Temar Boggs; saving the world one person at a time

| July 13, 2013

Temar Boggs

In Lancaster, Pennsylvania yesterday, 5-year-old Jocelyn Rojas’s playtime in her yard was interrupted when she was snatched by a perv. Her mother immediately called police who launched an “Amber Alert”. Teens Temar Boggs and his friend, Chris, heard about the alert and set out to find the little girl and her abductor, according to ABC27 News;

Around 6:48 p.m., the boys spotted a maroon or burgundy colored sedan, possibly a Chevy, on Betz Farm Lane, with a girl matching Rojas’ description.

According to the teens the driver was a male, approximately 50 to 70-years-old.

They followed the vehicle for about 15 minutes before it stopped in the 1700 block of Betz Farm Lane.

“If he wasn’t gonna stop, I was probably gonna jump in the middle of the car,” said Boggs. “As soon as the guy started noticing that we were chasing him, he stopped at the end of the hill and let her out and she ran to me and said that she needed her mom.”

Boggs took Rojas to police and she got her request: mom was on her way.

“He’s our hero. There’s no words to say. I’m so grateful,” said Clay.

Boggs was just grateful he could help.

“[It fees] amazing. Felt like I was on the best game of my life,” he said.

Category: Crime

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NR Pax

Every once in a while, my faith in people gets resuscitated. Good on Temar and Chris.


Is the President going to publicly commend this young man’s heroics and tell the world that he looks like he could be his son??


No, cause that won’t cause a further division in this country.


Yea Philly, if Obama had a son (and before he could run away from home) He should look like this hero. A good guy doing a good deed. Yes it does help my faith in the fact there are good people out there willing to do what it takes to help someone in need.


Pretty sure those two “teens” just graduated to “men.”


Gravel: agreed. And fine young men at that.


Well done, young men. Well done. Thank you.


Two good kids turned into fine young men that any parent can be proud of.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

I agree, well done! Pity they didn’t get to catch and lynch the girl’s abductor!


Was the BOLO for a creepy lookin’ cracka’?


I think that Coke t-shirt conceals a big red S.



Now this is a young man on the RIGHT path to making his life great, not just turning it around. Proud of him!

T-Bird Henry

BRAVO ZULU gentlemen! We need more like you. You are truly a credit to your race, the HUMAN race that is. Good Luck and Godspeed.


Someone get those men College Scholarships.


Very, very well done, Temar and Chris. So long as America, with all her warts, can produce young men like you, versus that idiot Trayvon, the Republic will survive.

If I had sons, I hope they would act as you did.


Somebody get them to a police academy when they turn 21. Damn good detective work. They better not have to pay for a cheesesteak in Philly for a good while. And they wouldn’t be paying for burgers here in Fayetteville if they lived here.

Just An Old Dog

Kids had balls, how many grown ass men and women would have did absolutely nothing because they would have been afraid on “getting involved”?

Al T.

Post # 5, spot on. Well done gents, well done.


Finally – a real HERO story we can believe in.

Good job, young men. They have every reason to be proud, and so should their parents.

B Woodman

There is hope for the human race. Slim, but there. With a heartbeat.