Wahlberg vs. Cruise
Whether you want to believe that Tom Cruise hinted that his job is like being stationed in Afghanistan or not, Mark Wahlberg believes that’s what he was saying. Adam and Tman sent us links to what Wahlberg told the TMZ audience. Here’s the video and because it’s Mark Wahlberg and this is TAH there’s a LANGUAGE WARNING;
I love Marcus [Luttrell] for what he’s done and I’m a very lucky guy to do what I do and I’m proud to have been part of it, but it’s just so much bigger than what I do. I love Pete [Berg] for what he did and how committed he was,” he said. “He would never let any one of us forget about what was important in the course of making the movie and whether it was Marcus or the other SEAL guys, if they saw something that didn’t ring true, I don’t care if it was going to be the biggest stunt sequence in the movie, they would cut, call bullsh-t, and grab all of us by the f-cking neck and say ‘no do it this way, and do it right and make it real’ and if you don’t it’s a problem. I was really proud to be a part of that.”
Wahlberg finished by saying, simply: “I’m sorry for losing my sh-t. Don’t ask any more questions tonight.”
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If they really did choke his felony ass to get the moves, gear, and reality correct…I just may have to go see this Wahlberg stink-pile.
Wahlberg may have learned something. I have no use for Cruise.
Mark is not a bad guy. Compared to the walking dead in Herpeswood, he is a model citizen.
He does much for his hometown and surrounding areas in need, caritable causes, military, WWP (recent add) and he is no pussy.
Just sayin’.
Oh … And he was awesome in Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch!
i would love to watch behind the scene’s footage everytime one of the actors or,director tried to screw something up. i’ll bet Luttrell and his buddies were on them like stink on shit!
I like Shooter, but the real stars of that movie were the guns.
One other thing:
Walberg would beat Cruise within an inch of his life, focussing on the head and utilizing a brick if he had a chance.
Walberg has done it before and he a reason to do it. It is called competition.
His brother Donnie did a great job in Band of Brothers also.
He’s one of the few celebs I can tolerate…
Marky Mark went up a notch in my book when he dissed Tommy the Boy.
Marky Mark has always rocked.
I have stated that before and I got beat up.
@5-Yeah, there were some terrific rifles in that movie. I think you could make the case for the Remington 700 being the best long distance rifle ever made. The Cheytac Intervention is an interesting one. I personally don’t know much about it as a practical rifle, but it certainly is accurate (has a pile of world records) and powerful. That .408’s got a ton of velocity behind it. Real heavy and long, though-it’s about as large as an M82. It’s not used too widely currently (apparently Jordan and the Polish GROM use it), but I wonder if it won’t become more popular down the line like Ronnie Barrett’s rifles did. The M82 existed for about seven years before he made his first large sale of them to Sweden. Perhaps something similar will happen with the Intervention. Ah well, bit of a tangent, but interesting to speculate on.
Heh. Guess I’ll go see the movie after all.
I don’t think that was acting.
Problem is that Cruise (of whom I am no fan) did not state what was claimed by TMZ and they went and clarified that. Their intial story was based on leaks of a deposition by opposing counsel that were intentionally leaked to make Cruise look badly, and it worked. Thing is though it was more the conversation between the attornies that led to all of this. Cruises attorney made the statement that for Crusie to be accused of abandoning his child because he was away on location in London was as logical as accusing military parents of abandonment while they were deployed.
Cruise was asked if he felt his job was as difficult as being in combat and he replied with “oh come on, you know we are making a movie”… not exactly what was reported.
As to Wahlberg, his an uber liberal hypocrite and his statements were made after TMZ had already retracted and clarified their story on Cruise. He knew it was a bunch of bull shit, but being the savvy publicity guy he is he worked it for all it is worth. meanwhile Walhberg continues to make movies that utilize huge amounts of unrealistic gun violence at the same time he cries out for banning guns (probably because he believes gun violence is as bad as he portrays it in his films.)
@6: Come on! Cruise would call down Xenu and the aliens and stomp on him.
At least Mark seems to have his head in the right place on this one.
@14. I hear you and you are likely on the money but even if the whole thing was concocted, Tommy Mapother still sucks the big one.
I could give two shits about two rich actors and what they feel or don’t feel about military service. They didn’t subject themselves to actual service, so their opinion one way or the other makes not a shit to me.
So in summary, they can both go play in traffic.
They are both clowns whose only purpose in life is to entertain and distract.
Panem et circenses.
@8 – Hollyweird types I can tolerate:
1. Clint Eastwood
2. Gary Sinise
3. Tom Hanks
4. Patricia Heaton
There might be one or two others I’m forgetting about.
@19 – might remember Mr. Selleck as well. Big pro-gun guy who seems to have avoided the waterhead mentality.
I am surprised you forgot James Woods. The time he called a radio show, Hannity I think, and bitch slapped the idiot liberal around about the middle east where she was a typical self righteous blowhard leftest and Woods happens to have a poly sci degree from Mit in middle eastern studies was one of the epic takedowns of all time.
If you want to talk about “hollywood” support for our troops the wrestlers from the WWE were among the first into the sandbox putting on a show for our troops
Marky Mark!
It’s funny how Hollywood sucks for some people except for the actors that agree with them–they’re A-OK. And the “I don’t care if he really didn’t say it. He’s still a dick.” Pure consistency, I tell you.