An Interesting Musical Perspective

| May 9, 2013

Saw this and smiled.  Then I thought MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) – and a few other regulars here at TAH – might get a chuckle out of it too.

Remember that Korean rapper “Psy”?  The one responsible for “Gangnam Style” – along with some truly vile anti-American crap from several years ago?  And who later issued an obviously “crocodile tears” apology for his earlier garbage when he got invited to perform for the POTUS, claiming his previous anti-American screed was just a “deeply emotional reaction to the war in Iraq”?

Well, it seems as if some folks in the US music industry just aren’t Psy’s fans.  In particular, the outspoken lead singer for the group Green Day – Billie Joe Armstrong – doesn’t seem to be.

On his Instagram account, Armstrong recently wrote (referring to Psy):

“This dude is the herpes of music.  Once you think it’s gone, it comes back.”

Can’t say I’ve ever been that much of a Green Day fan.  But after reading the above I just might have to give them another listen.

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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Fuck Billie Joe Armstrong, he is just trying to pass off that title onto someone else.


Billie Joe was simply speaking what was on his mind, nothing wrong with that. lol!


Fuck Green Day. Fake ass clowns. Oh, and their best song is just canon in d anyway.

Green day is also a collection of morons. For one of their albums they wanted a pic of them burning an American flag on the back. At the photo shoot, and before a Rolling Stone guy, they debated this and decided not to because they thought it might be illegal. How punk rock…and how ignorant of the 1st.


Yeah, I don’t think you are going to like Green Day…


It wouldn’t be worth it to me. Green Day spews the same crap daily that Psy said once. They are a thousand times more anti-American than some Korean popper could ever be.


I still enjoy old school Green Day, new school follows the “punk” ideal of Bush was bad and America should apologize for what they’ve done to the world.


Love the old green day. After warning they just got weird. He does say some funny shit sometimes. He’s from California what do you expect?


Let’s put it this way–drop Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, Pearl Jam, and The Exploited into Coachella, fill the place up with their “fans” and cook off a Nork nuke.

Problem solved.

2/17 Air Cav

@10. I heard of Pearl Jam but, quite frankly, I’d rather listen to Pearl Bailey.


I always found it pretty funny how RATM called for the destruction of our government, capitalist system, etc., but only when doing so from the safety of their mansions in the Hollywood hills.

Hypocrisy, personified.


I have always enjoyed some of Greenday’s music. It has a lot of variety and is easy to listen to for punk music. I really don’t like their anti American stuff they made while Bush was president. Funny how most of it stopped in 2009?

I think Billy Joe is commenting purely on the aesthetics of Psy’s music. At least we can agree it does sound like a pustule looks.

I agree this broken clock might be right again in 11 hours and 59 minutes.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@12 Nothing new there…musicians and actors are among the worst hypocrites in our society.

They write songs about breaking every law known to man and when some 15 year old downloads a tune from a peer to peer site the artist immediately uses their legal team to slap the kid with a cease and desist (which is certainly their right to protect their legal property, but still ironic and hypocritical).

Actors make a great deal of money portraying the worst elements of our society from serial adulterers to serial killers…and many of these actors are themselves addicts and adulterers…but they want to lecture the rest of us on morality or politics….hypocrites all….

I keep hoping that our society will eventually realize that the true heroes in our nation don’t need to be a constant source of attention and fame, that the actual heavy lifting that makes the nation strong, and bright, and great is done every day by countless millions who actually do the work of the nation. That’s what is truly admirable not some skank who is constantly photographed panty-less in a crowd…


Green Day spent their time in the limelight bashing US servicemembers and America.

This is like two Occutards arguing which of them smells worse.


Green Day are lefty punks, but I like 21 guns.


The one RATM guy, the guitarist, name escapes me (Tom?), wondered in an interview how businessmen “sleep at night” while they have so much money and people are going hungry around the world.

He did this while having a net worth that is more than I will make in my entire life. And I’m paid pretty damn well.


Also, as a note, I like RATM’s music for some reason but I always figured they’ve hit their “maximum wage” and steal it all off the internet.

CC Senor

I’m finally over teenage angst, so bring back do-wop.


“I call it treason against rock ‘n’ roll because rock is the antithesis of politics. Rock should never be in bed with politics. … When I was a kid and my parents started talking about politics, I’d run to my room and put on the Rolling Stones as loud as I could. So when I see all these rock stars up there talking politics, it makes me sick. …. If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we’re morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal.”
? Alice Cooper

I just wish musicians would stay OUT of politics, although Dylan was the forerunner in bringing politics into music. I just lose respect for them.


@17–that’d be Tom Morello. Great guitarist, even if he is a ‘tard.


Hondo–but some do. And for the most part, they’re the same people who depend on Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert for “news.”


Fuck Green Day. My brother got back to Germany from a tour in Iraq in 2003 went to a music fest there headlined by them and got to listen to them spew their America hating crap in between every song. He said the were really playing up the US baby killer stuff for the Euro weenies.



their best song is just canon in d

Spade, I assume you’ve seen this? Hilarious rant that’s kinda on that topic.



Yeah. Although in fairness to the Blues Traveler reference, Hook is supposed to be Canon in D.


I don’t even know who Green Week is and I certainly can not stand that fat fuck from South Korea.

If not for my dearly departed father and those who actually fought in the Korean War … that fat fuck would be speaking half Chinese and half Korean through a few teeth and a swollen tounge.

But I would have to admit, this is a great line: “This dude is the herpes of music. Once you think it’s gone, it comes back.”