Totally legit

| November 25, 2013

What can I say about SGT Colorblind, here? We’ve said that the phonies have quit trying to look legit, but we had no idea…


Category: Phony soldiers

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Holy cow!

I’m glad I swallowed my early morning tea and put the cup down before I clicked on this post. Holy hand grenades, Batman!

See, this is the kind of guy I’d approach, not too closely, and stare at him, get my photos, and maybe even start the giggles, but not until I got his name and phony info.

Old Trooper

Is that the Traveling Wall in the background?

How fucking stupid do you have to be to wear that cocked up shit out in public, especially to a place where more Veterans are going to be?? This dude deserves to be dick punched.


Holy fucking shit… even if he is a legit Veteran he needs to be beaten. I have seen some legit Vets ddress up like assbags before.
That whole argument of “I earned it I can wear it however I want to” is bull shit. We have seen them on here, because they make themselves look like fucking idiots wearing their shit all screwed up. Wear it correctly or don’t wear it all… or be prepared to find yourself starring online in the next Poser ID Contest.

B Woodman

“That which has been seen, cannot be unseen.”
But pass the eye and mind bleach, I’m gonna give it a good try.

Combat Historian

Is that the new ensemble Big Army has gone to since I retired last year? LOOOOOVE the green/blue/yellow contrast…(sarc)…


Well, it looks like someone’s been hitting the local Army-Navy Surplus store again. Or has been playing dress-up with big brother’s or dad’s old uniforms.


Keep reminding me that everyone knows how stupid the average person is, so by definition half are stupider than that.

Doc Savage

Holy screaming shit…..did this ass bag even look at what he grabbed off the rack and the Army/Navy surplus store??

@2…Old Trooper, his father needs to be dick punched for letting him survive ejaculation.

Top W Kone

I think people are getting away with this because so few people serve any more. So they have no idea what right looks like.


It’s the way he wears that beret. It is so very FRENCH.


The other FB thread where I saw this asked the question…
” Can you identify what’s wrong with this photo”…
My answer…
“He likes fat chicks.”

Joe Williams

Anyone think his pants legs need a trailor ? Joe


What you all fail to realize is the Sarge is test wearing a proposed new uniform which will combine 7 different uniforms into one, easy to wear ensemble. Jeez, give the hero a break!!!

Green Thumb

This clown probably works for APL.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@11 Nothing wrong with a plumper from time to time my friend, after all fat chicks are like mopeds…fun to ride but you just don’t want anyone you know catching you on one…

Regarding this idiot dressed like Joe Sh1t the ragman….geez dude you look like a f#cking clown….honor and integrity can’t be worn like an ill fitting suit numbnuts you have to have that in your soul so the military can hone it to a fine edge….you have no fine edge because you have no honor or integrity…


Shinseki thinks this would be a great uni.


Tinted tactical shooting glasses (TTSG) = SPECOPS!

SPECOPS = Special Uniforms!

Don’t believe me … Look it up!

Totally Legit!


This turd needs to be punched in the cock holster.


Jesus, if this guy was Navy he’d probably try something totally fucked up like wearing white shirts with black pants.

Oh shit–that’s right–they actually did that for a while. My bad.


@15 ” Nothing wrong with a plumper from time to time my friend, after all fat chicks are like mopeds…fun to ride but you just don’t want anyone you know catching you on one…”

Glad I was not drinking a hot beverage…wow that is really funny and TRUE.


as a friend I was stationed with in Germany said “I like a woman who can keep me warm at night and in Bavarian winters, bigger is better.” Considering the number of Spandex queens around any given PX/BX, methinks some of the writer’s protest too much.


NH … it was called “Salt and Pepper”.

In OCT 1979 we were issued the ghey Zumwalt pull over ulities (with that funky half baseball, half commie storm tropper hat) and the Salt and Pepper uniform.

By the time I got to BT Class “A”, they shifted back to old school Denims and Cracker Jacks!

We were thrilled, because the Village People had recently come out with “In the Navy” and we all wanted a piece of the action!

Green Thumb

Much like the Phildo, this tool is to legit to quit!


How in the name of Zeus’s thundering butthole did this guy get out of there without a real veteran stomping him into a foaming puddle of piss and hair? Seriously, nobody confronted this douche canoe about wearing two different uniforms?

Ass hat.


Guess his matching pants were in the cleaners.

Civil War Protestor, aka A Proud Infidel

That’s a short bus window-licking motherfu68er I’d like to stomp and pound into oblivion, and I’d enjoy every minute of it!! Where did that one ooze from, “Retatds R Us”?


I can’t see his shoes because of the grass but I suspect they are Birkenstocks.


@21 – Down south, it’s “warm in the winter, and shady in the summer”.


Are those pants supposed to be that baggy? Do you think, with that black beret, he maybe speaks un petit peu de frogg?

Pineywoods NCO

Maybe this is a couple who thinks that they have an idea on how the cast of “Everybody Loves Raymond” would look like if Ray Romano was a veteran.


@29 the pants usually are on those fugly ASUs.


Jonn’s posting pr0n again. I’m just not sure what kind.


…and being color blind is the least of that schmuck’s worries.


Is Senior Chief Shipley and bunkmate playing a practical joke on us or something? WTF, this clown walked into a used law enforcement uniform supply store thn go hit up an Army surplus for his costume? Any idea where this is from? Saaaaweeet bejeebus!