US accepts rise of al Qaeda in Iraq

| August 16, 2013

I remember when we were told that when US troops left Iraq, the place would return to the peace-loving garden spot that it was during the Hussein years. We knew better, that leaving too early would only encourage the blood thirsty Islamists. Well, now, according to the Associated Press, this administration is admitting the reality of the situation there and warns the world that al Qaeda in Iraq is on the rise. Of course, this admission comes on a day when a car bomb kills 33 people in downtown Baghdad;

“Iraq sits at the intersection of regional currents of increasingly turbulent, violent and unpredictable actions,” Kerry said. “Sunni and Shia extremists on both sides of the sectarian divide throughout the region have an ability to be able to threaten Iraq’s stability if they’re not checked.

“And al-Qaida, as we have seen, has launched a horrific series of assaults on innocent Iraqis, even taking credit for the deplorable bombings this past weekend that targeted families that were celebrating the Eid holiday. And this al-Qaida network, we know, stretches well beyond Iraq’s borders.”

The article goes on to report that suicide bombings have risen from about ten every day for the last two years to about 30 every day over the last three months. Seems to me they would have wanted to do something about 10/day instead of it reaching this point…but that’s just me. Now that it’s a crisis, John Kerry is all over it.

Kerry said he and Zebari talked about Iran and Hezbollah’s efforts to fuel conflict in the region.

“We agreed that we cannot allow them to play on the sectarian divides to recruit young Iraqis to go fight in a foreign war, the same way that we cannot allow al-Qaida and other extremists to recruit young men from Iraq and elsewhere to join into their twisted version of jihad,” Kerry said.

Well, there you go, problem solved.

Category: Terror War

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

have an ability to be able to threaten Iraq’s stability

What stability? With Saddam in place they only had stability because of overwhelming oppression and threats of extreme violence. We have consistently proven unwilling to provide an overwhelming threat of violence or a constant state of oppression that these goat herding turds need to keep their sense of security intact….thus the alternative is an armed presence keeping the separate tribes separated from each other for at least 2 or 3 generations while we attempt to educate them in basic human decency…..who pays for that presence and that education?

If they can’t be trusted to act like people we should stop treating them as such and start slaughtering them the same as any other rabid animal that endangers society. Use overwhelming violence on these 4ssholes until they understand that crawling out of their holes with an attitude is a quick trip to allah so they better crawl out with a smile and a decent work ethic.


lets just leave the middle east alone and let them kill each other off until there are none left. well i guess there would be one left, but we can go shoot that one. personally im surprised that obama hasnt come out in support of al qaida in iraq, its little different than the muslim brother hood he supported in egypt, and the rebels he is sending arms to in syria.

along the same lines, am i the only one that likes the idea of the egyptian army and police killing 500 muslim brotherhood members? these people want to complain about their children being killed in the crack downs, yet just 3 days earlier, there were people being interviewed about having their children at the sit ins and those people admitted that they were intentionally putting their children in harms way for political gain.


@1 – “…until they understand that crawling out of their holes with an attitude is a quick trip to allah so they better crawl out with a smile and a decent work ethic.”

They won’t. They can’t. They’re savages. They’ve always been that way. The middle-east is a shit hole.


I’ve said it before. You cannot go in and fix someone’s country. If they don’t do it themselves, it won’t stick. Give them money and weapons? Sure. Send in some “advisors”? Sure. But you cannot fight the fight for them.

Eventually our polis will learn this very basic lesson.


Wow, that Jawn F’ing sKerry sure does have a grasp of the obvious. It’s apparent that Baracka chose him for his towering intellect.
@2. Give Baracka time, Smitty. He’s still on the golf course.


‘”…their twisted version of jihad,” Kerry said.’

Is there any other kind?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@2 Yeah, if I’m honest I’m not feeling all that bad the Egyptian Army is killing protesters who are most likely AQ wannabes or AQ soon-to-bes…

It’s the kind of situation where one side must win, and the other side must die as there is no peace with muslim extremists….and frankly the AQ side dying is quite a nice outcome in my view.


But…The president ASSURED us during the election that AQ had been decimated. He LIED to us!? Oh, the humanity! Say it ain’t so!

At any rate, these folks should be left to wallow in their own offal. Better that they’re killing each other off than out there killing American citizens.


It is just like Vietnam. Once we are gone the extremists take over again. Can’t mow my neighbors back yard. He has to fix it himself. But it takes courage and guts to say no to AQ and stand up to them. The problem with all these Muslim nations is they all have two factions fighting for control and when we step in, we become the common enemy. If we help them with arms, then we face those arms in a fight. Let them kill each other to their hearts content. But only step in, with bombs, if they export their violence beyond their borders.


I read an article last week about how the firefighters that were killed doing their duty were victims of environmentalists. I would tend to agree with their assessment. Their explanation states that it’s the environmentalists that refuse acts that would clear out the undergrowth. It’s the old, dead, dry undergrowth that makes these fires much more dangerous than a “normal” fire would be. It enables rapid and easy expansion. If nature were allowed to take it’s course, the fires wouldn’t be as bad and as difficult to control.
So the supposed defenders of nature, by imposing unnatural conditions have gotten unnatural and horrific results. Is anyone surprised?
The same thing is true of places like Iraq, Syria, Egypt, et al. If we were to let the natural course of things run in Egypt, the country would be much more stable. If we inhibit that, such as helping one side or another or stepping in on someone else’s behalf, we run the very real risk of unnaturally influencing conditions there.
The people must want democracy. They must want it bad enough to fight for it. They must want it bad enough to die for it. Until and unless they do, if we step in to influence them towards democracy, it will always appear to be the result of Western manipulation. And they’d be right, because that’s exactly what we’d be doing.
The best and most humane thing we can do for Egypt, Iraq, Syria or any country in the midst of such turmoil is to stay the hell out. Let them resolve their problems in their house. Otherwise it will last much longer, and with more problems, than it needs to.


@2 Smitty: I’ve been saying similar things for years. If it were not for their oil, what do any of the middle eastern countries bring to the table? Sand? Dates?

If we invested here in our own oil wealth, we wouldn’t need theirs. We could drill and refine domestically while we continue R&D into alternative means of “forward propulsion” (also known as energy). Let them sell it to China. Who cares?

We could supply ourselves or very nearly. This would allow us to tell them to pound sand (literally). Without that economic tether (noose) we would have no reason to be there. We could watch from the sidelines whilst they off each other…so long as it doesn’t spill over to here.

And, @#4 Nik: No, the polls will never learn this lesson. They haven’t yet.


the president LIED during his campaign?!?!?! next you are going to tell me that sequester is going to take effect, the US will lose even more respect over seas, Iran wont abandon it’s nuclear program, and the debt will continue to rise, and unemployment will not be back under 7% in his term?!?!?!?!


Nik – dead on, the realtive lethality of fires now is directly attributable to allowing 50 years of deadfall to pile up – the resultant hotter fires even kill soil microbes and makes recovery much slower. Might have loved Smokey the Bear as a kid, but objectively, we would have been better off had he been turned into stew and mocasssins.

JarHead Pat

I guess the brotherhood is not liking there day of rage,lololol.fuck them all.yup it’s a massive sinkhole for sure.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@10 That’s a pretty good description of the law of unintended consequences….most nations never think about that law when they calculate what suits their current goals.


@#4, the political class will NEVER learn their lesson as long as they can send OUR sons and daughters in harms way.


Regarding self post @4.

A fella’s got the right to dream, right?


@12. And Benghazi was caused over a YouTube video, too.


LebbenB, you mean it wasnt? but susan rice told me it was!


@Smitty. I’m afraid it wasn’t, my dewy-eyed friend. And the IRS will investigate you for your political beliefs.

Only one thing to do – Go to Lake Charles during Contraband Days.


No worries at all. sKerry will fix it.

(Did you know he served in Viet Nam?)


LebbenB, i grew up in Lake Charles, helluva time


dont know why my name showed up anonymous on that one


Be prepared to go yet again back into that fucking forsaken country once again….i knew it was gonna happen….granted sadaam was a true scumbag….he had no issue massacreing those tho threatened his power so he kept those dickholes in check….now with no real retalliation theyre running wild ….glad i got oit when i did….2 tours over there taifht me that we arent appreciated there no matter what the pao tells stars n stripes or army times….the same ppl who shook our hands and took our money and mres for info would turn around and tell the fucking jihadis when we would be back..which routes we would take ….and the number of troops and vehicles to expect….fuck that entire region.


Aw, great, the next Asscrackistan in the making…


@Smitty. I too have no issue with the crushing of the Muslim Brotherhood.


What I see in the muslim brotherhood is the same thing a spoiled brat does – if he can’t have his own way all the time, he throws a screaming temper tantrum loud enough to wake the dead. With the mb’s, it’s loud and nasty enough to add to the dead.

It’s doing nothing but ruin the economy of Egypt, which was based partly on tourism. That has gone down the drain completely now. I can only hope the things that have real historic value – the pyramids, those ancient temples and carvings – will survive this insanity.