Hasan testifies during jury selection
I’m pretty sure that Hasan is poisoning the jury pool by admitting to the jury that he’s the shooter and that he supports the Taliban as reported by the Associated Press;
Hasan told one colonel that Abdulhakim Muhammad, sentenced to life in prison for the June 2009 fatal shooting of a soldier outside a Little Rock, Ark., military recruiting station, was his “brother and friend.” Muhammad, who converted to Islam in college, has told The Associated Press that the shootings were an act of war on the U.S.
In answering Hasan’s questions based on jury questionnaires they filled out about a year ago, several potential jurors said they had negative views of Muslims, the Quran or Shariah, the Islamic legal and religious code. But they said they could put aside those views and only consider evidence in the case – including a colonel asked by Hasan if “the fact that I do believe the Quran justifies killing” would prevent him from being a fair juror.
The military judge, Col. Tara Osborn, told Hasan several times to rephrase his questions and avoid mentioning his beliefs and referring to himself as the shooter, saying he is acting as an attorney during jury selection. She reminded him that he was not testifying.
Well, she decided that he could represent himself, so Colonel Osborn is the one who will have the difficult job of reining the dipstick in while he turns his trial into a three-ring circus. Half of this group of twenty officers originally tasked for jury duty have been dismissed and other are expected to be dismissed next week when another group will be interrogated by Hasan.
Category: Terror War
Serious case of Dog and Pony Show. This whole thing makes the OJ Simpson case look like traffic court.
@1. Agreed. Hasan the Terrorist Bastard is pretty clever. He has figured out how to make a mockery of the military justice system–and he is doing just that.
No deal … death penalty case … guilty as charged … execute prisoner!
Any questions?
Shoot. Him. In. The. FACE!
Why is he not getting a bench trial, again?
I thought that, if the case and/or unbiased jury seemed untenable, he could be taken before Tribunal of three General Officers for Trial.
Yeah, and the freakin Obama Administration refuses to acknowledge the death of our soldier in Little Rock was an act of terror; and the freakin Congress refuses Congressman Tim Griffin’s efforts to bestow the Purple Heart Medal on this fallen warrior.
@5 The UCMJ prevents you from pleading guilty when the prosecution wants the death penalty. Also, Hasan refused to enter a plea and the judge wrote down “not guilty” on his behalf.
And this train wreck continues on to its inevitable conclusion. The only reason I can think of that Hassan is getting all of this consideration is so that his coming appeal will have no weight.
Master Chief, you have once again come up with the best solution to the problem. Proving why you made the big bucks!!
May have finally realized why this farce continues – they are making a grand power point presentation for law schools and military training facilities on what NOT to do when trying a terrorist!
Yeah, that must be it. There simply is no other explanation. Have tried repeatedly to tell myself that in spite of our appearing as fools to every other civilization on the planet, that preserving our own system of law is worth this circus. But it’s neither worth it nor preserving our system of law.
Permit me to say it again …
They have allowed him to represent himself! That should be a clue for all those keeping score at home. Only he can suffer for inadequate defense and the presiding judge will not allow him to do that … so much! Therefore, he will be found guilty and it will stick! No wiggle room and no inadequate defense claims!
No deal (there are no deals on the table, nor has the procecutters inferred or offered any) … death penalty case … guilty as charged … execute prisoner!
Any questions?
BLUF: He is a “DEAD MAN WALKING” … ah … what I meant is … he is a … ah … “WHEELCHAIR BOUND DEAD MAN TERRORIST NOT WALKING”
Dead mann rolling?
*man. sheesh. Long day getting ready for my furlough.
Should have splattered his brains all over the floor that day he committed this treason.
“Workplace violence”, that’s all. Nothing to see here. Just move along.
Yeah, he really wanted to be a martyr, didn’t he? Anyone can see that.
I’m gonna say Hasan’s future co-counsel on this case is that fricking goat Big Army supposedly has roaming the north boundary of Hood munching weeds,too. *cackle*
In a perfect world, the trial would end something like this: “Hasan, you have been found guilty of Murder, and sentenced to death. Bailiff, you may fire when ready.” And if the Bailiff were to “accidentally” lubricate his bullets with lard and bacon grease before firing, I’d be the first one to buy him a shot and a beer afterward!
VI @13 – yup, me too. I’m lucky enough to be able to pull some extra reserve duty most of my furlough days so I’ll just about break even.
The beauty of what Hasan’s doing is that he can’t bootstrap himself into an ineffective assistance of counsel claim. If you hire an incompetent lawyer you can claim after the fact that he/she did you wrong; but if you represent yourself, your wounds are self-inflicted. Whether witting or unwitting, Hasan is setting himself up for death.
It is somewhat amazing to me that we still allow assholes who have no respect for our legal system to turn it into a circus act and bully pulpit for the duration of their trial. This isn’t new. Mumia did it, and his fans still use that fact as some sort of evidence that ‘The Man’ didn’t give him a fair shake… which is sorta like, make that exactly like, a mugger blaming his victim’s face for his bruised knuckles.
Has there ever been a case where the condemned soldier,spy,traitor or murderer was in a wheelchair at his/her firing squad execution?
I could live with him dangling wheelchair and all from a rope noose around his neck until he is dead, dead, dead.