Gitmo alum at Benghazi

| October 26, 2013

Fox News reports that one of the graduates of the Guantanamo Bay master’s program was on the ground at the site of the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012.

The source told Fox News that ex-detainee Sufian bin Qumu, who is suspected of running camps in eastern Libya where some of the assailants trained, is also a “respected member” of Ansar al-Sharia — one of the Islamist groups identified in State Department email traffic two hours after the attack.

Two sources familiar with the investigation, when asked about bin Qumu’s whereabouts the night of the attack, did not dispute the claim he was in Benghazi.

While it is not clear whether bin Qumu was directing the assault, his security file from Guantanamo may be revealing. Having already trained in Usama bin Laden’s camps, in 1998 bin Qumu joined the Taliban in Pakistan and “communicated with likely extremist elements via radio during this period indicating a position of leadership,” the file shows.

bin Qumu graduated from Guantanamo in 2007 after 5 years of intensive study and sent to Libya where he has made a name for himself in the Libyan and African terror network. But, yeah, we should release more of these graduates on the world.

Category: Terror War

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2/17 Air Cav

I understand that when H. “Wide Load” Clinton was asked about this, she replied, ‘What difference does it make?’

Thank goodness for Fox. It has never accomodated the administration and the State Dept by following suit with all of the other Big Media and forgotten about Benghazi. Neither has Mike Lee forgotten about it.


Was this one of the AQ terrorists jailed by Qaddaffi until he was deposed?

Roger in Republic

The definitive argument for firing squads. What was good enough for the German werewolves in 46’&47′ is good enough for the non-government actors of the terror war.


No, libtards, he didn’t get that way in Club Gitmo. He was like that a long time before he got scooped up the first time.

And this administration wants to give people like him a trial in the middle of NYC?


[…] at This Ain’t Hell has this post up called “Gitmo alum at Benghazi”. Who’s […]

B Woodman

“But, yeah, we should release more of these graduates upon the world.”

You’re right. We should. From 1000 feet. Without a parachute. Over open ocean water.

A Proud Infidel

Indeed, BW. But no shark alive would eat them once they hit the water, they’d automatically think they’re whale shit!!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is what comes of a perpetual war and an attempt to hold these people in some sort of legal limbo….

Interrogation in the field, dark site extract as much information as appears reasonable using “enhanced” interrogation techniques…fill body with small doses of high velocity ammo as needed, claim battlefield death. Repeat as necessary, long term detainees become a visible, problematic legal issue. Battlefield deaths of enemy combatants aren’t even part of the evening news…nobody cares about another dead muslim shot on the battlefield.


What B Woodman @6 said!