Kokesh assures us that his gun was real
Local DC News interviews Adam Kokesh about his little video in which he loads a shotgun two blocks from the White House in Freedom Plaza;
View more videos at: http://nbcwashington.com.
Kokesh promises to hold his open-carry march on DC next Fourth of July;
“Now that we have a year, now that we’re doing something that’s much more open-sourced, we’re going to be marching again next Independence Day, and it’s going to be the route that we had planned,” Kokesh told Segraves on Monday. “If people want to march for whatever reason they want to, that’s fine. It’s not about guns; it’s about challenging the authority here in Washington, D.C.”
Yeah, I predicted the last wouldn’t fly, and I predict the same for this one. Kokesh uses his prior arrests as proof that he’ll eventually have his march, but his other arrests were for minor offenses. DC doesn’t play when it comes to firearms. Fair? Nope, not at all, but that’s the reality of it.
Oh, yeah, Kokesh is still calling for a new American Revolution, I guess as long as his participation is early in the morning when no one notices him, like in the video he took at Freedom Plaza.
Category: Shitbags
He’s such an Assmonkey
Looks like Adam wants to play “Billy Badass” in DC with a weapon… I’m sure the DC Metro cops will LOVE that – and Bubba, Thor and Julio will have a new playmate in the local lockup.
Note to Adam Kokesh: We all know how much you want to be the center of attention, but you really do need to find a useful occupation, stop sponging off your parents, and get out of this absurdist theater you set up for yourself, because frankly, you moron, no one gives a damn.
Kokeshi isn’t free and clear of his most recent stunt but the police will work from their own timetable, not his. Thus, on some Friday or Saturday afternoon, or when the news outlets are carrying some stop-the-presses(!) story, it will be “Man arrested for D.C. firearm violation video” on page 16.
I proclaim that I believe in nothing and that everything is absurd, but I cannot doubt the validity of my proclamation and I must at least believe in my protest. — Albert Camus, “The Rebel”
Kokesh, go home. Get a job. Stop wasting my time.
@5. LOVE the Camus quote. Well played, madam. Well played indeed.
I can’t decide if Kokesh is mentally retarded, emotionally stunted or just an egotistical asshole.
Anti-War to pro-revolution. I guess he’s too self-absorbed to notice the irony. And there were too many hyphenates in that last sentence.
@6 – Thank you. I think Kokesh is Door #3 – egotistical, egocentric asshole.
He has — what? and audience of three?
He claimed he was gonna get what, 10K to march with him? Okay, so he was only off by 9999…
ex-PH2 – he has three only if you count the aforementioned egotistical, egocentric, and asshole as separate entities
Kokesh needs to get his head out of his a*s before he ends up as roadkill.
Adam, stupidity is a privilege not a right. Stop abusing it!
This moron looks like the missing dude from “New Kids on the Block”. I wonder if he is “Hanging Tough?”
Probably not.
Actually, he looks like he works for gay pay.
And yes, I need to get on TV and convince people my firearm was real.
If I do not beg, plead, demand and so forth, people might just forget me and pass me by. Difficult to maintain relevance at that point. I mean, hell, Justin Beiber could be a block away.
Much like coming across a nasty fart in a Mall. You grimace, hold your breath, move out of the kill zone and then work your way over to the food court or candy store.
By the time you have gotten there, its forgotten. Much like this assclown.
Sure glad that he cleared that up for us.
One minor correction – DC is only strict on its gun laws if you are not a news reporter.
Kokesh assures us that his gun was real.
Now if he would only suck-start it.
Why is his head so tiny?
I hope he is sterile and never breeds…
Fox 5 in DC is reporting that cops have his residence surrounded and are arresting him now.