Do-gooders bother me

| October 30, 2013

My hippie chick code monkey sends us this link. Some busybody in Fargo, ND is going to put fat kids’ parents on notice that The Village is watching by handing out this letter to kids on Hallowe’en tomorrow night that she thinks are chunky;

Do-gooder BS1

“I just want to send a message to the parents of kids that are really overweight… I think it’s just really irresponsible of parents to send them out looking for free candy just ’cause all the other kids are doing it,” the woman said in a morning radio interview with Y-24. She wouldn’t identify herself.

The letter states: “You child is, in my opinion, moderately obese and should not be consuming sugar and treats to the extent of some children this Halloween season.”

It continues: “My hope is that you will step up as a parent and ration candy this Halloween and not allow your child to continue these unhealthy eating habits.”

No matter how nicely she tries to write it, she still comes off as a scold. If she doesn’t want to give out candy, she should just turn off her light and not answer the door instead of being the neighborhood hag. Or hand out apples or something. She didn’t identify herself, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find her house on the morning of November 1st.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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And that right there is the classic Libratard mindset in all its retardation. They think they know better, and because of this, they feel they have the right(no the duty) to enforce their will on others.


The lady follows through, I’m thinking someone is going to do the old paper bag trick later that night. I just hope they stop at that.


Addendum: and by the way, Ditz: no, it doesn’t “take a village” to raise a child. That’s been pure bullsh!t from the first time it was ever uttered.

It takes a parent (preferably two) who give a sh!t and are willing to take the time and effort to do so. That’s all.

Spare me the collectivist mental masturbation.


Funny, while I’ve seen some people metaphorically tack the, “Kick me!” sign to their backs, this is the first time I’ve seen someone do it quite literally.

Just friggin wow.


Maybe someone should bring her a battery operated boyfriend, as her being an uptight bitch in my opinion is derived from the fact she is probably a miserable hag who cannot get laid otherwise… It is as reasonable an assumption as hers is, as to why some child may be in her opinion obese. She may decide some child is obese, but it may be that kid has been on Chemo and a shitload of other drugs meant to save their lives that makes them look like a blimp…
What a douchebag. Hope she enjoys being pelted with eggs.


It’s going to take a village to carry all the pieces of this silly twit to the hospital, when some irate parent gets hold of her for upsetting their child. It’s also going to take the whole village to transport the legal paperwork for the lawsuit she’ll have filed against her, probably for civil rights and hate legislation violations.

Her Halloween is going to be scary, for sure.


I see bags of flaming dogshit and trees decorated with rolls of toilet paper in this woman’s future.


If giving candy out to “chubby kids” gets your panites in a wad, just turn the lights off and don’t answer the door… opinions are like @ssholes…..

Good thing she didn’t live in my neighborhood 35 years ago, I would have had a flaming bag of dog crap for her…..ah, the fond memories of a misspent youth…

2/17 Air Cav

Lighter. Letter. Lawn. Laughs.


Well, I see Claymore and CWO5USMC are familiar with the paper bag trick . . . . (smile)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No matter how nicely she tries to write it, she still comes off as a scold.

Jonn you being very generous, I think she comes off as a flaming 4sshole who believes like all the other liberal f#cktards around the nation that we all need their opinions and views to get through our day. Even if she were a pediatrician, I’m guessing she has nothing to do with the health field, this approach will generate nothing useful.

I suppose that should not surprise because most of the time when some liberal 4sshole tries to help nothing useful comes of it. It’s more likely to create a problem that won’t be solved to her satisfaction.

We had a curmudgeon on our street when we were kids who used to be very much like this woman….when he put a fence up around his yard on Halloween we chained his fence shut from the outside for him so he could take his fence gate off the hinges to get out…if this lady gets away with only toilet paper and some paper bags of poo she should consider herself a very lucky 4sshole indeed….

The best advice given her so far is to indeed turn off the lights and stay inside and keep her stupid f#cking ideas to herself in the future….

2/17 Air Cav

Well, that seals it for me. I’m cancelling my February vacation in Fargo, North Dakota!


In Before Green Thumb.



I remember the flaming dog poo trick. I also remember writing nast messages in peoples lawns with weed killer. 😉


OH, you guys are being WAY too nice. In my day, when someone did something this stupid some kids I knew rode horses on their lawns and threw apples with lit firecrackers stuck into them onto their porches. Some guy who still had an outhouse found it sitting in a cornfield a week after Halloween. Another guy found his unharvested soybeans had a design tramped into them.

And all for not being nice about Halloween.

The flaimg dog doots is SUCH old stuff.


Ex-PH2 – you forgot to add “Get off my lawn!”

Yeah, that particular bitch would definitely get the old stinky cheese on the engine block treatment.


I would probably send her a similar note back saying “Mind your own fucking business.”


Whatever the kids get that night…the Tricks will outnumber her Treats at her house.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@18 Or you could write a nice note explaining that she’s an ugly twat and cosmetic surgery and some strategically applied make-up might make her physically less disgusting to the general public and 5-7 years of two a week therapy might help make her mentally less disgusting…


Bet her house looks like a an egg truck hit it the morning after Halloween.


If she has such a issue with kids and obesity, then why is she giving out candy at all on Halloween? Don’t turn on the lights and put a sign out that you don’t have any candy – how fucking difficult is it to do that? But, being a LIBTARD, she has a “social responsibility” to lecture everyone about kids and obesity, falling back on the “it takes a village” bullshit. Bet she got her MD or DO from a box of cracker jack…oops, too much fat in that… found her med school diploma in a box of tofu grape nuts.

Tomorrow night will probably be hell at her place… I’m sure her neighbors will make it tough on her.


This is the same state of mind for those residents making a damn good living off of oilfield boom going on and pocketing their fair share of profits to be made off of oilfield hands…I damn sure know what I’d be doing were I my old self many moons ago…Ha!

Perry Gaskill

Let me see if I have this straight. So if 10 kids show up on this woman’s doorstep for Halloween and one happens to be a chubster, she hands out treats to the nine but the little fatty gets a note? Meaning this sanctimonious witch thinks the kid isn’t already getting enough ridicule from the other kids for being overweight?

Not to sound grumpy or anything, but it seems to me what might be engaged here is the Fargo village triple-A battery the next time the woman decides to fly her broom.


Last year, I had no extra money for Halloween treats, so I left the porch light off and no one bothered knocking. This year, everyone with candy was outside with a basket full of it for the kids, so I dropped mine off with a neighbor and went back to my house, because I didn’t feel like standing out in the chilly air. Some people had signs on their doors “Sorry – No Candy”. It isn’t too hard to do that.

Seems to me that, if this old bat wants to teach everyone a lesson about what a busybody and nosey old cow she is, then she needs a lesson in what it means to be a good neighbor.

Buckets of eggs multiplied by 12 kids dressed up like Carrie

A flock of starlings in her trees

Enough TP on her house to clog her septic for at least a year

Sorry, but I’m getting mean in my old age.


She is forgetting about the “trick” part of trick-or-treat

Play stupid stupid prizes


Do-gooders don’t bother me — when they do good. They annoy the hell out of me when they’re holier-than-thou.

Guess which catagory this doofus falls into.

Herbert J Messkit

Someone should beat her with a stick. One is available up her ass.


Look at the bright side… local grocery stores will probably have brisk sales of eggs and toilet paper.

CI Roller Dude

I’m betting the skinny kids are getting pot brownies.



“Calling all fat kids … Now here this. Crap in bag. Throw bag of crap on porch. Free candy for all participants. That is all. Carry on.”


[…] (h/t This Ain’t Hell) […]

Old Trooper

“No matter how nicely she tries to write it, she still comes off as a scold. If she doesn’t want to give out candy, she should just turn off her light and not answer the door instead of being the neighborhood hag”

She’s smarter than you and knows what’s best for you. She is making this a teachable moment for you and your chubby child. She knows what’s best for you and is only here to help you make the right choices for you and your child when it comes to nutrion and healthy eating habits.

I guarantee this woman runs for public office as a democrat.


Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook already saw my reply. Those of you who aren’t, here’s what I wrote:

Dear snotty, interfering twat –

Have you ever heard the saying, “Keep your ignorant opinions to yourself”? Please take that sage advice. You are not qualified, nor are you entitled to pass judgment on my child or how I raise him. So do yourself a favor and stay out of other people’s business. I couldn’t possibly care less what you think of my kid’s weight, and I couldn’t care less than that about your reasons for being an interfering, arrogant, supercilious communist bag of presumptuous insolence.

In other words, turn off your lights, don’t open your door, and avoid contact with children. If that was my kid to whom you handed that letter, you would have found it lodged deep in your large intestine.

Love and kisses,

A Proud Infidel

A dose of yeast in her septic tank will blow some nice smelly gas back through her drain pipes!!