Matthews: Cruz is the new McCarthy

| October 22, 2013

Chris Matthews’ perpetually twisted knickers made an appearance again on his “Nutball” TV show, or whatever it is called, because Senator Ted Cruz said, upon his return to Texas this weekend, “It’s great to be back in America.” From The Daily Caller, Matthews compared Cruz to Wisconsin Republican Sen. Joseph McCarthy who has been dead for decades for Cruz’ slight to Washington DC.
I moved the video below the fold because it auto-starts.

I lived in the DC area for a decade, and Cruz is right – that place isn’t really America. That’s why so much crap comes out of DC. Even the people who don’t work for the government are deluded about government’s role in our lives. They so insulated from the rest of the country that they don’t understand that life outside the Beltway is totally different from their little world. That’s why they don’t mind if gasoline goes so high that folks can’t afford to drive to work – they should be taking a bus or a subway that doesn’t exist. Yes, one of the Bethesda MoveOn aliens actually told me that at a protest a few years back.

“This is McCarthyism writ large,” he said. “Disagree with this guy and be prepared for the accusations. We are witnessing, I think, the greatest challenge to progressives, to moderates and reasonable conservatives in modern memory. It’s an indictment against the great majority of Americans. To compromise he says is bad. To support the law he says is wrong. To oppose his brand of right-wing politics is to stand accused by him of being un-American.”

Um, what compromise, Chrissie? I’m pretty sure that the president and the Democrats pretty much said “My way or no way” in last week’s debate. And today’s news is full of evidence that we needed to wait a year for the Affordable Care Act, just to work out the bugs of the website.

I’m actually surprised that I made it out of DC without a criminal record because everything is so overly regulated that you can hardly keep up with the laws. No, DC is not part of America, not the America that I spent my youth defending. And, while we’re at it, Chrissie, if you’re going to attack someone for criticizing what America has become, you’re probably not a real American, either.

As a side note, McCarthy was right, Matthews – you need to read The Haunted Wood sometime.

Category: Shitbags

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Matthews is a nutbar, and would accuse anyone of anything, loudly and vociferously, if it would advance Democrat party politics even a smidge.

And no, the filthy Communists were not Americans. They owed their loyalty to a foreign power and ideology. Many of them worked tirelessly in support of the Soviets and Communism and against America. They were, and remain, a vile wretched bunch who deserved to try and survive in their dystopian nightmare, but the rest of us don’t and fought them over it. The hell with them and whiny Chrissy.


Funny Senator Cruz (R) from Texas, recieved an 8 min standing O in San Antonio, Texas yesterday. So Matthews can say what he wants but it appears that unlike some in Congress, the good Senator is actually doing his job and representing the people of Texas. Also with all the reporting about the Obamacare web site, is just more proof that the good Senator was right and we need to at least delay and at best repeal the dang thing.



Jonn, you hit the bullseye once again.

And McCarthy is still right, probably more today than he was in his own time.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Chris Matthews has less viewers than any other news program in America, that entire channel has become an exclamation point for irrelevance. It’s not the right wing that MSNBC needs to worry about, it’s no advertisers for the paltry viewers to pay his salary that will be his demise. Advertisers aren’t paying top dollar to reach less 21-40 year olds than Wok with Yan… when your total evening viewers a slightly less than the crowd that attended the race in in person at Talladega on Sunday you’ve become largely useless.

However, Cruz made a tactical mistake in appearing in the Jesse Helms lecture series in my opinion. He’s given any potential opponent an opening using a repugnant individual who started out as a repugnant democrat before becoming a repugnant republican….the dems were the original anti-civil rights crowd and that was exactly where Helms started as an anti civil rights democrat, he should have stayed there because the republicans didn’t need a conservative, race baiting turd to reinvigorate the party. They should have outright rejected him and used someone else in NC to open the state up By making an arrangement with this turd the republicans play into the argument that the sh1tbag dems who opposed civil rights in the 60s turned into sh1tbag republicans during the 70s and 80s…with the Helms example they are right…


Matthews feels threatened by Cruz?



Poor Tingles.


Is this another attempt by Mathews to bait people into calling him a communist? He seems to find that amusing for some reason.


Christ. And here I thought televising morons stopped at Jersey Shore…


Everything that Chris Matthews says needs to be checked for ticks…..


I wonder when Matthews will just give up and quit grasping his efforts to make his opinion seem relavent? Does anyone even know who he is anymore?

Old Tanker

Correct me if I’m wrong, wasn’t McCarthy vindicated when the Venona Project was declassified in the 90’s? The WH Chief of Staff was a friggen’ communist If I recall (Dean Acheson?) and J. Edgar Hoover knew it the whole time…


People still watch Matthews? He’s so perpetually angry at everything and everybody, it’s made me wonder how he’s avoided having a stroke that would leave him speechless.

Cruz is hardly the new Joe McCarthy. He’s simply on a roll of public awareness right now.


sadly, I will be leaving Texas soon to go work in the 5 sided puzzle palace. I will NOT be living in DC but rather one of the Virginia suburbs IOT maintain a grip on reality

Don H

When people come to visit me, and ask why everybody in town seems to drive like an idiot (or walk like an idiot, or bike like an idiot), I tell them “because they think they’re the most important person in town. Just ask them.” Doesn’t matter what they do, or who they work for–they’re still the most important person in town.


#13. Definatly recomend living in Va. vice the People’s Republic of Maryland.


2/17 Air Cav

VOV. Perfection is the standard that the libs apply to conservatives and the libs’ political correctness tests are applied only to conservatives as well. Screw them. Cruz really irks them. Son of a Cuban father who escaped Castro, and a Canadian mother, whose family scrapped to improve their lot and whose adopted country saw their son climb from just another kid to a Princeton grad and Harvard Law magna cum laude, with law review editor tossed in to boot! So now he’s a racist, according to the guy who jerks off to photos of Obama? The 17 or 18 people who watch Mathews don’t get his references to McCarthy anyway.


@13 – I’m no realtor, but do know some folks who can help, particularly if you’re considering Stafford. The commute sucks, though.


Sure they do, 2/17 Air Cav. But this is what they think of:

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@16 I’m not implying Cruz is a racist, I am implying it’s a mistake to associate yourself with known racists like Jesse Helms just because the Heritage Foundation invites you over for a speech or three. Cruz is better than that in my opinion, perhaps because I believe Helms was a disgusting racist turd. Once you reveal your racism for all the world I don’t believe you change your views I just believe you may or may not hide them better after you’re caught. Cruz doesn’t need the association with Helms.

Helms was sh1tstain on the underpants of the republican party, Cruz appears to be poised to rise rather nicely in the party. He has no need of sh1tstains. That was my point.

Matthews McCarthy reference is as irrelevant is Matthews is these days. I have zero concern that a bash by Matthews has any effect.


VOV–if you’re gonna pull the race card, please make sure to include all the Dems over the years who have done far, FAR worse than Helms ever did.

Common Sense

Things were far more insidious than the whole McCarthy thing. Read Diana West’s book ‘American Betrayal’.

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are two of the few actually doing their jobs and representing the people who elected them instead of doing anything to hang on to personal power and control like the rest of Congress. We need far more like them.

Between the no-information voters, media that represents the left-wing of the Democratic Party, the Chicago-thug Obama Administration, and the establishment Republicans, I don’t have much hope for our ability to turn things around.

2/17 Air Cav

@18. Excellent!


@11, no, there is absolutely no evidence that McCarthy ever possessed even a single name of a known Communist. I’ve never encountered any evidence that McCarthy even knew about Venona.

Given that even President Truman was unaware of the project, I doubt the stumblebum alcoholic Senator from Wisconsin had access.

McCarthy was accidentally correct that there were Communists in DC, but his fumbling fear-mongering did more harm than good in fighting said 5th-column activity.

2/17 Air Cav

@20. You mean like WV’s Byrd, the hooded Grand Exalted Cyclops Poobah or whatever he was? I always wondered who actually was representing WV through his office in the senate his last two years or so. I mean, the guy was nearly comatose.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@20 Dude, did you not read my post? I think I was pretty clear that Helms was a dem before he became a republican. I am well aware of the sh1tty dems of the civil rights era including the nations most revered president JFK who voted against the civil rights act while he was in the Senate. Helms should never have been allowed in the party, let the dems keep their racists to themselves. Also what part of I do not believe Cruz is a racist was hard to understand? I am just making a point that if you intend to associate with racists be prepared for the fallout.

Helms was a complete and total f@cking racist tool, that’s a simple f@cking fact. Good men and women don’t need to associate themselves with people like that for any reason. No good can come of it. That’s my point. Sorry if it wasn’t as clear.

Also it’s not pulling the “race” card to call Helms a racist unless of course you’re suggesting that the man who said this “Do you want Negroes working beside you, your wife and your daughters, in your mills and factories? Frank Graham favors mingling of the races.” was a great guy and not a racist…or maybe it was this comment that made him not a racist “The Negro cannot count forever on the kind of restraint that’s thus far left him free to clog the streets, disrupt traffic, and interfere with other men’s rights.””

Pulling the “race” card implies I was making sh1t up and I expect better from you as a response my friend. Helms was a piece of human refuse, f@ck him I hope he is burning in h3ll even as we speak. He may not have been the worst racist piece of sh1t in his lifetime, but he was in the running.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@24 Byrd and a host of other dems indeed…

I just don’t want guys I think can be great like Cruz besmirching themselves with the likes of Helms…we can’t excuse our guys for associations we would call out and despise for the other guys…or we risk being rightly called hypocritical 4ssholes.


“Disagree with this guy and be prepared for the accusations.”

Like being called a racist? Wait… wrong guy.

2/17 Air Cav

@26. Nor can we walk on eggshells b/c someone might call another a racist. Hell, they will do that anyway. If, as I expect, Cruz hits the national scene in a big way in a few years, the media will go with any negative story about him and, when it is rebutted, it will be repeated anyway. And it’s not up to us to try to refute that sort of bullshit. It is up to us to get up, get out, and vote. In other words, do the right thing for the nation and not let the candy asses tell us what we have to answer for or respond to. That’s what most of the Republicans in the House and senate have been busily doing, and it has gotten them nothing except disdain from conservatives and laughter from the libs.


Hey VOV, I’d still take Helms over either Kerry or fat Teddy, one betrayed his comrades and the other left a girl to die, didn’t seem to hurt either in the eyes of the Dems. We have better politicians now-including Cruz-and I don’t see any reason to smear him by the most tenuous association.


Who wants to bet me a six-pack of Budweiser that McCarthy was inside the curve on Communist/Soviet COIN activities being conducted in the USA? I’m feeling lucky today….


And VOV, while you’re at it, throw in Senator Gore (Al’s daddy), Senator Fulbright, who Bill Clinton referred to as “his mentor”, LBJ (“I’ll have those n***ers voting Democrat for the next hundred years”), and a whole host of others right up to the present day.

Just because someone is a Northeast liberal doesn’t mean they’re not racist. Matter of fact, I’d say some of the most racist crap I’ve heard from people has come since I moved up here.


Just a couple of things for the historical perspective. First off most modern Progressives mix the Senator McCarthy and the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC). They were two separate things and trying to get to two different things. If you look at the historical record of the HUAC it was started by progressive Democrats that belonged in Wilson’s wing of the party to investigate all matter of pro-German sentiment and then expanded themselves to any anti-government protests which included Bolsheviks, the ACLU, then anyone who opposed the New Deal, Nazis, Fascists and later Communists. While McCarthy took on as his maneuvering into a Senate Committee on Foreign Relations after he gave a speech in West Virginia saying that the DoS was filled with ComIntern agents in 1950. Which is funny since at the time he was exploiting a fear that since China went Red and with the Korean War in full swing at the time of his speech, the fear that the Reds were just over the hill ready to take away all from us. Also prior to that McCarthy got his name known for defending the supposed guilty Waffen-SS men who were suspected of the Malmedy massacre, he went after the army over judicial irregularities with the trials. In the end that put him on the shit list for a number of people, as well as just being slimy overall for receiving pay offs from big business lobbyists to remove some of the War Price Controls that were still in place almost five years after WW2. The claims he made were never investigated by either the Army nor by an outside source (even to this day) and his tainted money already had some popular leftists hating him because he was anti-union. So he already had a minor target on his back with his bloviating. So the modern progressive types can get all angry about the search for the ComIntern agents and the tactics that McCarthy used. However, their own Representatives did the same thing from 1918 until it died off in 1968 following the Chicago Riots with anyone… Read more »

A Proud Infidel

WHO IS Chris Matthews? Oh, yeah, the MSDNC propaganda hack. Does he still get the “tingly feeling” up his leg, or is it just him peeing in his britches every time he sees how popular Cruz has become? Yeah, liberals are “People of Tolerance” like I’m a Navy Seal and Delta Force at the same time! (And I GUARANTEE everyone here that I have never been either, I’m just another everyday Army “Leg”!)


All I know is that people who don’t like Cruz are nothing but racists who hate him because he’s not white.

It’s the same reason people don’t like Obama.

(do I really need to point out that I’m being sarcastic?)

Green Thumb

I do not really pay Chris Matthews much attention.

I am usually in bed or attempting to write.


I hate DC.

Joe Williams

I personally think that the leftists and demos are badly scared of Cruz and are trying to smear his name early and hard. Joe