White House statement on Zimmerman acquital

| July 14, 2013

So, here’s the text entitled simply “Statement by the President“;

The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.

Really? Are we going to turn this into a discussion about gun control? And what about the legislation that failed in Congress earlier this year would have prevented George Zimmerman from defending himself? He legally owned a gun, which means he jumped through the background check hoops, he had a permit to carry the gun, again legally. He had no violent or criminal history. He fired one round, so magazine capacity isn’t an issue, there was no bayonet lug or grenade launcher on his pistol. No flash suppressor, the magazine was inserted into the pistol grip, so it wasn’t on Dianne Feinstein’s list of forbidden guns.

What does the Zimmerman trial have to do with gun control? Other than the fact that it provides an opportunity for various members of the Left to call me a coward on Facebook because I legally own and carry a gun today.

Restricting the sale and possession of hoodies would have had a greater effect on the outcome of that encounter in Florida than restricting the sale and possession of guns.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Martin has as many convictions as Zimmerman, a big 0! but martin has far more run ins with the cops than the media would have you believe. he is a minor, a juvenile, his arrest record can not be accessed. even if he had spend 10 of his 17 years in juvenile hall, you would never be able to find out other than by word of mouth. what we do know, is that martin had numerous run ins with the police. as for zimmerman’s record, you are speculating as to what happened there. you have already found him guilty yet no judge nor jury did. do you know something about his case that no one else on the planet does? how can you be so sure of the events there that no one else knows? martin gets a pass for “no arrest record” when no juvenile has a public arrest record, yet zimmerman, who had charges dropped against him, is guilty? i am so glad that you could share that bit of wisdom with us, does it come with an instruction manual to understand it?

Roger in Republic

Never let a made up crisis go to waste! The libs want to disarm the plebs and they don’t care what the situation is if they can exploit it to their advantage.


@51 Smitty

Preach it, Brother!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@51 I’m not giving either one a pass, I object to folks demonizing the dead guy without admitting the other guy is a sh1tbag too, since there are so many more folks willing to demonize Martin and excuse Zimmerman that’s what I find interesting and disheartening. You are right in that I am speculating in regards to how Zimmerman avoided any probation or jail time or a fine, but my speculation is based on a long view of how things work with our justice system. You don’t have to be a Harvard Law graduate to see examples on a daily basis how the children of those involved in the law (cops, lawyers, judges) get a different outcome than the children of the general public. That US justice is more about who has connections and who has money is not a surprise to anyone….so I speculate that Zimmerman received a different level of consideration for shoving a cop and beating his girlfriend because of who his father used to be, as opposed to how you might be treated, although if you’re a cop maybe you’d get a pass too. So in my mind if Martin is a punk wannabe and all that entails then Zimmerman is a failed cop wannabe who is making up for it with the neighborhood watch…

I think the take away is there are two turds here, one is dead and one is not. It remains to be seen whether or not Zimmerman will be held civilly liable for what he was not criminally liable for….OJ discovered that while he was not guilty of murdering two people he was still responsible for their deaths…Zimmerman might learn the same thing as he admits to killing Martin he’s clearly responsible, and now I expect a civil court will determine if his actions make him financially responsible if not criminally responsible.

This is not yet over for Zimmerman….


VOV, from what I have been reading, Zimmerman probably won’t face a DOJ mandated trial because Holder cannot risk the embarrassment of possibly not getting a grand jury to indict or if they did, of losing his case. The criminal trial and not guilty verdict may have kept Zimmerman from facing anything at Holders hands. Holder has the advantage of being able to placate the frenzied mob by “investigating” and can keep his own skirts clean by never actually prosecuting such a weak case.

Now as for a civil suit, that is another story. From my understanding, rules are not as stringent as far as burden of proof in a civil trial.

You can bet one thing though, those who have a monetary interest in seeing this continue to flame, will keep it front and center on the news, with a compliant media helping all they can.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@55 agreed with respect to DOJ there’s no new evidence and there is absolutely zero evidence on record of him showing a bias during the 911 call. Consequently there is nothing there for DOJ to work with…

Civil trial to follow along with all the attendant hoopla….


VOV: You are entirely correct that it is not yet over for Zimmerman. It will never be over for him. This boondoggle will be with him the rest of his life, and in many negative ways. He will never be allowed to live a normal life.

Meanwhile, it is probably time for you to drop this argument. You are waaaaaay too emotionally biased to handle a constructive conversation. (You already know that I sympathize with your position and the reasons for your being in that state. Just do not want others to misunderstand these comments to you.) If this is helping you to put things in your own background into their proper places, then continuing is fine with me. But, I would offer that perhaps your time would be better spent researching actual facts about this case, even if that is nearly impossible at this point, to determine how vastly different your own experiences were from those of these two unfortunate people.

While you have admitted, VOV, being unable to be truly objective about this case and the facts surrounding it, I suspect that you continue to argue it because of a desire to move beyond that. I certainly could be very wrong about that conclusion, but that is how it looks from here.

Whatever you decide is entirely your option, of course. We will still luv ya and interact with you as we always have. 😉

Now, on the original topic, I suggest that as long as the media and the assorted race baiters etc continue to infer, imply or straight up refer to Zimmerman as white that we call bodaprez white also. Seems fair, after all, and certainly just as valid. They want to continue to make race an issue here? Fine. Let’s at least be honest about it and apply it to everyone equally!


VOV: Florida law – rightfully, IMO – appears to offer immunity against wrongful death lawsuits to those found to have used deadly force in self-defense.

As I understand it, such immunity is not automatic and must be approved in a pretrial hearing by a judge. However, I can’t help but think that an acquittal (vice a declared mistrial or hung jury) is a rather persuasive item. Ditto the apparent attempts by the prosecution to withhold evidence from the defense in Zimmerman’s initial trial, as well as the arguable evidence of bias shown by the judge during Zimmerman’s trial.

I’m guessing any civil suit ends up in Federal court. And I agree with you that that will be a pretty difficult suit to make “stick”. They’ll have to sue on the grounds of a civil rights violation, and I just don’t see that being successful.

Of course, given the rather blatant political pressure used to date in this case IMO nothing should be ruled out quite yet.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@57 Point taken, advice followed

@58 I do suspect another media circus along shortly…


Zimmerman will outlive this story. After all Bernie Getz did. I see Bernie often and he enjoys feeding the squirrels in Stuyvesant Town where I live.



Here is Bernie and his latest project: http://thenewyorksquirrel.blogspot.com/2011/07/natural-squirrel-formula.html

So there is life after being railroaded by the MSM!


no one gets a pass on issues like that. in the past 6 months, ive arrested another officer for DUI and one for domestic assault. just because you have a badge, doesnt mean the rules dont apply to you, they apply twice as firmly. who his father is makes little difference, he was a judge in a different state, and not even that high ranking a judge. no one is giving zimmerman a pass for who he is, we are saying he was in the right in this situation. big deal, he didnt make the cut to be a cop, there are plenty of reasons that happens. he could have failed the written test, the credit check, not interviewed well, who knows. but to repeatedly bring up the fact that he didnt get a job he wanted as anything other then a missed opportunity, is ridiculous. none of this has any bearing on this particular situation.

on the same note, no one is demonizing martin, just saying he earned this outcome by his own actions and decisions. the life choices he made in his very short life, led to this. the summery of his life choices show that he was a thug wannabe. i am pretty sure, if someone told him he was a thug, he would have taken it as a compliment. there is nothing demonizing him in that statement anymore than that martin is a fat ass


I wasn’t surprised by this verdict, a second degree murder charge was overkill and the prosecutors were in way over their heads trying to make the charges stick. Zimmerman should have been charged with manslaughter.

Everybody seems eager to paint Martin as a thug. Trayvon was definitely no angel but neither is Zimmerman; he’s had some previous contact with law enforcement, including felony charges for fighting with the cops and domestic violence but nobody seems to take any of that into account. If Trayvon was a thug based on his previous record, then so so was Zimmerman. Honest citizens don’t assault police officers or beat up on their women.


he was found not guilty of manslaughter as well, the jury was offered both options. the charges previously brought against him were dropped, so that is a long shot to pin on him. no one said he is a saint, just that he was in the right in this situation. im repeating myself, go back and read up on the posts. i hate repeating myself


Just because the previous charges against Zimmerman were dropped doesn’t mean all that much. Charges are dropped all the time for many reasons, and not necessarily because the person being charged is innocent. If you really are a cop, as you say, you should be the first to recognize this.

Know what I hate? Hearing people say they hate doing something and then they do it anyway.

Just An Old Dog

Even the manslaughter charge was a far reach. Manslaughter is usually bought up when its a mutual combat where both parties act aggressively, or if it can be proven that the person who was attacked had control and used deadly force throughout. The evidence pointed toward Martin being the one who began the physical confrontation. Zimmerman pulled the trigger when he was getting his face pounded in and head slammed into the concrete. He could have easily had his skull fractured and brain damage. The “stand your ground” really is a moot point when you are already on the ground and being beaten. Really, how are you going to retreat? dig a hole to China?


Ya know what I don’t get? I don’t get why anyone is trying so hard to find fault with what Zimmerman did. That’s what I don’t get.

While the trial may have been portrayed as a race issue by baiters and a sympathetic press, NO ONE that knows Zimmerman says race could have been an issue, and the FBI interviews confirm his character in that regard.

I also don’t understand what anyone thinks Zimmerman did wrong by basically being what he was supposed to be, a neighborhood watch member and supervisor.

I also don’t understand the number of people who totally disregard the fact the TRAYVON initiated the physical altercation that resulted in his death. Hell, he and Zimmerman probably could have stood there and yelled at each other till the cops showed up, but no, Trayvon escalated it into what it became.

Sorry, but there is nothing there to beat Zimmerman with unless a person is LOOKING to make it something it’s not.

The kid made a baaad decision and payed the price. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


@67 – Yep…


@1953, there are many reasons charges are dropped, but if they are dropped, he is as good as innocent. there are no rulings against him, so speculation on your part as to what happened with them is pointless other than to besmirch his character and make him somehow guilty by it. there are numerous times ive cited someone for an offense and the charges were dropped. i know what they did, but that doesnt change the fact that in the eyes of the courts, it didnt happen. so as far as useing his past against him, there is nothing there


@67 – Double Yep…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

If you can question and malign the character of Martin why do you object to Zimmerman’s character being maligned or questioned, surely you don’t believe that Zimmerman is an honest, upstanding citizen? What could you use as criteria to form such an opinion? I think I’ve said before that both of these guys are shitbags. However besmirching Zimmerman’s character is something Zimmerman did before and during this case. Zimmerman is a liar who has had brushes with the law without any convictions, that’s a fact. He told Hannity he had no idea what stand your ground law was in Florida when in fact Zimmerman had a class that covered exactly that concept and the judge ruled that evidence pertinent to the case. That makes Zimmerman as much a liar as any of these guys in this year’s stolen valor tourney, because it’s a proven accuracy in a court of law. So while he’s not a murdering racist as proven in a court of law, he’s a lying reprobate. If you lie about one thing, you tend to lie about a lot of things as we’ve seen on this website every day for years. I’m no more fond of Zimmerman than any other lying 4sshole in the stolen valor tournament on this web site….so there is nothing in the record that makes Zimmerman a good man for me, the only thing in the record for me beyond his innocence of killing Martin is Zimmerman is a lying sack of shit the same as Monkress, Crocheron, Kersden, et al…either you tell the truth or you don’t, and Zimmerman doesn’t….because he’s a proven liar it places all his comments suspect in my opinion. Maybe because Zimmerman received Ds in class he was too stupid to understand the law, but he was taught the law and claiming otherwise is deceitful at best and outright lies at worst… “I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” ? Friedrich Nietzsche “I have a higher and grander standard of principle than George Washington. He could not lie;… Read more »

Old Trooper

Ok, this is what I want everyone to do: Google DMX or “lean” and then come back and tell me what Trayvon had on him when he and Zimmerman got into their incident. Then I want you to look at the autopsy report on young Trayvon and come back and tell us what you found. Then, I want someone to report on what the effects of DMX are, when a person is under the influence of it.

I’ll start us off. The 3 ingredients of DMX are Arizona Ice Tea, Skittles, and cough syrup.



Martin’s past acts, attitudes, and character are relevant to this situation as it shows why he engaged Zimmerman how he did and why he initiated this confrontation. Zimmerman’s past has no bearing on this other than to try to make him look evil. i have accused martin of no crime other than the poss. CDS that he was suspended for. what i have accused him of is the general attitude i have described as “thug wanna-be”. his acts have shown this to be who he was as a person. you want to accuse Zimmerman of crimes that all charges against him were dropped.

Zimmerman didnt take a class on florida stand your ground laws, he took a class that had one lecture about the stand your ground laws. i dont know about you, but there are countless lectures i attended and got straight ‘A’s on, that i cant remember to save my life. if you ask me what i know about the implementation of the Monroe doctrine, ill tell ya “not much”. ive sat through lectures on it and got a perfect score on the essay exam, but it wasnt something i put into long term memory. somethings that ya are forced to sit through in class arent things ya retain long term.

to compare him to the guys that lie to claim awards they never received is beyond far fetched. Zimmerman isnt seeking rewards, gifts, or recognition, he just wanted to be a cop. that is no crime. if i had to guess why he didnt make it, id say because he isnt very bright.

Old Trooper

@72: That should be DXM. I’m dyslexic this morning.


@72, i have no interest in speculating or jumping to conclusions. i like skittles and Arizona tea, that doesnt mean i have any interest in making lean. you can also use skittles and sprite, how many people here like skittles and sprite? i will fault Martin for what he did and can form reasonable conclusions about his character from his factually known history, but weather he was making drank or not is entirely speculative


Very well said, VOV. Zimmerman is a lying piece of shit; I wouldn’t have him for a friend and I wouldn’t want him for a neighbor. He got lucky and dodged a bullet in this case. If he had been convicted, I doubt he would last 6 months in prison before somebody did a Dahmer on his punk ass. He can enjoy his freedom for now, but he will still have to answer for his actions on The Day of Judgement just as we all will.


i wouldnt say he is a piece of shit, but i probably wouldnt hve a beer with him either. he didnt dodge a bullet in this case, he was clearly in the right. he will have to answer for his actions on judgement day as will we all, but this is not something he will have to answer for

Old Trooper

@75: Then look at the autopsy report. It says that his liver was shot, consistent with dxm use. That’s ok, we can all stick our heads back in the sand and say that Zimmerman was a liar, even though his story never changed and much of the evidence and witnesses agreed with that story. Where do the lies come in?

I’m not saying he’s Saint George by any standard, but to try and canonize Trayvon is imbecilic, especially when looking at the real story.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Karma, in my experience, has always been a harsh mistress.


@Smitty…oh he was VERY lucky. Even if he was “in the right” as you say, a different set of jurors and a more competent prosecution team could have meant a much different outcome.

Old Trooper

@75: Also, my point in this is it would explain what was described by Zimmerman as Martin’s unusual demeanor, when on the phone with the dispatcher, before Zimmerman approached him. Just like a methhead, who is tweeking, or someone on some other mood altering substance.


i have seen the autopsy report summery, i am aware that he had substantial liver damage for someone his age. what i am not willing to do is blame him for having skittles and arizona tea. he was only staying with his father because he was suspended for poss CDS, so we know he liked controlled substances.

1953, any group of jurors that had decided before the trial he was guilty would have convicted him. the prosecution wasnt incompetent, they just didnt have a case to work with and only were on it because of political pressure. so if the prosecution had hidden evidence (they tried and got busted) and the jurors had ignored the evidence, then zimmerman would have been found guilty. so in that sense, you are right, he got lucky.


@71 Well I for one didn’t say anything to demonize Trayvon, all I did is question the motivations for trying to find more than there is to find in Zimmerman’s actions. Strangely enough that’s not something anyone speaking out against Zimmerman can competently answer. That you think Zimmerman is a dirt bag is not any kind of proof that he is. Your two examples from his past are weak attacks that I suspect are simply manifestations of a personal grudge that doesn’t even include the man, and are a great illustration for why we are a nation of laws and not a nation of emotions. I personally would never want to live under a system where the type of litmus test you are advocating is the law of the land, and if you stop and think about it rationally I seriously doubt you would want to either. Unless you want to try and convince me that you’ve never stepped on anyone’s toes in any way, and that there is no one out there maybe thinking that there is a karmic bite coming somewhere in your future on their behalf? His altercation with the police was settled to all concerned party’s satisfaction, years and years ago. His so called issues with his then ex-girlfriend are a non issue without absolute evidence that he did something to her, I’ve seen too many bitter women, my mom included, attempt to ruin a guy by falsely accusing them of crap. And again, NO ONE that knows Zimmerman says race could have been an issue, and the FBI interviews confirm his character in that regard. Most everyone that really knows the guy thinks decently of him, and his off hours pursuits speak well for him as well. He tutors disadvantaged minorities on weekends with his wife. He was a community activist with street cred for trying to raise support and awareness for at risk minorities for years. A died in the wool democrat community organiser. Like some others here have said, he doesn’t appear to be anyone I would hang out with, but he also… Read more »