Hasan’s statement to Fox

| July 27, 2013

Fox News says that they received a statement from Fort Hood terrorist and murderer. In the statement, without admitting to his role in the cold blooded, cowardly murder of 14 unarmed people, tells us his reasons;

“My complicity was on behalf of a government that openly acknowledges that it would hate for the law of Almighty Allah to be the supreme law of the land,” the 42-year-old Army psychiatrist said. Hasan then apparently asked if this was a war on Islam. “You bet it is,” he said. “I participated in it.”

Well, yes, we don’t want Islam to be the “supreme law of the land”, we have a Constitution which forbids our government from establishing a national religion. You know, Nidal, the Constitution that you swore an oath to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic at least twice. The Constitution that currently protects us from summarily beheading you in public or stoning you to death and preserves your monthly paycheck because our government can’t assume that you’re guilty before your long-awaited trial.

Category: Terror War

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Death by bunga-bunga!


Keep tying your own noose, Sparky. Take all the rope you need.


Better yet…life…served in a cell with Manning

That shit would be torturous for the both of them

Eventually one of them would murder the other


Will no one rid us of this obnoxious creature?


Don’t care what he has to say. After his shouts during his attack, there is nothing at all that he can say of any interest to me.

Just An Old Dog

Head on a pike. Body thrown in pigpen.


I will donate bacon grease to be mixed into his lethal injection cocktail.

2/17 Air Cav

“An extended examination of his statement, and reaction to it, will be part of an upcoming Fox News special investigation scheduled to air in early August.”

F-You Fox. We don’t need it. Surviving victims don’t need it. Families and friends of those this SOB murdered don’t need it. But, hey, what’s the right thing got to do with anything when ratings are at stake, right? F Fox. By the way, if you went to the linked article, the BIG RED LETTERS proclaim that this missive by the terrorist SOB is a FOX EXCLUSIVE! So don’t anyone tell me that this is not garbage sensationilism and giving voice to a murdering terrorist bastard.

Roger in Republic

Have they shaved this terrorist yet? I say hang him in is wheelchair, ala Blazing Saddles. Put the rope around his neck and drop him ten feet. Pop goes the Weasel.


he acted on behalf of a foreign government? so will Obama now finally change this from work place violence to what we have all known it was terrorism?


@#8: Perfectly Said.


Burn in hell, Hasan. Soon.


his justification is that we would hate sharia law to be the law of the land. considering sharia law violates several constitutional amendments, yeah i think we would hate that here. letting women vote, freedom of religion, freedom of speach?!?!?! even against almighty allah?!?!?!? wow we are an evil country.


Sub human scourge of human civilization. Islamists need to be eradicated with extreme prejudice.

Frank G

why isn’t he dead already?

Club Manager

Every time I read something about this asshole I want to drive down to Fort Hood and kick the ass of the rent-a-cop’s firearms instructor for her only wounding Hasan. Talk about a cost effective solution to a problem.


Putting him in with Manning is actually a pretty good idea. He needs somebody to empty his bedpan once a week.


Which eliminates the workplace violence aspect which opens the door for benefits to the casualties and their families.

Common Sense

I want to know why the creep who kept those girls in captivity for years has a trial next month, only a few months after his arrest, when this evil piece of sh*t still isn’t convicted.

2/17 Air Cav

@19. Because the creep pled guilty and took a deal. I think it was life + 1000 years. The terrorist bastard Nasan is facing the death penalty and under the UCMJ a plea of Guilty is not permitted where death is a possible punishment.


It’s also taking a long time because Hasan has intentionally caused delays. He’s lower than a coward. He’s afraid of the death sentence, which is what is in store for him, and wants to put it off until the sun explodes.

I would rather put him into a rickety spacecraft with an orbital trajectory that either follows Mercury’s orbital path, or maybe that of Venus, with the off-chance that the spacecrafty might eventually be drawn downward by gravity of either planet and crash.

SFC Holland

He should be dead. The Nation should have declared this as a terrorist attack instead of workplace violence. This has gone on too long. We are seen as weak by the rest of the world for incidents such as this. No one respects the weak. America will not do what needs to be done to protect itself. Islam is at war with us. We must be at war with it or we will surely perish. Remember the Egyptians laughing at us in their televised closed meeting? the real enemy is the American and Jew??? Wake up America before it is too late.


If they can ever actually start the trial it should take less than an hour… he openly admits complicity with an enemy govenment and committing the murders. He can still be talking about why when they put the needle in his arm. Me, I am thinking a change to the usual drug cocktail is in order…. maybe a healthy battery acid injection on live TV.