Yer Friday Afternoon Funny

| September 27, 2013

It seems as if some local officials in western Pennsylvania weren’t very observant when they approved the final design for a highway safety project.  Either that, or they had a “wicked bad” sense of humor.

Scott Township recently had some traffic barriers installed.  They’re reinforced concrete posts, called bollards.  They’re designed to serve as safety barriers.

Let’s just say the design of the bollards is, um, somewhat “open to interpretation.” And not everybody is pleased by the design chosen.

Photo below the break.  (Probably safe for work, but use care around children and youths – especially if you laugh easily – to avoid answering potentially embarrassing questions.)


Yeah, I think I can see why someone might interpret those a bit differently than intended.  And I don’t even want to think about some of the graffiti that’s going to end up painted on them.  (smile)

The pity is that a design with a flat or conical top would have worked just as well – and would have avoided controversy. C’mon, folks: stop and think a little before signing on the dotted line when you spend public funds.

Of course, maybe this was intentional.  It’s possible those who approved the design were TAH readers – and decided that the folks who’ve been busted here at TAH needed a monument.  (smile)

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Dumbass Bullshit, Pointless blather

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Those look like a penis as much as a flag pole does, or a lamp post, or any other cylindrical shaped object… Honestly I think it more humerous that someone got as worked about it as that woman in the article did. I am betting she just went through a whole years supply of batteries for her battery powered boyfriend.


I’m laughing more about the woman’s reaction.

Look hard enough for something to be offended by, and you’ll find it eventually.

Now someone SITTING on those things, yeah, that might be worth a chuckle or three.


Very cute.

The indentation would allow for a metal collar so that chain link could be placed between the posts.

*sigh* And I always thought it was only MEN’S thinking that started somewhere below their belt!


They’d look more like gonads if there were bowling balls or something sitting next to them.

The woman who objected to the traffic dividers really needs to get laid.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Life would be great for so many people if all they ever had to worry about was whether or not the latest road barrier installation looked more like a group of male genitalia than barriers….while an odd choice of shape it’s hardly likely this is the most pressing issue for this woman to be addressing.

Green Thumb

Probably voted on by a committee of academics.


I can share in the frustration that those poor PA citizens feel.

There are four dicks in my office that I can’t do a damn thing about! And just down the hall, like in the story, there are another six dicks that no one can do anything about. Bringing the total dick load on my floor here to – ten dicks!


If you hit one… you’re screwed.


I think she’s just mad because they don’t write, they don’t call…


I’m just waiting for the blue veins to be spray painted on over the weekend.

Then she’s gonna have a freakin heart attack.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@10 without seeing her picture I’m going out on a limb an using George Carlin’s old analogy, how come all the women who object to this stuff are ones you’d never f#ck anyway?

Lewis Moore

At lease they are circumcised. I will take a time out now.

Common Sense

I’m female and I wouldn’t have even noticed if you hadn’t have pointed it out. Outrage over nothing but I bet they’re going to spend yet more taxpayer dollars to change them.

A Proud Infidel

No matter where you go, there’s always some peckerhead that just HAS to complain about something!


I think they should leave them, as a tribute.