Bales’ plea accepted; Afghans mad
CBS News reports that the judge in the Robert Bales murder case has accepted his guilty plea taking the death penalty off the table for the nearly-40-year-old who murdered 16 Afghans on March 11, 2012. Apparently, some Afghans are not happy with the American justice system;
The brother of Mohammad Daud, who was slain in the massacre, told CBS News Thursday that, “If the United States does not apply the death penalty to Bales for this criminal and murderous behavior, then it shows America is encouraging its soldiers to kill Afghan people, destroy and torch their houses, then come to America (and receive) a Medal of Honor.”
Haji Baran continued, “We do not accept Americans’ law. We request (the) Afghanistan and American governments to sentence to death this murderer. If the American judiciary system gives him a life sentence for these murders, and lets him free in a couple of years, then we will do anything we could, even fight with American soldiers and kill them here in Afghanistan.”
“A prison sentence doesn’t mean anything,” said Said Jan, whose wife and three other relatives were slain. “I know we have no power now. But I will become stronger, and if he does not hang, I will have my revenge.”
As soon as someone else reads the news to the rest of the illiterate, Taliban-supporters, I’m sure they’ll start killing each other over this. I’m not defending Bales in any way, shape or form, but if the Afghans had got this upset over the Taliban killing many more of their citizens a decade or so ago, we wouldn’t even be there now. So, when I see them dragging insurgents out into the streets to execute them, I’ll start caring about their opinion of American law.
Category: Terror War
Yeah, I will confess the opinions of the population of this particular sh1thole will not cause a moment of lost sleep or concentration. But the last line of the quote is great it defines pretty much the entire nation’s modus operandi for the past millenia….revenge…that’s what drives a nation of ignorant peasants. Not a thirst for justice, for knowledge, for freedom, but a thirst for revenge. Revenge for crimes against their god (real or imagined) and threats against whatever else makes goat herders unhappy…
Be glad you ignorant f$ckers that the rest of my nation holds a different viewpoint than I do…I would take my revenge for 3,000 American deaths by killing every last one of you including your women and children. You and your kind are a blight on the planet, your extinction is long overdue.
I think Bales should be put down like a rabid dog, but not because the Afghanis think they have the right to dictate to us.
it’s a shame our justice system is based on suspended rights and not corporal punishment like backwards tribal societies. I’m not defending Bales but as a proud freeman I can think of little worse than sitting in a cell for years, revolving door or not.
VOV. Let me guess, you pulled an F in Political Correctness 101.
@4 also in the 2nd through 4th year classes….not sure why they keep letting me in…must be my otherwise sparkling personality.
i knew this was coming
“So, when I see them dragging insurgents out into the streets to execute them, I’ll start caring about their opinion of American law.”…could not be said any better!
Haji Baran continued, “We do not accept Americans’ law.”
Roger that, Jonn.
@5. Yes, I can tell that you are a real ‘people person.’ So am I. I take mine medium well, usually.
Afghans were paid compensation, which satisfied sharia’s requirement for financial recompense in the case of murder. This is just Aghans pushing for more money because they know we’ll pay.
Well hell. When in Rome and all that.
I say, fair’s fair. Let this one guy hang, and then we can go and round up whatever large number of Afghans we like and execute them, in proper revenge of course, for all the inbred jihadiscum that murdered our own men by shooting them in the back while mentoring the filthy pieces of ****.
Simpler, probably cheaper and of course, easier to just use nukes…
So a bunch of backwards goatfuckers who have been killing each other for 3000 years based on what tribe they’re in or some other perceived butthurt are, well, butthurt.
Yeah, what Bales did sucks. But killing him will not bring your relatives back. He was an aberration, and does not in any way, shape, or form reflect on the United States Army as a whole. Justice isn’t a result, it’s a PROCESS. It was done, even if it isn’t the result you necessarily wanted.
Maybe when you fuckers move out of the 7th century you’ll understand that.
Are the Afghans ever NOT mad? Are Muslim countries ever NOT mad? They’re always pissed off about something, and seem to spend most of their time killing each other.
I think he’s just mad that he’s already spent all of the “blood money” the US gave him.
#16 –
Hey, goat lingerie can’t be cheap.
Wasn’t this the same country that went apeshit when someone burned a couple Korans? What would they have done if this went to trial and hew wasn’t found guilty?
…oh yeah same thing. Business as usual.
The entire Country of Afhghanistan can go screw themselves with a chainsaw.
It wouldn’t take much to change a few words and phrases and turn their entire rant around back on themselves.
If you’re not willing to have it done to you, don’t try to push it on everyone else, ya rabid cluster of goat rapers.
#21 actually yes. By receiving compensation, the families of the victims can not make further claim to justice. It prostitutes sharia and that’s the point the US could make to shut those POS up.
We followed their law and they were fine with it. We are now following our law, and they have no legitimate, Muslim-law-approved say in the matter.
Woodman, that’s chingacabras. Chingacabras. Sounds much better in Spanish and you know what it really means.
Let me see: The Afghans asked the Taliban to chase out the Soviets, and they did, and then they took over and destroyed Afghanistan as a country. So the Afghans asked the US to chase out the Taliban, which we did in addition to trying to give them a kickstart to get up and running again. But we left, and the Taliban moved right back in.
Hell, we gave them what they asked for the first time around and it didn’t stick. I still don’t know why we went back, I just accepted it as part of the ME package. No, don’t explain it to me.
Bales ‘snapped’, but it’s happened before, in every war humans have ever fought. If the Afghans don’t like the sentence, tough bananas. They can’t even take care of their own country properly.
That part of their legend, that they drove out the Macedonian ‘way back when? Yeah, he was on his way to India from Egypt. Maybe he just didn’t spend enough money on the local markets or something.
@17. Goat lingerie? That’s a keeper. Thanks for the laugh.
The interesting this is this–the relatives of the victims are pissed off (and understandably so), but outside that village no one really cares about this and it’s my understanding that they didn’t care much at the time it happened either. Yet let someone “mishandle” a Koran and deadly riots break out all over the Muslim world. Awesome priorities.
OK. Let’s apply Eighth Century tribal values to a Twenty First Century democracy. That will work. Every time
Bales should have been taken out back and beaten to death. Fuck him and the giant shit he took on the rest of us.
As Sgt McDonald would say, “You can’t have it your way, today.”
It’s the OJ defense on a global scale. Threaten riots and violence to sway the legal process.
Wait a minute…..wait for it……wait…..nope, still don’t give a shit what the Afghans think…
#23 Ex-PH2: one minor correction: the Taliban were never involved in fighting the Soviets. The Taliban stayed in Pakistan throughout the occupation and only came to power well after the Soviets had left the country. The Taliban exploited the chaos from the many warlords fighting over the remains of Afghanistan to come to power.
Who are the Muslims not mad at? You cannot reason with folks living in the 21st century who act like it is 713 instead of 2013. They are angry at the whole world for whatever reason pleases their current morning Imam prayer sessions. So fucking tired of these ass wipes and the Administration trying to appease them. I could care less and send a big fuck you, to the “angry Afghan”. We may not be perfect in the US but we have the best system of justice in the world. If angry Afghan doesn’t like that then go outside and blip of a 30 round AK clip and get it out of your system (and kill a couple of neighbors while you are at it). By the way, threats to “start” killing us! When have they ever stopped. As far as I am concerned they are 90% out and out enemies of the USA and the other 10% are just waiting for the chance to become more effective enemies of the USA. I am so pissed about this I can’t hardly write. So fed up with this nation “caring” what Muslims think or want. Fuck them all and I mean all! There, I have vented. Wish I could write as well as Hondo, 2/17 and a lot of you other guys. I know I could have said this much better without stating the obvious…again. Thank you guys for your posts on all things TAH by the way.