Obama: The media tells me I’m smart

| July 25, 2013

This is from The Hill, I’ll write a little more after I stop laughing;

“It’s interesting, in the run-up to this speech, a lot of reporters say that, well, Mr. President, these are all good ideas, but some of you’ve said before; some of them sound great, but you can’t get those through Congress. Republicans won’t agree with you,” Obama said.

Obama argued some Republicans privately agree with a lot of his ideas.

“I know because they’ve said so. But they worry they’ll face swift political retaliation for cooperating with me,” he said.

Yeah, I wonder if these “reporters” will step up and identify themselves. For one thing, the only time I believe a reporter is when they write what I tell them to write (when they’re quoting me). Second, any “reporter” who would say that to the President obviously wants something. Third, most “reporters” can’t empty water from their shoes if the instructions were written on the sole. So what do they know about economics?

I wouldn’t put a reporter on my résumé as a reference, I ceertainly wouldn’t use one as an authority for my economic plan. But, I’m not the president.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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I bet the reporters say that right before they beg him for a money shot.


Most reporters are “Yes-Men” to begin with – otherwise, they wouldn’t know a good idea if it kicked them in the face.


“What do they know about economics?”

Almost nothing, and most of what they do “know” is nonsense.


Oh shit …. laughing …. can’t stop … I need air … blew our left ear drum … running to the head to stop bleeding!


They write me letters, tell me I’m great…


Now why do you think the Republicans would face swift political retaliation (from voters) for cooperating with Obama? Hmmm…let me think for second….

/sarc off


@#3. Very true, they know almost nothing, yet deep down, they know more about econ than Baracka.
Expanding on Jonn’s last parargraph, I wouldn’t put this President on my resume’ as a reference.

2/17 Air Cav

‘“Now, there are others who will dismiss every idea I put forward either because they’re playing to their most strident supporters, or in some cases because, sincerely, they have a fundamentally different vision for America […]”’

Yeah, those crazy radicals have a vision that’s different all right. They appreciate and prefer capitalism as our contyrolling economic system. They actually think that the Constitution remains the law of the land and that it’s neither to be ignored by a president nor reframed by a judiciary. They like independence, a small national government, and Sousa marches. Believe it or not, some even attend religious services weekly. Crazy nutjobs.


@#5 Brilliant use of Joe Walsh. He’s tearing out the walls of the country and his accountants ass sucks canal water!


My mother told me that I was special.


Yeah, but I’m smarter than the president, so who cares what he thinks?!?


So if you’re so smart, Barruh, when are you going to show us your college records?


Why… I am so impressed with his level of intelligence I promise to vote for him by writing him in for president in 2016 !!!!!

Our entire country is so screwed by this megalomaniac… Every time the govt. touches something it turns to shit and these idiots believe that everything is going just swimmingly…

This man is the total epitome of a narcissist and is a true danger to not only our country, but the entire world as so much in the world depends on the US and he is doing everything he can think of to just destroy the United States. We have to hang together or surely we will all hang separately !!!


Fredo Corleone: “I’m smart! I can handle things!”


Fredo Corleone: “I’m smart! I can handle things!”


Considering he only talks with reporters who have drank his kool aid and kiss his ass, I think we can all agree he is a clueless idiot.
I am constantly reminded of “The Emporers New Clothes” every time he opens his mouth.

El Marco

the empty chair is all talk.

The Other Whitey

When I was 9, my Mom said I did a great job in the 3rd grade Christmas play–oh shit, I mean “unspecified nonreligious winter holiday in no way connected to any offensive Judeo-Christian tradition” play. So, Glorious Leader–I mean, Mr. President, if you’re smart because a few of your adoring low-info followers say so, then I can expect my well-deserved recognition at the Oscars any time now, right?