Gawker’s Ken Layne; Don’t steal glory from living veterans

| May 26, 2013

I don’t like Gawker. They steal my stories without giving me credit, and since traffic is the currency of blogs, they are taking food out of my mouth (not that it’s a terrible thing, but still…). Now they published this POS article that some dingus in San Francisco named Ken Layne wrote telling us veterans that Memorial Day isn’t our day; On Memorial Day, Don’t Let Living Veterans Steal Glory From the Dead.

Gawker’s military affairs desk is angry because year after year, the lamestream media puts out a bunch of pictures of 100-year-old veterans having a BBQ or wearing their old war hats. This is not the reason for Memorial Day. Memorial Day is to remember the dead, and to open the swimming pools for the summer, and to get a new mattress if necessary.

Well, let me ask you, Mr. Ken Layne, who should the media be interviewing? Tombstones? That would make a very boring news day, wouldn’t it, dumbass. The memories of our honored dead reside in the words of the people who lived and fought beside the interred – where else would the media go to hear the stories of those heroes if not those who have survived.

It’s hundreds of thousands of living veterans who are streaming through the streets of Washington, DC today on their motorcycles, to memorialize their comrades in one of the greatest tributes ever conceived.

till, it’s Memorial Day, not Alive Veterans Day.

Unless the veterans profiled around this weekend’s special advertising sections by America’s Media are zombies, this practice is unpatriotic and morally wrong. It is Memorial Day.

Celebrate this day with the proper solemnity. It is “okay” to exclude living veterans from your parties and trips to Mattress Land.

Yeah, Ken, well if it wasn’t for the living veterans who tell the stories of our departed comrades, you’d quickly forget…I’d bet money on that. It seems to me the whole point of your idiot article is that you’d rather not be reminded by the visages of living veterans of their fallen comrades. So, keep your $.02 to yourself and complain about all of the living veterans to your neighbors while you’re doing your level best to forget about us this weekend.

Category: Media

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Can you say dumbass elitist??

Bam Bam

Wow! What a tool.

Just an Old Dog

I guess this Fuggnugget doesnt know we have a veteran’s day.

NR Pax

Mr. Layne, you are allowed to write things like that and not end up eviscerated in a back alley for two reasons.

1. The men and women in those graves.
2. The living men and women who are too civilized to physically correct you.

Dave Thul

There are plenty of places across America, my hometown included, that blur the line between honoring our war dead and honoring veterans in general. But we are living in an age when less than 1% of the population serve, so it’s natural that the line gets blurred.

2/17 Air Cav

@5. That’s all over the place–the blurred line, I mean. My church annually honors its Veterans on Memorial Day and I never participated. Then, it dawned on me that I could stand to represent those who cannot stand for themselves. So, I processed with the other Veterans, carrying–squareley–a cap, for the Fallen.


Gawker is Swahili for ‘vinegar based cleanser of female genitals’. True story.


I say “thank you” to the living and the families of the fallen because I can’t say “thank you” to the dead.

As for that tiresome idiot, Ken Layne, you should realize that you are reading a piece of writing from a person of mediocre talent stuck for a topic. He’s trying mightily to be creative and to find a different and interesting point of view.

Yeah, I read that essay about how to write for school assignments in high school, too. The difference between me and Ken Layne is, I wasn’t impressed.

Just Plain Jason

Us living veterans live on for the ones who have died.


Gawker has gone full retard!


There are, and will always be, idiots in the crowd. Some of them are hecklers, some of them put their drivel in writing. It’s free speech. And we have the right and the freedom to disagree with them.

Ain’t freedom grand?


You learn something new every day.

Today, I learned:

1) There is an individual on this planet named Ken Layne.

2) That individual wears his ass for a hat.

I wonder what joys tomorrow will bring!


In my community, I am sad to say, Memorial day has become a day to remember mom, sister, kids, anyone who has passed away. Now I agree they all should have their day of remembrance and they should be remembered. I remember my mom on the day she passed away. BUT NOT MEMORIAL DAY!!! It is for and only for fallen veterans. I don’t participate in anything that is generic to “we mourn all their losses”. I mourn the loss of veterans who gave their lives in service to our nation or have died since their service. I guess you can always tell a journalist who hasn’t served. I have not written anything important here or new. Just wanted to get it off my chest. Please, USA, keep Memorial Day for what it was purposed as and only for that purpose.


@12 LMAO I needed that. Was getting pretty wound up.


Okay…I just read the link to Gawker’s story. Now I am all pissed again. What a turd! If I weren’t so proud of my dead father’s simple CIB I would love to shove it up his ass sideways!

Pineywoods NCO

This fuckstick needs to pull his head out of his ass!! But also I think every veteran needs to beat this dumb worm down.

Liberal media turd powder sniffing fuckstick.


Sparks, may I suggest that you use a 4 inch piece of 1X2 with 12 10 penny nails driven through it at different angles? I’m sure Mr. Lane would enjoy it, and you won’t render the CIB unfit to be touched by human hands.

2/17 Air Cav

“They [Southerners] invented Decoration Day, when the survivors and later the descendants of the war dead went to the family plot, adorned the gravestone with flowers, and had a “dinner on the ground” over the rotting remains of the Civil War soldiers.”

That’s from this San Francisco treat’s piece. I like his sensitivity, especially the way in which he honors our war dead with that inspired prose, don’t you? But he seems to have a bit of a problem with his Dixie countrymen. And that’s fine. I have a problem with faggots like him.

Roger in Republic

One thing you can say about duchebags, they will always do duchebagery. They are lucky to have the First Amendment to protect them because they have no right otherwise to criticize our service.

A Proud Infidel

Ken Layne is another piece of living proof of how right Ron White was when he said “No matter what you try, YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID, stupid is forever!!”. I’ve never heard of Ken Layne before, but yeah, he DOES sound like a snot-spined limpwristed elitist that has had his head up his ass so long it’s caused him brain damage from oxygen deprivation!!

MrGameandShow formerly C2

Nobody even on the Gawker comment sections even believed what this guy wrote. Thaat was truly embarrassing.



Only scumfucks like the Gawker Network would allow such disingenuous hate for service members to be posted for a memorial day article. Any self respecting business wouldn’t allow blatant attack piece of southerns, veterans, and fallen service members to stand. What an absolutely awful attack piece by a pussy whom thought he was hip, but now only allows comments he moderates to be posted on his vile shit stain article.

No way in hell this turd burglar celebrates memorial day, veterans day, or armed forces day. Instead his contempt for the true 1% is very obvious.

Dickbreathe should be fired and Gawker should apologize. This is easily one of the most vile and ridiculous articles I’ve ever read from a large web domain from within our own country against our own citizens.


@17 Thanks. A good and better idea. My father would be proud of you.


May 22, 2013 — Wednesday Dear Children (Afghanistan, Baltimore, New York City, Melbourne), The U.S. Supreme Court allows that to falsely proclaim oneself “U.S. Navy SEAL Team 4” is but a “mere résumé embellishment.” But as our Nation prepares for the May 27, 2013, day of remembrance for the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, words from another time might help stay the resolve of those brave hearts that ache at the idea of “mere résumé embellishment.” When John (Jack) Ogden Carley died in 1962, many paid him tribute — Frank R. Ahlgren, editor of The Memphis Commercial Appeal; Buford Ellington, Governor of Tennessee; John L. McClellan, Arkansas Senator; Lt. Gen. W.K. Wilson, Chief of Engineers; J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. For good cause The Commercial Appeal framed Jack as “one of the truly revered figures in southern journalism.” For 39 years he had been a member of their staff and for 22 of those years he was Chief Editorial Writer. In the first of those 22 years, on June 3, 1940, The Memphis Commercial Appeal wrote of Jack Carley’s words: “They lie who say that Democracy is decadent and that might shall triumph over right,” Jack Carley, editorial writer for The Commercial Appeal, told several hundred persons gathered yesterday for a memorial service amid the white crosses over soldier dead in National Cemetery. “Democracy yet remains the best national system devised and this Nation represents the greatest undertaking for democracy which could be conceived,” Mr. Carley added. As an invocation, the Rev. C.C. Rooney of St. Peter’s Catholic Church, a veteran himself, recited the solemn and sonorous lines of Kipling’s “Recessional,” setting the tone of the occasion and leaving the audience quiet and receptive. Mr. Carley’s address follows: “Mr. Commander, Comrades, Members of the Auxiliaries, to all free men and women present: “The hallowed soil on which we stand has been bought by those whose bodies rest within at bitter, sacrificial cost. “This is no place for platitudes. This is no time for tears. They who have… Read more »


He lives in San Freaksicko, people. Take his bullshit drivel for what it’s worth based on that little tidbit and work from there.

Mr. GameAndShow Formerly C2

Wrong thread, Bill. I think you meant to post this in Monkress thread.

Green Thumb

Fuck Ken Layne.



In a somewhat perverted way, I am proud that we as a country allow our insane citizens access to public means of expressing themselves. Most often, their ramblings are just entertaining.

Expressing contempt for every citizen who has lost a member of their family or a dear friend to a hostile force is a pretty good way to alienate almost everyone in the country because very few of us have not been touched in some way by the loss of a loved one in some war.

Way to go, idiot! You have reduced your number of friends and supporters to only a very few. And here’s a clue: most of them want to kill you.

Ptolemy in Egypt

Ken “Pukestain” Lain…probably sits around giggling about this and talking about how erudite he is with his pal, Chris Hayes.


It’s actually pretty sad, but I remember when Layne was worth reading… back before the turn of the century. GWB refusing to allow the ’00 election to be stolen by Gore, and then 9/11 proving Layne’s beliefs about the nature of the world wrong, drove him permanently around the bend.
Reading him now is like seeing some babbling meth-head standing in a self-created yellow puddle, shouting at passersby about how the Supersonic Nazi Aluminum Hellcreatures from the Hollow Earth secretly control the banking system; and realizing it’s a guy you went to school with.


Well, it’s late. I’m willing to bitch-slap Kenny in person, if anyone wants to go drag him to my front door. Smack him till my arm hurts, then make him mow the lawn, clean the birdbath, fill the birdfeeder, take the knots out of Mikey’s coat, and then clean the catbox.

It’s just a shame that pimmples like Kenny don’t truly appreciate what the living went through to be able to salute the glorious dead.

But Kenny is a goat, so let him bleat on. Some day, someone will make a sandwich out of him. =^..^=