Abdo’s life sentence affirmed by appeals court

| August 20, 2013

Chief Tango sends us the news that the 5th Circuit Court in New Orleans upheld the sentence of Nasar Abdo in his conviction last year of plotting to use explosives to kill Fort Hood soldiers in a restaurant outside the gates of the sprawling Texas post. According to the Killeen Daily Herald;

Abdo is currently serving two life sentences on charges of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and possession of a weapon in furtherance of a federal crime of violence garnered Abdo life sentences. He is also serving 60 years for charges of attempted murder of officers or employees of the United States, two counts of possession of a firearm in furtherance of a federal crime of violence and possession of a weapon in furtherance of a federal crime of violence.

From the Associated Press;

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans denied Naser Jason Abdo’s request to consider his initial detention by police a full arrest, which would have made it unlawful and rendered as inadmissible evidence and statements obtained at the time. The court Monday also rejected Abdo’s argument that his trial was unfair because he was denied access to an expert witness.

For some reason, Abdo’s lawyer in his conscientious objector case, James Branum was no where in the courtroom, or more surprisingly, no where in any articles about the case.


At his sentencing hearing, Abdo lamented that he didn’t get as far as Hasan but said he would not ask the court for mercy because Allah is the one who gives mercy.

Apparently, that’s true, because the 5th Circuit had no mercy for him either.

Category: Terror War

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Awww, that’s

Powerpoint Ranger

If Branum was around, there was a strong risk that the appeals court would have upgraded Abdo’s sentence to death.


Hmmmm…lemme look in my bag of “give a fucks”…nope, empty.


I don’t think the term mercy means what he thinks it means.


#3 I am totally stealing your terminology. Wish I’d have known that one when I was on active duty. Too funny.


He’s unhappy…

and I don’t care.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

At his sentencing hearing, Abdo lamented that he didn’t get as far as Hasan but said he would not ask the court for mercy because Allah is the one who gives mercy.

I am hoping as he dies slowly at the hand of a fellow inmate he doesn’t get mercy either just a painful, inconsiderate exit from this life into an eternity of hellfire.


Pam: when I was growing up, the slightly more polite version was, “Ask me if I give a sh!t.” The truly polite version was, “Ask me if I care.”

Those might come in handy in polite company. NHSparky’s version is fine here, though. (smile)

A Proud Infidel

Checking,… NOPE, my Giveadamnometer still registers ZERO!!


I don’t give a crap either.


A hymn for Naser Abdo. Him…….Him……..Fuck him!!

Roger in Republic

I hope he lives long enough to see the air-burst over Mecca.


^^Like^^ @#12.