invasion knowing what’s on the other side of the door (he lets you know he’s there and that he’s not happy), you know they mean business and disatching them with extreme prejudice is a no-brainer.


@4, you have the same kind of advanced alarm system as my mother-in-law. It’s actually cheaper than Brinks in that you only need to give it food, water, and the occasional scratch behind the ears. Tell me, does it double as a garbage disposal like my MILs does?

Old Trooper

No, he only gets dog food, but when he takes a crap, you can see it from the ISS. 😛

One thing that is good, though, is when we used to get alleged sales calls for an alarm system (some of those were scams, because bad guys were calling to find out if you had an alarm system) and they would ask if we had an alarm system, I would say yes, and they would ask what kind we had and I would tell them “Great Dane” and they would say “thank you” and hang up.

Common Sense

The great thing about mini-dachshunds is that their bark is MUCH bigger than their size. And ours REALLY don’t like strangers and will let you know. having your Achilles tendon bitten in two is NOT a good experience.

Pinto Nag

The police need to tromp all over poser cops. Those bastards make a cop’s life very dangerous, because the civilians now don’t know if what’s coming through the door is law enforcement or home invader, and will probably shoot accordingly.


I have to say that I really don’t appreciate the comment about his skills deteriorating. If you we’re in a deep sleep in the middle of the night in your own home, and woke up to your door exploding from the door frame….immediately followed by masked men with guns in your face….tell me you would be able to retrieve your weapon, much less hit a target in the dark. Oh wait…you wouldn’t miss because when you play out the scenario in your head…like everyone else…you’re a fucking superhero right? Wrong

Eagle Keeper

Daughter: ^5

2/17 Air Cav

@9. You are absolutely correct. It may not be that his skills deteriorated. He may have always been a lousy shot. Normally, when someone comes here with their nose askew, and there’s a good basis for it, the person will be responded to accordingly. But when some knucklehead comes here and says something such as, “you’re a fucking superhero right?” the response is less than sweet. Now, go teach your daddy how to shoot or something.



We are the good guys and on your side.



You were not suppost to reveal your Super Hero status.


@ Air Cav. Be nicer. That is an order! Hehehehe!

2/17 Air Cav

@14. I thought I was being nice.


Oh. OK. Yeah. That’s the ticket!

2/17 Air Cav

Hey, coincidentally, 18 former and current LA Sheriff’s Dept deputies were arrested today by the feds. More arrests are pending, I hear. Naw. Couldn’t be. Could it?

Joe Williams

Jonn, shhhhh. You are giving advance warning of our superpowers. Really Draughter, alot of us fomer service all wide awake and all senses working at unusual sounds.My children still call my name to wake me. A high luem flashlight and a .45 on the nightstand to welcome unvited guests. Joe


@ #9: Actually, I expect that in a real life and death situation my adrenaline will be running so hot that I will probably not shoot accurately the first round or two. Having that much sense is why I hope that should the need arise that I can put my hands on a nice little shotgun. They compensate for some error.

And, no, I am just your ordinary, garden variety superhero. Nothing special here.


@7 – nearly had an Achilles tendon severed when I was young by a f%^$ing Dachshund – haven’t liked the little bastards since. You’re right – it was no fun.


@4, My security system is my Rottweiler. He usually sleeps in the living room facing towards the door. If someone comes into my home uninvited by the time I get downstairs they will be begging me to shoot them. He is VERY protective of my kids.