Hold-out Holder

| August 6, 2013

Yesterday Rick Moran posted a piece decrying the absence of our prez from a highest level gathering of all of America’s top government experts on combatting terror. While all these top echelon executives, cabinet secretaries, departmental directors, military leaders, etc., were gathered on a Saturday in the nation’s capital to discuss the purportedly most serious security threat to America and her diplomatic picket lines in the Middle East since 9/11, our disengaged supreme leader apparently thought his golf game more deserving of his attention than a seriously lethal (as defined by his own agencies) threat to American interests. Thus our counter-terror first team met without the team’s leader, the only person with the lawful authority to act on any determinations of that team.

However, that is not the issue I found to be so curious about this gathering of counter-terror mandarins. Rather, I was struck by one particular absence on that list of attendees, that of our attorney general, Eric Holder. In an administration that has declared unequivocally that terrorism directed against American citizens and properties is not an act of war but rather criminal activity to be adjudicated in courts of law by juries of peers, it strikes me as incredibly remiss that in such a high level anti-terrorist conclave, the nation’s ultimate legal authority was not present.

Think about that: we are informed that America is facing the most serious terror threat since 9/11 and yet it is not apparently severe enough to require the attendance of the two most critical players, the commander-in-chief and the nation’s chief law enforcement officer. What smells like a Detroit dumpster about this scenario?


Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Obamination and Holder still think “decimated” means something else, so terrorism doesn’t get the attention it needs and simply isn’t worth the discussion.

Besides, Al Quaeda is on the run – right?


Yeah, Al-Quaeda is on the run…Right for our shores.

This POTUS and his administration HATE America and I can’t for the life of me understand why.


How much can we expect from our working agents and officials, when their immediate leaders are nowhere in evidence? Their morale must be not just IN the tank, but UNDER it. 🙁


I am wondering how long it will be before the American people will wake up and see what is happening. Sure, they are all lulled into a sense of entitlement by the Golfer-in-Chief giving them free shit, but what about when Hadji and Mohammad are kicking down their door? Are they going to just call the cops, since firearms are illegal in most of the nation?

2/17 Air Cav

Well, Sunday was obamaman’s birfday and there was cake to be eaten and foul shots to be missed at Camp David. (Hmmm. I wonder whether that OT name, David, pisses him off. One can only hope, I suppose. But who knows, before he vacates 1600 for good, he might change it to Camp Achmed or something.)

Green Thumb

No surprise here.

Obama and company are more worried about gay marriage than the safety of this country.

besides, he already has the Nobel peace prize.

Mission accomplished.


@2 I agree. I mean I know the Pres has a bad hook shot to work on but missing a meeting like this insults those in attendance and worse the American people he is charged with protecting. You asked the right question. Where does his hatred and lack of care for this country come from? AQ is on the run…right. They just lost hundreds in jail breaks and all they are planning is new 9/11 opportunities. Closing the embassies tells AQ we are scared and on the run. If I were AQ I would be getting all the right signals that now is the time to pull as much terrorism as they possibly can. What the hell is happening in Washington, particularly in the Oval Office? Wait a minute, the biggest thing happening in the Oval Office, I’m sure, is that Obama is using his office putting green to improve his game.


I am not surprized to hear that our President was absent.

I am more surprized to find out that Dr. John Giduck was not there.

Terrororologologists must be in high demand these days.

Green Thumb




They can get away with it because AlQ can fly Air Force One into the Statue of Liberty (remember when it buzzed it a while back?) and the MSM will still cover for him.

B Woodman

Not surprising dat Da Preezie and His Obamaminions were absent. After all, their main concern these days is spying on US citizens (internally), not paying attention to external threats.

A Proud Infidel

When the going gets tough, B. Hussein 0bama goes golfing!!
OR on vacation, to fundraisers, parties, “Goodwill Tours” “Listening Tours”,……..

Holder is probably keeping an eye on those EVIL, racist right-wingers wanting to harass the Administration over “Fake Scandals” like Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Solyndra, the IRS snoopings, ditto with the NSA,……….

Most. Incompetent. Administration. Ever..


You can do ANYthing you want as long as you own the media. Did anyone in the lamestream media mention this? Didn’t think so. Disgusting lapdogs, all of them.


Well, look at the track record of the MSM and the punditry regarding every terrorist attack or mass killing over the past several years. Bring any of them to mind: Sandy Hook, Times Square, Boston, Aurora, etc.

Notice a pattern? The MSM (and in some cases, government officials at multiple levels) were jumping on Tea Party/right-wingers.

Every. Single. TIME. None of them were right, but that never stopped them. Meanwhile, our own government treats veterans like second-class citizens, and spies on all of us, but don’t you dare ask Ahmed any probing questions about why he’s buying a one-way ticket with cash and checking no luggage, cause that’d be profiling.

For eight years (hell, 12 now) the left has been claiming Bush was asleep at the switch or that they knew beforehand, of perpetrated the 9/11 attacks. But when our interests have been attacked since 2009, it’s not a failing of the intel apparatus or this administration, nooooooo….

A Proud Infidel

Q: How many 0bamites does it take to change a light bulb?

A: NONE!! They’d rather sit in the dark and blame Bush!!


No, no, NO! You guys just do not understand. It’s one of those “serious threat” (wink, wink) things goin’ on here. By publicizing this “threat” to the American public he is able to get everyone all upset and focused on the “threat” while signaling to the bad guys that they are free to go ahead with their September games on schedule.

Nuance, folks. It’s all about nuance.

Club Manager

Blow it out our smoke stack Jonn. You had the chance but nooooo, you would not accept Barak Hussein Omama for the Stolen Valor Contest for impersonating the Commander in Chief. There should be either an honorable mention or a run-off with the shit head winner.


Let’s review the bidding:

1. Obama IS arming AQ, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, and their affiliates.

2. Obama’s Court Chamberlain, Valerie Jarrett, an avowed Maoist, called the shots from the White House on September 11, 2012.

3. CIA should change its name to CYA. G-d knows they never provide actionable intel that we can’t get from everybody else.

4. Obama has never lead anything. He’s had advisors, writers, and a damned teleprompter to guide him. He’s the emptiest of suits.

I’d say America is safer with Obama on the golf course.


I agree with DaveO. When the fit hits the shan, he will be out-of-charge on a moment’s notice.

There used to be a sign in my hometown post office with a cartoon that looked suspiciously like Alfred e. Newton. It said “What? Me worry? Oh, heck no! I work for the government.”

Those meetings now, they’re just NOT that important any more.

He defines the term ‘lame duck’.


Hey, don’t worry, people! Bodaprez went on the “Tonight” show and ‘splained things to Jay Leno.


At this point, Obama could tell me that water was wet and I’d still check.