Hagel makes Bite Me look smart
Chief Tango sends a link from the Blaze in which Secretary od Defense, Chuck Hagel does his best Joe Bite Me imitation and asks an ethnically East Indian college professor, Robin Gandhi, if he’s a member of the Taliban – ya know because of his complexion and their geographic proximity;
Buzzfeed reported the Pentagon stating:
Absolutely no slight toward any individual in the audience was intended. That’s the last thing the Secretary would do under any circumstance, in this or any other setting. He didn’t know who would be called next to pose a question.
Yeah, given Hagel’s performance at his confirmation hearing, who is really surprised? And now another defense network will block TAH from the troops for being political/activist.
Category: Shitbags
Why would Hagel even let something like that cross his mind, much less attempt to make a joke out of it?
Not funny, you moron. Not funny at all.
Typical political nonsense from your fingers to the keyboard, again. How about you put it in context, or better yet, start doing some actual fucking research before you post something. Mr. Hagel, who VOLUNTEERED during the Vietnam War, and was wounded twice, had just finished talking about the Taliban. After answering a question on U.S. negotiations with the Taliban he pointed to the back of the room and said “OK, so who has a — way up in the back there. You’re not a member of the Taliban are you?” Sick and tired of the continued nonsense you put out. Try sticking to stolen valor or at least educate yourself with FACTS before you write something for public consumption that continually makes you look like a right-wing extremist paranoid asshole.
Yo, Scott! You’re acting kinda “Funk”ie there, pal. Take your ball and go home, let us big boys handle this shit. K?
Scott Funk-calling Hagel out for sticking his foot directly into his mouth is completely fair game, I’m not sure why you think “context” or his service history matters to the issue of whether or not he was an ass.
It’s pretty clear that most of us here do not like Hagel’s stewardship at DOD and call him on it, it’s also clear that most of us come from a right of center political perspective, if you find that objectionable there’s a great big huge internet out there for you to explore.
Yeah, right, Funk, it looks like he was *GASP!* racially profiling, a big no-no in today’s political world, unless you’re part of B. Hussein 0bama & Co.! Are you trying to look like a blithering fool, or does it come to you naturally?
If I, as an NCO, had said the same thing I would be going through an EO investigation for the next three months and probably looking at a Relief for Cause NCOER. But since I am a proud graduate of mandatory EO online training I know not to do that.
Funk: this falls in the same category as Fuzzy Zoellar’s ill-advised public quip years ago about what Tiger Woods might serve for dinner at the Master’s.
Zoellar’s remarks then were stupid, stereotypical, and indefensible. The SECDEF’s remarks today were just as stupid, stereotypical, and indefensible.
Of course, this is the same individual that also publicly stated the “Jewish lobby” had forced US senators to adopt “dumb policies”; that the current Iranian regime was “an elected, legitimate government”; called the US 2007 surge in Iraq a “blunder”; and endorsed a report calling for the US to get rid of nuclear weapons, unilaterally if necessary – all publicly, and all before he was confirmed as SECDEF. So no stupid position he takes or ignorant statement he makes should really be much of a surprise.
Typical. The lefties are always looking for labels to put on folks and somehow translate that to prove their lack of caring for labels. Meanwhile, the rest of us are looking for performance instead of excuses from anyone and everyone.
But, your comments, Jonn, explain how these same lefties can accuse anyone with European heritage (except German, Spanish or Italian, of course) of being a Nazi. You know, because, like, they are so near each other and everything. And the lefties can never quite seem to look at reality and see anything other than their delusions.
Scott: I am probably not a typical poster on this blog. I’ve never served in the military, although a lot of .mils have been and are important parts of my life and I revere them. I did not support the war in Iraq and still think it was a bad idea. I’m a centrist who voted for Obama twice. (I am, however, a confirmed gun nut and civil libertarian, both of which place me at odds with this administration.)
I’m offering all that to tell you, context or not, his backstory set aside, I found Hagel’s comment offensive and unworthy of a public servant at any level. To echo 21Zulu, if as a GS8-equivalent Federal employee I made a statement like that on the job, or even on Facebook, I’d probably find myself on admin leave or a pre-decision disciplinary recommendation for suspension or letter of reprimand. I am sick and tired – and this isn’t a partisan or POTUS thing, it’s an all levels of leadership thing – of our senior leaders holding the troops to one standard, while doing the opposite.
Additional for Scott Funk: Wesley Clark and Eric Shinseki commanded the 1st Cavalry Division and served in Vietnam, too. But, they still get their chops busted on regularly around these parts as well. Next.
And to add to the pile-on, Scoot, I’ve been known to pile on some right-of-center politicians as well. I’ve been pretty critical of McCain, et al, and I don’t think anyone here will question his sacrifice or his wartime bona fides.
So pretty please, unless you have something to add to the discussion other than to feebly attempt to bash the posters and responses to said posts, fuck off. With a cherry on top.
This is the best thing I’ve seen all week. The face that Hagel pulls after he realizes what he just said and the 10 sec of dead air is priceless. Arguably the funniest blunder any acting SECDEF has done.
Someone needs to come up with one of those Mastercard commercials:
ABC, $$
XYZ, $$$
Becoming Sec of Defence, and making a stupid PinC non-joke in front of millions of viewers, PRICELESS.
@2 – Scott? Go Funk yourself – and take Hagel with you.
@ Scott Funk – something honorable done in the past does not give that person a free pass forever, kid. Even Patton and MacArthur get heat for some of their actions.
I strenuously object to the headline. NOTHING can make Biden look smart.
@15 – I second that. While John McCain’s service was honorable as well, that guy’s wheels left the track long ago. Look at him now? He’s off his rocker. He doesn’t get a pass just because of his past service.
…but I still respect his service.