Hasan and his “defense of others”

| June 5, 2013

So Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood murderer, reveals why he wanted to dump his own lawyers and defend himself. I’m pretty sure there’s no lawyer on the planet who would let him try his “defense of others” defense that he told the judge about yesterday, because it pretty much goes against common sense. This administration has done it’s level best to keep Hasan from being associated with terrorism and that’s all for naught at this point. From ABC News;

Accused gunman Maj. Nidal Hasan announced the revelation Tuesday as he asked the court for a delay in his trial so he could prepare a new “in defense of others” legal strategy.

When Judge Col. Tara Osborn asked specifically who he was defending, Hasan said, “The leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the Taliban” and its leader Mullah Omar, according to an account by The New York Times.

So, since this is his defense can we stop calling him an “accused gunman”?

Maybe he’s just jealous that Guantanamo detainees get their food crammed down their throats and he wants a piece of that hot action. Honestly, though, I’m a little upset that the judge is going to let him confront his accusers. Making them answer is questions will probably make them relive the horror of that day.

Category: Shitbags, Terror War

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2/17 Air Cav

Oh, this too sweet for words. Hasan wants extra time in order to prepare a case that will justify his cold-blooded murder of unarmed people. In light of that fact, I would ask him to stipulate to the essential facts, including that on a specified date, at an approxinate time, at a specified location, he shot a then-unknown number of people with the intent to kill them. This is too rich.




And so it begins. Hopefully he nails his coffin sufficiently enough to warrant the death penalty.


US Constitution, Article 3, Section 3:

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

Am I missing something, or did Hassan just admit – in open court – to committing treason as defined in the US Constitution?


So his defense is… as an active service member in the US Armed Forces… is that he was defending someone we were legitimately at war with. WTH?

I can understand wanting a pulpit for your message, to try to explain the “why” of an insane act… but this doesn’t even sound the slightest bit rational.

Guy’s a nutjob. Only reason he isn’t called a terrorist is because he was a soldier, well and killing military officers on a base is not exactly an act designed to inspire terror in a civilian populace.


Can we forcibly shave this guy with a chainsaw now? I mean seriously….WTF, over??


I almost hope he avoids execution so he can have to joy of life in general population amidst a bunch of ex soldiers


“Workplace Violence” meme is now OBE.
Maybe the survivors can finally get some support.




H1–Hasan could have been screaming “Allah Akbar!” in there (oh wait–HE WAS!) and it still hasn’t made a difference. To admit it was terrorism the Obama administration would have to abandon their claim that there have been no large scale attacks since 1/20/09 on American soil.

It’s bullshit, but damned if they aren’t sticking to it.


In light of his having admitted to treason, can that added to the list of charges? ‘Course, we can only execute him once…. maybe we can argue that it isn’t cruel or unusual to kill him m-u-c-h slower.


Anybody want to take odds on how long that trial is going to take? Something like forever. That’s assuming it even begins, that is.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This 4sshole can’t get the needle soon enough for me…

AW1 Tim

So, for the sake of argument, what happens when this loser calls his victims as witnesses and they refuse to take the stand, or to be sworn, or even to show up? What happens if they refuse to testify?


Sounds more like a “batshit fucking crazy” defense. Why, oh why couldn’t they have aimed for his friggin’ head?


AW1 Tim: don’t think that’s gonna be much of a problem, amigo. At least some of them will take the stand so they can look Hassan in they eye while they tell the court, “That’s the asshole who shot me.”

If I were a survivor, I’d jump at the chance to go on the stand and – with clinical, cold hatred – testify against the bastard. My problem would be controlling my anger while doing so.

I’m guessing many if not most of the survivors will feel much the same.


Isanova: he’ll never be put in Leavenworth’s general population – or any prison’s general population. His medical condition alone will likely guarantee that. Add the potential for him being offed, and any prison will keep him in their protective custody area for however long he’s there.



Daily media updates with Hasan spouting his bile is going to chip away at the administrations workplace grumpiness position.


I hope the wounded and families of the slain sue the department of defense regarding their unjust classification of events and get the benefits they rightfully deserve.

This administration is fucking pathetic.


“I’m pretty there’s no lawyer…”

Are you sure you’re pretty?

As to the traitor:

You know the old quote about treason never prospering? Well, it does and non call it, just like predicted.

Personally, I’d like to see every *uniform wearer of rank that signed off, or acquiesced with this “work place violence” tag for obvious treason to be dragged out into the public square, stripped and whipped bloody.

*uniform wearer of rank as opposed to, and in direct opposition of military leader.

We have many many uniform wearers of rank these days but are desperately short of military leaders.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, about the witnesses. They are screened by the prosecution. Some of them can testify as to what where they were and what they were doing when they were shot. Others can testify that they saw the shooter clearly and identify him. Not all of hose who were hit need be called and if anyone is adamantly opposed to testifying, well, let’s just say they won’t be testifying. If Hasan asks any of the prosecution’s witnesses any questions (Q: “Are you certain I was the shooter?” A: “Yes, you murdering bastard.”)

2/17 Air Cav

I didn’t finish that comment in 21 but I see that it’s really unnecessary.


@17: Hondo, he could be put in general population at FMC Springfield or FMC Rochester.

As for the protective custody part, he would have to make the request and it would be investigated. If it was unfounded, he’d be sent back to the general population unless he refused to go back to the yard.

I would love for him to come to the Bureau of Prisons (BOP). One of his victims and a friend of mine (we served together at JTF-GTMO was MAJ Caraveo. He was also a former employee of the BOP as well. It would be interesting to say the least.


Trent: in theory, he could end up in the general population at either. In practice, I’d be shocked if he did.

No warden is going to take that chance. They won’t want to deal with the complaints of abuse and/or lawsuits that would inevitably result from Hassan being in their prison’s general population.

Even among a group of prisoners with special medical needs, I’m guessing someone would try to take him out.


Can we expect an “I am Nidal Hasan” video soon from Hollywood?


I want the term “work place violence” changed.
Fucking yesterday!!
Those 13 soldiers were killed in a terror attack. The injured and the surviving family members deserve more than what they have been reduced to. Period. Treason is a good start.

2/17 Air Cav

@25. I understand that the proposal is on Security Adviser Susan Rice’s desk as I write this. She specializes in videos.

AW1 Tim


There were 14 deaths, not 13. One of those murdered by the islamic terrorist Nidal Hasan was pregnant. I do NOT understand why the prosecution refuses to recognize that 14th life that the islamic terrorist Nidal Hasan murdered in cold blood.


“I do NOT understand why the prosecution…”

The answer to that is oh so simple and stares each and every one of us in the face every time we look at a mirror.

We, the citizens, allow them to play these games. We content ourselves with whinging and moaning, but we sit on our hands and do absolutely nothing about it.


Oh, I don’t know. Maybe forcing him to live in his own shitty diaper for the rest of his life would be appropriate. Feed him ham and cheese sandwiches.


Trent, are you saying FT Leavenworth wouldn’t be good enough for him? lol

Roger in Republic

Dig a hole ten feet deep. Dump the murdering dog out of his wheelchair and drop him in the hole. Drive a truck over the hole and remove the keys. Walk back to town and have a few beers. In a year or two fill in the hole.


My view is that we drop the court martial and let Texas try him for 14 murders. This fucking farce would be over and done in 6 weeks. Inshallah, dickhead.


What I’m afraid of is that, in questioning them, he will be hitting the appropriate switches to trigger their PTSD. I was only undergrad level psych, but even I know how to do that from those classes. This creature was graduate-level or better. If he is allowed to question them, he will re-inflict old injuries and inflict new ones with just his words.

B Woodman

Throat punch. Then allow to choke without anyone giving first aid.
The Mama Cass death-by-choking-on-a-ham-sandwich.


@33: Nice. Texas still knows how to handle this sort of thing.

@34: FWIW, remember his fitreps. He wasn’t a terribly competent shrink even before he went on his killing spree.


I wouldn’t call it terrorism any more that that asshole who threw a gernade in his own army barracks in Iraq. I call it treason, turning over to actively fighting on the enemy’s side. Workplace violence is a stupid term that stinks of politicians scrambling for something to call it


Isanova – there is a marked contrast between your attitude here and on the posts about Breanna Manning. Seems the only difference is that Manning’s finger wasn’t on the trigger, but he certainly enabled troops and allies to wind up dead… perhaps it is comprehensible why so many posters want similar punishments?


I like Roger in Republic’s idea of the oubliette, but it needs a manhole cover with breathing holes added.



I don’t see anything Manning released as leading to anyone’s death, but like everyone else can only rely on the info released by the military. Maybe it’s because I am liberal or conservative depending on the issue at hand which makes me seem different.


I don’t see anything Manning released as leading to anyone’s death

Still sticking to that bullshit, are ya? You be happy if the Taliban basically advertised it?


The only thing I have heard is that the US claims they found a list of active personnel at OBL headquarters when SEAL team 6 found him. Given they didn’t secure the site for review and investigation I’m not wholly sure I believe that to start with. Even then, I don’t personally understand how knowing someone’s name helps in killing him unless you’re into sorcery warfare or something, maybe you can explain it to me though.