Tuesdays with Claymore

| October 1, 2013

Third Party Blues

Military shouldn’t get paid either, so sayeth the DUmbasses

Rand Paul – Progressive Hero?

Fo’ realz, yo!

Conservatives want young uninsured to die. True story, bro.

Two appease in a pod

The War Of Progressive Aggression

Blame where blame is due 1

“Beloved” Jimmah

Hide yo’ kids, hide yo’ wife…

…the rumors of my demise…

FAA la-la-la-la

The good news is that there will be lighter traffic on the Beltway.

Conservatives think all Democrats are pure evil. Quid pro quo.

Conservatives think all poor people suck. Ad absurdo.

Conservatives are all bullies. Damnant quod non intelligunt.

“Looking forward to the next election.”

Not worth a gallon of spit.

Mistaking obsession for pride.

The shutdown is the Koch brothers’ fault?

Implosion of the vanities

Fauxcahontos speak’um heap big words.

And here’s the real ‘end game’ for this mess. Public option.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Claymore… I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: you, sir, deserve a medal. And a DECON chamber upon your return.

The Dead Man

Waded into the SA thread, it’s hilarious, almost as dysfunctional as this crap. Republicans are holding the country hostage, schools and media are anti-democrat and it’s all one side’s fault. Can we just flush the government and hold mass elections for people with braincells to rub together?


Tuesdays With Claymore is awesome. Those on the extreme left have got to be some of the craziest sons a guns I’ve ever seen.


@2–call me racist/whatever, but I think we need to go back to the days when only landowners could vote. People who suck off the government teat are going to vote one way, and one way only–until there’s no teat to suck on anymore.

And can we get a fucking card that says you’re at least smart enough to vote? I’m tired of dealing/talking with idiots who can tell you who played running back for the Patriots in 1967, but who can’t tell you who their Congressional representatives are.


Claymore–it’s Corrine Brown, she of the “Go Gata”.


And yet I wouldn’t regard her as the stupidest member of Congress.

I weep for my country.


@4 – Sad, but true.


Sparky, I wouldn’t go as far as only land owners, but I would agree with only people who pay taxes could vote.


‘Shat’? Isn’t that the past tense of ‘shit’?


Claymore, I do not know how you manage to wade through the unmitigated brainlessness on DU, but I do admire your persistence, your tenacity, and your ability to hold onto your sanity in the process of doing so.


I see your Corrine and raise you a Hank.


…in retrospect, I just watched more from Corrine Brown. Wow. Florida. WTFO.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’ve managed to still be on DU since creating a new nom de plume(about 9 weeks now), but I don’t post much because I can hardly contain myself when reading some of the idiotic stuff on their site.

It’s quite obvious they see the world differently than I do. I have tried very hard to always assume that we are all Americans who want a better nation but our views on achieving that better nation differ. I have tried to assume we are all on different pages, but I am beginning to realize not only are we on different pages, some of them aren’t even in the same book anymore. That is the most amazing part of it all, when they make some pronouncement about taking away someone else’s money or property for the common good. I have noticed they never talk about taking away their own property or money, nor do they talk about making people work to achieve their goals.


VoV – different pages? More like different worlds.

Yeah, ther’re always quick to volunteer someone else’s cash… I used to work in a hospital and we all knew about the famous “It’s time for our bath. It’s time for our lunch. It’s time for YOUR enema” viewpoint.


@8–Okay, but clarify that point to only people who have a NET POSITIVE tax burden at the end of the year.

No way in hell someone who has $1500 witheld from their pay for federal taxes and gets a $6-7K refund should be eligible. And yes, it happens.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sparky we never had a problem until about 40 years ago when we suddenly decided we needed to fund everything through the public teat and make people feel better about getting a government check. There was a time when you received a government check that you knew it was a very lucky thing that while you were down on your luck other people were supporting you and you were gracious and thankful and desperately trying to get off of that government support.

Once we decided to make people feel they were entitled to that money so as not to hurt their precious self esteem the attitude surrounding that money changed as well.

If we were to examine the monies that the government offers as an incentive to produce certain behaviors we should not be surprised to find attitudes that correspond. It’s interesting to see that encouraging home ownership through interest tax breaks has created an attitude among homeowners that they are entitled to that tax break and are p1ssed off whenever you suggest taking it away….always humorous to me that folks who take a tax break to avoid paying get upset with other folks who avoid paying also…sort of under scores the class warfare aspect of the tax system….I always enjoy business owners who work out a sweet tax break to avoid paying their fair share later complaining about poor people who don’t pay their fair share…

I think we get what we deserve at the voting booth and I would whole heartedly disagree with eliminating anyone from the voting booth, we all like a nice tax break and we all take them if they are there. I’ve yet to meet too many people who have refused to take their home ownership tax breaks, but I’ve met a lot of folks who own multiple building all of which get tax breaks and incentives complaining about poor folks who get tax breaks that are a fraction of their own….


@15, I hadn’t thought of that. Count me on board.


There’s a lot of people who work (and work harder than I do) and still make less than the tax threshold. My father when I was growing up, for instance: supporting his wife and three kids in the Carter-era rust belt on what a shoe salesman made. They have skin in the game too.

How’s about this as an alternative:
RESOLVED: That no citizen who recieves public relief monies or benefits shall be entitled to vote in state or federal elections.