Even More on that “IRS Thing”

| May 15, 2013

It’s beginning to look like the politically-motivated abuses at the IRS have been around for a while longer than originally thought.  And it also looks like they may be a bit more expansive – both organizationally and in scope – than originally reported.

Here new highlights that have been reported over the last 24 hours or so:

Yes, the above appears to draw a rather troubling picture.  But don’t worry.  The Administration has everything under control.  Nothing to see here; move along.  “Pay no attention to the man behind the screen.”

Or the names on the “enemies list”.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime, Politics

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Hack Stone

“SSHHH!! Nothing to see her, uuhhhmm, uuhh,… Does anyone want to ask about his…. Uh hmmm, last round of golf? Come on, it’s no big deal, it’s in the past, right?”

Yeah, sure.


I spent four years as a contractor for the IRS in New Carrollton during their huge “Tax System Modernization” effort in the late 90’s. The sheer pettiness of the rank-and-file union employees knew no bounds, so none of this surprises me in the least. Reminds me of the time this IRS agent who got pissed that I, a mere contractor, had a bigger cubicle than she did so she reported it to the union who whipped out some arcane list of agreements that literally had floor space requirements for employees based on seniority. Or the time “NO CONTRACTORS” banners went up all over the building during the 1998 budget cycle…but I was assured “nothing personal, just protecting our jobs”, despite the fact we were the only people on the project physically working on the problems. Yeah. You can’t spell “partisan shitbags” without IRS.


Even IF they find the guilty parties, will they be allowed to even remotely discipline any of them without a huge squawk from the AFGE?


Hondo, article this morning that the FBI is investigating the IRS:


and one from Forbes regarding the AP, with some interesting sidebars:



Da, comrade, is left/liberal politics. In Soviet Russia, taxes make you pay!!


We could start by giving everyone hired since 1 Jan 09 their walking papers. Then look at every union member remaining and fire at least half of them.


I feel like this is the political/news equivalent of a small snowball at the top of a very long, steep hill covered in that nice sticky fresh wet snow…It starts slow, but when it gets going, man, what a ride!
Get your ringside seats now, fellas. This one is going to be fun.


Between this, Libya, and the AP story, Carney has got to HATE his job right now.

Add in Fast and Furious, along with all the other ‘little’ events and all I see is either a President that allows his people to break laws and lie under oath, or is completely clueless about what is really going on in his administration. Either way, that makes baby Jesus cry.

El Marco

latest news article I saw says the IRS Commissioner has identified two “rogue” IRS employees that were behind this.

Really? They can’t be more creative than that?



That noise you heard was me laughing so hard I fell off my chair.


Rogue my ass… He contradicted the IG report with that statement.


Those were just the first two to accept the offer. The conversation went something like, “You get to keep your gubmint pension and health insurance, but you need to resign right now. You will also get a very nice little stipend from Media Matters. Oh, but you need to take a vacation starting immediately that keeps you unavailable for comment or questioning. We have a jet warmed up waiting for you. Here’s a couple things for you to sign before you leave.”



Looks like Holder isn’t getting out of it, but is definitely making excuses:


Strange: if he recused himself as he claims, he should absolutely know what the date was when he did that. Short term memory loss is not a good sign.

But he thinks it’s okay to scold Issa:


What a jerk!


The (now) daily press briefing is at 6pm. Or so, depending. (Wonder what it means if he actually shows up on time?)


OWB, don’t count on his showing up.


He has a statement to read on the IRS thing. He called it and has sent out the advance copies. They are considerably less than a typed page! Bet that he takes no questions, unless there are a couple of planted questions in the room.

Oh, never mind. The one page deal is about Benghazi and those emails.



I AM WAITING WITH BATED BREATH. (NOT) (Sorry about the all caps.)


It was just a minute amount of cover. Nothing more. Said that the Treasury Sec had asked for and accepted the resignation of the head of the IRS. Big whoop.


Ye-e-e-esss. I don’t care how much he tries to deflect attention from #1 (Benghazi) and #2 (AP), they are not going away on him.


In spite of my personal feelings of horror at the sacrifice of our personnel in Benghazi, I am tending to think that this IRS scandal really is the most important. It impacts every taxpayer, not only in their pocketbooks but in their medical records, with immediate effect.

That in no way should be interpreted to mean that the Benghazi investigation should slow down one little bit. The administration is counting on us to collectively find the IRS to be more problematic and must be hoping that we demand that it occupy everyone’s attention right now.

Both need to proceed with all speed. Then maybe I can gin up some concern about the AP?

Hack Stone

So, Steven Miller has resigned. I saw this on Drudge:

Steven Miller then the acting IRS Commissioner, described the two employees as being ‘off the reservation,’ according to the CNN source.

He wasn’t forced to resign because of the targeting of tea party applications, he was forced to resign for using the culturally insensitive phrase “off the reservation”.


OWB, good call. Deflection draws attention away from the other two, more important issues.

Hack Stone

This IRS scandal is getting way out of hand. This morning they were reporting that the IRS wanted access to membership rolls, facebook accounts, and internal office memos of organizations applying for tax exempt status. This afternoon it was revealed that the IRS wanted to know who they voted for on American Idol.


This afternoon it was revealed that the IRS wanted to know who they voted for on American Idol.

I dunno, that might be legitimate. What if your members voted for Sanjaya?


Here’s a 2010 article that indicates it goes back much further than 2011.


American Idol??? WTF?????