Another Runaway Roaring Down the ObamaCare Tunnel

| November 10, 2013

If the Obama administration thinks it has its hands full trying to create an effective system for enrolling participants, as the saying goes, “They ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.” Anyone with experience in the health care market can tell you that a far bigger problem than program enrollment or even delivery of services is billing and collections.

This ongoing train wreck of an introduction to the enrollment program has had many of us wondering how in the world these clowns will ever be able to handle the much more difficult issue of paying for it. Even the Washington Post can see the pending problems as outlined in an article by the former boss of the Massachusetts forerunner of Obama’s program.

Jon Kingsdale, who ran the Bay State operation from 2006 to 2010, correctly shows just how those billing and premium payment problems are going to be hugely difficult for ObamaCare. Many of the very people whom ObamaCare was designed to insure are the very poor, and those folks share a common cultural trait that is going to guarantee that difficulty: they don’t use banks, and most can’t get credit cards. Since virtually all health insurance billing and premium collection are done either by bank check or electronic transfer through a bank checking or credit card account, an administrative cost-saver for insurers, how are these folks going to make their payments? According to this report by Jackson Hewitt Tax Services, the number of these “unbanked Americans” is just under 50 million and that:

More than one in four uninsured Americans eligible for the new premium assistance tax credits under the ACA does not have a checking account. Among the uninsured, non-elderly population with household incomes in the tax credit eligible range, 27 percent are effectively “unbanked.”

The Jackson Hewitt report says the problem can be easily fixed simply by the government forcing insurers to accept debit card payments. But they fail to note that this will require setting up another federal program akin to EBT, and doing it very quickly — within weeks, in fact. Good luck with that.

At WaPo, linking to the JH report, Kingsdale notes even more problems:

Enrollees are not covered until their first month’s premium is received. In the individual insurance market, premium billing and collection is difficult to track. Folks frequently pay late or in weekly installments, or send too little or even too much. And when they stop paying, they often do not notify the insurer; the company must determine whether it is an intentional termination, an oversight, or a lost or late payment. Unlike most of today’s 15 million direct enrollees, who pay premiums on their own, an estimated 27 percent of those who will be eligible for tax credits under the ACA do not have checking accounts. So they must use cash, money orders or prepaid debit cards to pay their share of monthly premiums.

Remember, enrollees remain uninsured until their first month’s premium is received. And until the exchanges begin to collect premiums, their operations remain underfunded — a bit of a Catch-22.

This has all the appearance of a runaway locomotive roaring down ObamaCare’s tunnel of troubles, headed smack into the caboose of the already derailed Enrollment Express.

You have to shake your head in wonder that ObamaCare’s promoters failed to anticipate and address this payment train wreck. It has to make you wonder just how well these liberal elites really understand the poor folks they profess to stand up for.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Health Care debate

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Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Not one person putting this thing together gave one thought to how people are going to pay for it?


It will be to the point that you’ll have to declare you ACA account number along with your SSN when applying for jobs so they can take it out if your pay or welfare checks. It will be another line on your W2 form like FICA and Medicare deductions.


No surprise here. I worked in casualty and proprety insurance for 5 years. It is definitely a cash-and-carry business. If you don’t pay, you don’t have coverage. Period.

I wondered just how long it would be before that thought occurred to anyone praising this s!$@#$!#ss idea to the skies. So it took six weeks to figure that out?

They’re aren’t real bright, are they?

AW1 Tim

The poor are “victims” to these leftists. They don’t NEED to understand them, they just NEED to FEEL something towards them, and then form a committee to see what might be done, yadda yadda yadda.

The real problem with all of this is that not a man jack of them has a clue how a real economy works, what capitalism is all about, and that the government has no money of it’s own.

It’s going to take at least a generation, and maybe longer, to repair the damage these clowns have done to this nation.


Have you ever thought that maybe the program wasn’t supposed to work out? I mean, how best to crash an entire nation without doing much of anything and what they are currently doing.


But can you think of a better way to get someone fired than to give him the go-ahead for the wonderful, brilliant, incredible idea, and then it falls flat on its face?

B Woodman

All the people that worked on this, and praised it to the skys while shoving it down our throats, are, every one of them, unaccountable elitists. They are so far “above” the average person. They, themselves, have never worked in the private sector a day in their lives since they graduated from their Ivy League universities, most of them with law degrees.
I’m beginning to understand what Shakespeare meant when he said, “To start, kill all the lawyers.”


I agree with flagwaver. This was never meant to work. It was a grab of 1/6th of the economy and a pretty good attempt to force insurance companies out of business and force a one payer system on us. A system controlled by the IRS. Its a feature not a bug.

And I am not sure about so many people not have some kind of banking system. Have any of you driven by a food bank lately. I’d love to have about 99% of the type of cars those people are driving. They got those cars somewhere and are paying for them somehow.

2/17 Air Cav

This, on a much greater scale, is similar to the now-old question of whether obama could be so incompetent or is deliberately doing what appears to be stupid things but are actually purposeful. Most folks now recognize that the latter explains his course. Thus, I don’t buy that this obamamess is borne of incopetence, either. The ultimate goal has always been a single, unified sytem of government-run healthcare, not health insurance. And the day is coming when that will be spoken of as the solution. We’ll be bombarded with the message by the propoganda ministry and the SOBs in Congress.


It’s not a case of either/or, but of both.

But it’s not accidental stupidity, it’s willful incompetence to have created a system like this.

And the poor will remain poor, and the uninsured will stay that way. This was a power grab writ large, nothing more.

The Other Whitey

@1 Don’t confuse the argument with logic…


POetrooper, about Chicago: as much as I agree with you that the leftist nitwits have done their best to nearly destroy Chicago’s economy, I’ve also seen Rahm Emanuel undercutting the unions wherever he can, e.g., the teachers’ union, which is so ‘clever’ that in bringing their demands this year (2013), they waited until the day AFTER school opened in Chicago to go on strike, effectively shutting down the schools for nearly 3 weeks. Emanuel’s response was to shutter schools that had been open for years and move those children to other school districts. That really pissed off the teachers’ union. He’s also said the city is broke and Cook County will have to double property taxes.

The socialist left is not nearly as popular in Chicago as it used to be, and I think that if Emanuel could, he’d get rid of the unions altogether. He’s not the bleeding heart that the Daleys were. I lived there for 30 years. I saw the slacker attitude of the unions in action. When the sewer drains on my street flooded, despite my calls to the helpline, no one showed up to clean up that mess until someone came by with the streetsweeper and got the Streets & San sewer cleaning truck in less than 10 minutes.

My point is that not all of Chicago is going to the dogs, just the parts of it that you hear about on the evening news. It’s still a great city, but so durned expensive! I couldn’t afford to live there now.


For those of you who think that it’s some kind of grand conspiracy by someone who couldn’t even have the common sense to spend some time in the US Senate, once he was elected, here is a real assessment of bodaprez, by the Wall Street Journal:

Finally, on Thursday, after a hastily called meeting with several Democratic Senators “….who face particularly tough races next November… worries run deep in Democratic circles that persistent problems with the health law rollout could give a boost to Republican candidates…” the President apologized (Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2013, “Worried Senators Press Obama”).

It is like all relationships: they work well as long as there is trust. But, once trust is violated, it is hard to recover. The relationship is never quite the same again. It’s like that old Righteous Brothers hit: “You’ve lost that loving feeling, and now it’s gone, gone, gone.”

He is not only losing his base of support in all but the diehards in the general population, he’s losing the very people who have backed his shenanigans up to now. My personal opinion is that he’s so dumb he can’t even pick what shirt to put on in the morning.


Most of the problems that you describe would be solved if Republicans would simply accept the Medicaid expansion. However, as always, Republicans would rather stick it to Obama then help their citizens. Especially if those citizens are poor.

A Proud Infidel

Teejay, the poor and minorities are the ones that B. Hussein 0bama & Co. are screwing over the hardest. If Government-issued healthcare was truly feasible, Medicare and Medicaid would be successes to the point that 0bamacare would be unnecessary. The Tricare surplus was raided to build windmills, (Anyone wanna bet that a B. Hussein 0bama campaign donor got that contract?) and Medicare, Medicaid, as well as Social Security get their coffers raided on a regular basis so politicians can buy votes with our tax dollars. That, and to give B. Hussein 0bama & Co. every perk and luxury they demand!

2/17 Air Cav

“Most of the problems that you describe would be solved if Republicans would simply accept….” Yes, and we could have saved a great many lives if we didn’t have that little rebellion in the 18th century and, much later, let Tojo and company have the Pacific and Adolph Europe. Why the hell didn’t anyone think of capitulation as an effective strategy before this. You are brilliant, teejay!


First of all, it will make you all happy to know that the public despises elected politicians and the stupid things they do almost as much as you do. Approval of Congress has sunk to a single-digit rating. That’s worse than how people feel about cockroaches, but appropriate.

Second, the official obamacare people are in denial about the site itself and want their ‘customers’ to come back.

And third, the Afghan opium poppy harvest is apparently the biggest ever. Those naughty farmers. Will they never learn? That stuff is bad for you.