Camouflage causes violence
Beretverde sends us a link to an article from the news that the South Carolina state fair officials are changing some of their policies after they experienced some violence this past weekend;
Starting Tuesday, those who are under the age of 18 must have a parent aged 21 or older with them if they wish to enter the gates after 7 p.m. A similar policy was in place, but it allowed a parent or guardian to be accompanied by more than one child under the age of 16.
The fair also says anyone 18 and over may be required to show a valid driver’s license or other photo ID as proof of age to be admitted after 7 p.m.
At the advice of law enforcement, those wearing camouflage clothing and headwear may be refused admission.
Emphasis is mine.
Well, it all makes sense now – that’s why war is so violent, everyone is wearing camouflage.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
FFS!! Camouflage causes violence?
What’s next?
Sand causes violence?
Rocks cause violence?
Money causes violence?
I’m afraid now to plant a flower bed…it might cause violence.
From what I get from the story is that this gang related, and perhaps one of the gangs uses camo as their colors. Only logical reason I can come up with as to why they are suggesting prohibiting it.
Maybe they’re banning camouflage because *GASP!* Veterans wore it when they fought?! Thus, they’ll probably want to banish anyone wearing hunting camo such as Realtree as well? GOTTA keep them evil, racist White Folks in line somehow!! Meanwhile, will pants worn at the ankles, ball caps worn a la douchebag, and batches of tacky “bling” will go along unwatched?
Gee whiz, I thought it was bad food in the chow hall that causes violence.
No, listening to, “What does the fox say?”
Now THAT can incite some SERIOUS violence.
Wait, those racists in South Carolina are going to ask for ID? Why don’t they want minorities to be able to attend?
No, no, no. You folks don’t get it…
The people who put on camouflage are instantly transformed into violent people. It has nothing to do with their behavior and character before hand. 🙂
Yeah right and Haze Gray causes ghey sex on Navy ships!
Ah, OK maybe that was not the best analogy, but you get the point.
I’ll tell you what causes violence: exposure to idiots, liars, and thieves. Now that causes violence.
That’s why watching the news, or listening to political speeches results in aggressive speech, and why people in general hate journalists, lawyers, and politicians.
You know the definition of patience? That’s right: Overcoming the urge to choke the mother loving s*** out of a truly deserving soul. (for truly deserving soul, see above: liars, idiots, and thieves, and Jody, who embodies them all).
Wearing camouflage to a fair may be stupid, but it doesn’t cause violence. Being exposed to a lying, thieving politician, even while wearing camouflage? Yeah, that’ll induce violence.
Yeah, Jonn – you picked the right category for this one. “Teh Stoopid” also works.
Idiotic reasoning for all that shit, just fair officials trying to avoid lawsuits by violating rights of customers. There are already laws in place about the hours that minors are allowed to be out in public. The fair is no different than a mall or fast food restuarant. A responsible teen shouldn’t be banned from any of those places based on the ignorance of a few, The camo rule is just retarded.
I suppose it has nothing at all with having a bunch of unoccupied, unsupervised teenage boys roaming around …
The article indicates gang activity is involved. Maybe the gangs there have incorporated camo as part of their gang colors?
So if I’m not a teenaged boy but I’m wearing camouflage, as in maybe camo shorts, I’m a threat to society?
(Falls off chair, laughing self silly. Snorts. Giggles.)
THAT is a *sweet* visual. I SO want to see you in a pair on really tight, camo shorts….and nothing else.
Concerning @14 & @15
(…runs and makes popcorn, gets big coke, prepares for entertainment to follow…)
I have been wearing camo every day since the 1st of the montht trying to do due voilent on the deer gang. You know2 those with the deadly hoofs and anthers. Joe
@17 There’s an article in Montana Outdoors in the current issue that says studies are being done to determine whether deer and elk look for a change in clothing pattern to detect hunter activity. Check it out, it’s interesting. You might be telling the deer you’re in hunter mode by what you wear!
PintoNag: yep. Impact and detonation projected in 10 . . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 7 . . .
ChipNASTY, be careful what you wish for. 😉 (heeheeheehee….)
Does this mean I have to ditch my camo man thongs?
Just askin’.
PintoNag, can I get some of that popcorn as we watch the fireworks?
@22 Move over Twist, yer hoggin’ the sofa.
@ #21: Well, that depends…
OWB. On what fer geeze sake?
No one here seems to get it. Wearing Camo instantly makes one invisible! That’s what it’s for!
You can commit mayhem at will..
I notice they did not include the very rare, and very valuable Cloak of Invisibility.
I have one. It’s hard to find. Even harder to explain to people why they can’t see it.
Oh, never mind.
I love my state! But I also agree with this:
South Carolina, too small to be a Republic, too large to be an insane asylum. I can’t count the number of people I see every day in camos. Mostly it’s the hunting type not military. Well….With PI, the MCAS, and Naval Hospital, I’m rethinking that last statement. OK, outside of the military I see hunting camies as much as Daisy Dukes. There.
OK…beating you guys to it. Yes, they are cammie Daisy Dukes guys.
AirCav: Ya sold me. Next summer, I’m comin’ down dere ta see da Daisy Dukes!
Now, it better not be those spandex types that oughtta be outlawed as eye pollution!
I’m still having a need for brain bleach over the idea of camo man thongs.
So, PH, you think that they could ban a man from fairest of the fair, if’n he showed off his camo man thong?
Or ya think he’d sweep the women’s vote?
The camo thong hides to Irish curse!
The curse.
When I first saw this picture years ago, I was shocked at the violence displayed. I had not idea that the camouflage itself was the problem.
# 14,15,16,22:
You guys, move the damned couch over….I brought the wings and beer.
(sets down in his ACU camo picnic chair)
Let’s see a beatdown, Ex-PH2 style!!
Oh, dear.
I have discussed this subject with Mikey the Large & In Charge. Among other things, he thinks the idea of a grown man in a thong of any kind, never mind camouflage, is ridiculous and wants to know what you are trying to hide.
He also wants you to know that unless you can do the cheetah stud dance, you should learn to perform the mung bean fertility ritual and walk on fire.
Mikey weighs 22 pounds and puts both of my legs to sleep when he sits in my lap.
Let me just add that men have habits, women have customs, and cats simply have opinions.
In addition, some cats have the tendency to leave behind gifts Pineywoods 6 and myself call “piles of love.” Especially Mikey’s fellow feline, Texas Snow aka “Snowie” aka PFC Pineywoods.
Violence usually follows when I verbally berate this feline.
PineywoodsNCO, then I see that Snowie has viewed this video
and has learned from it.
Actually, Snowie hasn’t….he curls up next to us in bed and sleeps alongside us.
However, Private Pineywoods aka “Squeak” and Sergeant First Class Pineywoods aka “Spice” have watched and learned from that video.
Snowie’s issue is with regards to a lack of understanding that the litter box is not carpeted.
Ah! Well, try something from Dr. Elsey’s company called ‘cat attractant’ for the litterbox. I use it on plain litter and my cats go right to it. Petco and Petsmart carry it. It’s just powdered herbs like catnip that cats like. And shut him in the bathroom with it.
In regard to tattoos, the Army’s tatts restriction is kicking in soon, so you all who wish to have strange tribal markings on your persons, now’s the time.
Will have to try it on the secondary aka porch box. Our other six cats understand the concept. For some reason, he doesn’t.
Get him neutered. Now.