13 shot in Chicago
Andy sends us a link to a Fox News article about how 13 people were shot in Chicago at about 10 pm last night. One victim was a three-year-old boy. I guess the most obvious question, beyond the gun control issue, is; why was there a three-year-old out on the streets of Chicago at 10 o’clock at night?
A witness, Julian Harris, told the Chicago Sun-Times that dreadlocked men fired at him from a gray sedan before turning toward Cornell Square Park and firing at people in the area. He said his 3-year-old nephew was wounded in the cheek.
“They hit the light pole next to me, but I ducked down and ran into the house,” he said. “They’ve been coming round here looking for people to shoot every night, just gang-banging stuff. It’s what they do.”
Police spokesman Ron Gaines says victims are being interviewed to determine the circumstances of the shooting, adding no one had been taken into custody.
Since Chicago’s aim was to criminalize guns, I guess they got their wish – all of the criminals have guns.
From the Chicago Sun Times;
The 3-year-old’s uncle, Jerome “J Money” Wood, a rapper who was affiliated with Def Jam artist Durk “Lil Durk” Banks, was shot in the head and died on Sept. 2 in the 6600 block of South Rhodes in the Woodlawn neighborhood.
Corey Brooks, pastor of New Beginnings Church on the South Side presided over Wood’s funeral. He said he was called early Friday to again comfort the family at the hospital.
“They’re frustrated, upset and hurt and disappointed that this is just happening over and over and over in our community,” Brooks said.
But, yeah, what we need is better background checks to keep guns out of the hands of these criminals who will, of course, go to a Federal Firearms Licensed dealer before they transfer ownership of their weapons.
You know, if you replace “gang” with “tribal” and “criminal” with “sectarian” these articles start to sound a lot like stories coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Chicago: America’s Fallujah.
In another news story, New York City is no longer the murder capital of the USA.
That honor has now fallen to Chicago. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/09/19/fbi-new-york-city-no-longer-murder-capital-of-america/
Also, I tnink St. Louis, IL is the most dangerous city in the USA, although I thought that honor went to Gary, IN.
@3, Ex I believe the most dangerous cites (ie murder per capita) are all in Mich. I believe Detroit and Flint trade the title back and forth.
At one point Gary, Indiana was the murder capital of the USA. Big shock, it is right accross the border from Chicago. At the time my father worked at Bethlaham Steel and would add an extra 30-45 minutes to his commute to avoid Gary.
Yep, tough Gun Control Laws do wonders on preventing violent crime, don’t they? /sarc
It just proves that Gun Control Laws and the pols that pass them do little more than aid, abet, and embolden violent criminals by assuring them that law-abiding people will be conveniently unarmed VICTIMS!
The city government wanted to be in control? Fine. You are now in control. It’s time to take out the trash, boss.
Back when Gary, IN was the murder capitol?
I was a recruiter there.
What a depressing shithole.
Richmond, VA used to be the murder capitol, then they started ENFORCING the gun laws. Now, it’s just another mid-sized city. The violent crime rate is higher than the state average, but only about half of what it was ten years ago.
the people of Illinois did it to each other. They allowed their rights to be stepped on, you sacrificed freedom for security. You(residents of Chicago and of Illinois) failed to act. now harvest your sorrows.
Until you take back what is yours: until you fight for your rights- you people of Illinois deserve neither peace or security: Ben franklin said this over 200 years ago and still rings true.
With freedoms comes responsibility: Now cowboy up Illinois- the states job is not to care for you or raise you- Its to keep order.
Since the lefties are barely covering this tragedy the gang members must not have used AR-15s! \sarc
I also cant stand the fact the mother of the victim blames the cops- “cant solve nothing”.
How about provide the cops with info and evidence- with out proof the justice system can not work. Your sub-culture is to blame lady.
Check the mirror lady- before you cast blame.
The locals don’t call it Chiraq for nothing. As to the police, the Chicago PD has been gutted. With a statutory strength of 12,500 it has been trimmed down 9,500 officers. of which less than a third of that number are working at any given hour. For a good picture of policing in Chicago see the blog Second City Cop. http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/
PHJ2 – EAST St. Louis. EAST St, Louis, IL. St. Louis is in Missouri. (Gotta yell. Home is where the heart is… and it
sure as hell ain’t anywhere in Illi-noise.)
@11… Hmmm In the fifteen minutes since I have seen this article I have seen this three times on TV. ABC, NBC and CNN. SO your not quite right in that statement. You might want to become a Politician.
@8, I’m sure making mission was fun. Did you get to wear body armor when making a home visit?
Perhaps Chicago needs background checks to determine who can live in the ghetto.
and now it’s the evil “assault rifle with high-capacity magazine’s” fault (based on caliber and presumably number of shots fired). No word on whether they are even trying to look for the dreadlocked asshole described as firing it.
My guess is that this is the gang-bangers behind it, backed up by the Sinaloa drug cartel, which can and does supply them with guns and ammo. It’s only going to get worse, because Mayor Rahmbo thinks it’s all about legislation, not about action.
Close the schools, make the kids walk through gang-ridden neighborhoods, let everyone know what a control freak you are, but don’t actually do anything worthwhile unless there’s a photo op in it. Does that sound familiar? It doesn’t just apply to Chicago.
Glad I don’t live in the city any more. I’m 15 minutes from the state line. And FYI, DirtDart, Chicago runs Illinois and it won’t be changed unless Quinn (nice guy, but has no clue) starts treating the rest of the state like it matters as much as or more than Chicago. But then, Madigan would have to drop dead in his tracks at the same time for that to happen.
these criminals who will, of course, go to a Federal Firearms Licensed dealer
Well, if there’s one unifying characteristic about gang members, it’s their respect for the law.