NM Vets end protester’s disruption

The picture above is from the Albuquerque Journal and it shows veterans dragging off a protestor during a Veterans’ Day speech being given by Governor Susana Martinez. The man was protesting against abortion, something I can identify with, but a Veterans’ Day speech is not the time nor the place;
“He was certainly agitated, confrontational and on the edge of violence,” Perry said. “I think everyone in the audience thought it was disrespectful.”
The man’s sign read “Ban Late Term Abortion,” according to KOAT-TV.
Albuquerque voters will decide next Tuesday whether the city will ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, igniting contentious debate between opposing sides. Early voting on the measure is under way.
Perry said the governor’s security didn’t jump in until after the group of about eight veterans grabbed the man. The man was about 15 feet from the governor and his shouts of “abortion” could be heard even after he was escorted from the venue.
Dude has 364 days in the year to protest all he wants at the Governor’s events, he can use one of those. In fact, he can request a copy of her schedule here. Yeah, you have a right to express your opinions anywhere and anytime, but your free speech ends where the rest of us have a right to listen to someone else’s speech.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
What a knucklehead! Governor Martinez is a pro-lifer and is regularly lambasted by the lefties for being one of those much-hated Christians. Thus, the little protester was dobly wrong.
I hope he bumped his head being assisted away from the speech…repeatedly.
Something tells me his timing was just a wee bit off.
Guy in the OD field jacket looks to have SF and Ranger tabs on the wrong shoulder. Don’t think the picture is reversed because of the Oakland fan’s shirt. Its gotten to the point I can’t read any story with out finding something to roll my eyes at.
I can’t believe someone would be stupid enough to think that this would help his cause. I take that back, after the last two election I can believe people are this stupid.
Smells like Moby….
Agent provocateur perhaps, hired to make the opposition appear to be morons? Nahhh…
Like a friend and mentor of mine said “People are stupid, and they’ll fuck things up any way they can!”
BTW … seems to me the average age of the Vol VETs dragging dumbass off is say about 60!
Good work Brothers!
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes……
Wait… voters are already going to the polls on Tuesday to decide the issue he was protesting?
Why exactly was he protesting??
I think it was Heinlien who wrote “you want free speech? Rent you own hall”
Upswing someone else’s “hall” for your free speech is just rude and wrong.
Dude is getting the duffel bag drag.
Who knows.
They have what I term professional protestors up here in the great NW.
Save the whales, jelly-less donuts, gay Nazis, gender specific restrooms, etc.
You name it. Just put out the time and place and there they are.
EllTee Green Thumb, as much as I like you and respect your ability to express yourself in single words, I prefer to not share my restroom with you or others of your sex, unless there is no alternative.
If people up in your neck of the woods are unhappy with gender-specific restrooms, they need to see a shrink. All of them. Immediately.
EX, gender-neutral restrooms might be the wacky left’s next cause du jour. They seem to be devoting a lot of time and effort to it, all over the place.
Maybe he should have been aborted. Or at least swallowed.
I remember gender-neutral showers in Germany – VERY tall brick partitions, doors which allowed no peeking – actually worked pretty well. Seems to me the latrines were still gender specific…. honestly do not remember. Barracks floors were mixed but the rooms (2-4 person) were not. C’mon, EX, we coulda been neighbors….