The Biden defense

| July 17, 2013

KOIN reports that a man in Vancouver, Washington was arrested for discharging his firearm in his neighborhood. He says that he only did it because he was taking Joe Biden’s advice. You remember when Vice President Biden advised women to scare off prowlers around their house by going out on their balcony and fire a double-barreled into the air, right?

Jeffery Barton, 52, pleaded not guilty to one count of illegal aiming or discharging a firearm at his arraignment in Clark County Court.

Barton reportedly admitted to deputies that he fired his weapon while chasing away people who he thought were breaking into his vehicles at 5804 NE 124th St. in the early morning hours Monday.

Deputies are investigating whether a large teen party that got out of control at a neighbor’s home may have been linked to the shooting. However, at this point, deputies have said there was no evidence of prowlers on Barton’s property.

Outside the courtroom Wednesday, Barton cited the vice president in defense of his actions.

“I did what Joe Biden told me to do,” Barton told KOIN. “I went outside and fired my shotgun in the air.”

Well, anyone taking the Vice president’s advice, about anything, deserves what they get. But he should subpoena Biden for his trial as expert testimony.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Gun Grabbing Fascists

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It must have worked or those deputies wouldn’t have shown up. Just saying


When faced with unlawful use of firearm and or similar charge, the “Joe Biden” defense actually is a smart angle. You can bet a handful of PI peso there are several lawyers who want this case because of the “spontaneous utterances” of the defendant. It is lawyer Gold and Silver!


Just because our VP is a moron, doesn’t make it acceptable for gun owners to ape him. Bullets and buckshot don’t stop until they hit something, dumbass. Barton is lucky it was the ground or some other inanimate object, and not a neighbor.


Moron. And this Barton cat ain’t too bright, either.


I say subpoena Mr. Biden as a witness. Put him on the stand. Make him testify and say this citizen followed his advice.

B Woodman

One retard Libtard giving advice.
Another retard Libtard taking it seriously.

I say let the second retard Libtard go free. After all, if you can’t take the advice of our retard Libtard VP Joe Bite-Me seriously, then what good is he?

Oh. . . . wait. . . .





2/17 Air Cav

Biden’s testimony would be worthless. He is, after all, an established liar and plagiarist.


I admire this gentleman’s creativity in his own defense. If Joedaveep says ‘DO IT’, and it’s been in the paper, why wouldn’t it be valid?


The easy answer, PH, is because he is not a dictator. We still have the freedom to ignore him. Or point and laugh.


Ex-PH2: uh, maybe doing it wouldn’t be a good idea because it’s against the law – regardless of who said it might be a good idea? (smile)

Seriously, I think B Woodman nailed this one. This kind of idiocy is what happens when libidiots take advice from one another.

Virtual Insanity


Kinda like taking legal advice from James Branum?


VI: given his recent record as an attorney for IVAV types, I’m thinking taking legal advice from Branum might be in the next-higher level of culpable idiocy.


@4 – They’re all cut from the same pattern.


Hey, some dudes are getting it easy in the courts-martial realm because of what the Pres said, maybe this guy’s thinking the same… I wouldn’t hold out for this being a successful defense, mind you.


PintoNag- actually, firing shotgun pellets into the air is relatively safe – they have a very short range, decelerate very quickly, and light shot like birdshot does almost no damage. It just gets your ass arrested. (For a graphic example, there used to be – maybe still is – a championship skeet or trap range maybe 300 yards from the runways, I think in Dayton – shotguns pointing in the direction of the runways!) Not defending the veep’s BS advice, now, but of all the firearms you can discharge in the air, a shotgun with birdshot is probably close to being as safe as a BB gun.


@17 Good point.

The Other Whitey

I’m laughing my Black Irish ass off, I just can’t decide why. Because somebody was actually dumb enough to take the advice of the Deputy Dipshit-In-Chief about ANYTHING, or because this idiot has made it clear even to the libtards that Biden doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. I know everybody here knows this already, but Shotgun Joe’s only purpose in this administration is to be assassination insurance.


@19 I want to see a viral youtube clip of when the judge tells this guy something to the effect of “The Vice President is not an expert on firearms usage and his advice should not be followed or used in a legal setting.” The snarkier the better.


@3 & 4 – Calling Biden a moron is an insult to morons.

An accurate interpretation of Joe Biden’s idocy can no longer be articulated through the use of the English language.