Unmitigated gall

| May 3, 2013

The Washington Times highlights portions of the President’s speech to Mexican students today in Mexico City. Strangely enough, he doesn’t mention the “Fast & Furious” operation which put semi-automatic weapons in the hands of Mexican criminals when he promises the students that he’ll do everything he can to keep US guns from streaming into Mexico from the US;

“Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States,” Mr. Obama said at Mexico’s Anthropology Museum. “I think many of you know that in America, our Constitution guarantees our individual right to bear arms. And as president, I swore an oath to uphold that right, and I always will.”

But he drew cheers from Mexicans when he added, “At the same time, as I’ve said in the United States, I will continue to do everything in my power to pass common-sense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous people. That can save lives here in Mexico and back home in the United States. It’s the right thing to do.”

First of all, the guns that have made it to Mexico recently did so under the watchful gaze of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. And the only “common-sense reforms” that have been proposed have focused on keeping guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. What could save lives in Mexico is arming the law-abiding citizens there. Since no one in Mexico can legally own guns, the citizens become targets of armed criminals and they have no way to defend themselves – sheep surrounded by wolves. And the police there, generally don’t show up until the firing has safely ended.

I’m pretty sure that Mexican students loudly applauded for the President when he promised to disarm Americans. It would certainly make it easier for those students to invade our frontiers knowing that we’re defenseless.

“So we’ll keep increasing the pressure on gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico,” Mr. Obama said. “We’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong — behind bars.”

Really? How many of those bureaucrats at the BATFE have been jailed for irresponsibly forcing otherwise legitimate gun dealers to sell thousands of guns to criminals?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Illegal Immigrants

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Old Trooper

This dude (I won’t even besmerch the dignity of the office by calling him President, anymore) is either a certified nutbag narcissist of the first order, or on some serious drugs.


I honestly do think he is delusional. He sells guns to the cartels and tells the Mexicans that it’s because of the American people that their families are dying? It’s almost as if Drunkle Joe is infecting him with stupidity somehow, some kind of stupidity ray or something.


Maybe because Fast and Furious was one of many similar operations going back decades which have largely been successful, but this one was FUBAR?

Maybe it’s because a lot of guns are sold and smuggled into Mexico from the US, and this is a big concern for a nation with gun laws that is dealing with severe and bloody violence?

Maybe try looking beyond sheer partisanship and considering the issue objectively?


Hey, Jonn – who might you have crossed swords with in the past who might be posting from just south of NYC?


He is beginning to look more and more like a terrorist himself. Has anyone in our history contributed more to our destruction? Sure, he has had plenty of help along the way, but mostly they are people he appointed or are under his direct control.

Disgusting. The apology tour apparently is going to continue, as he disavows any responsibility for any of it.

Yeah, we are screwed. His delusional, narcissistic view of those he is paid handsomely to represent is getting very old, as he continues to live large just because he is so special.


What an utter assheat, along with the troll being one as well.
Operation Wide Receiver tracked weapons using RFID Chips Mexican Authorities were informed of the operation.
It was not perfect but, it was called off when it was deemed to be a failure in 2007 well before Obama took office! (something like a 6 month Op, and no one killed by it either)
Operation Fast and Furious began under Obama, it did not begin before he took Office. To say so is a lie and a big one at that. Beyond that, there was a huge difference between the two operations. There was never any attemtp to physically track the weapons, either through electronics or physical observation. The Mexican Government was NEVER told of F&F while it was ongoing, they only saw the uptick in illegal weapons on their streets. Oh, and we have seen people die as a result of the failed F&F Operation.
So Isanova, go grab yourself a hot mug of STFU.


“So we’ll keep increasing the pressure on gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico,” Mr. Obama said.
So, he’s gonna put Holder and himself in prison? Nice job, Preezy.


He’s beginning to look like someone whose tenuous connections to the real world consist of breakfast, lunch, dinner, family time, and sleepy time.

If we actually have a real crisis, how badly will he blow it?


Ex-PH2: ask the survivors of Benghazi that question.


I go away for awhile, I guess I missed the troll that Jonn gob-smacked. Damn. 🙁


@9 With the Norks, he just disappeared. For awhile, all you heard was crickets.


I like how during this administration Mexico has become the de-facto 52nd state where our government actively assists in their migration and services and campaigns directly, without pause as though they are US citizens and it’s not a completely separate nation.

Fuck this everything about this speech and going to Mexico to talk about anything related to US citizens rights.


51 being puerto rico.

Just an Old Dog

“Since no one in Mexico can legally own guns,” Wrong, There are 2.5 Million legal gun owners in Mexico.
You can own a gun in Mexico, you just have to go through the “process” ( read greasing the palms of the authorities). So you have The police, Military, people with friends or money and criminals with firearms.
Interesting by story. I was in Tijuana on Official business ( trying to get a Devil Dog out of jail) and started talking to some of the Law Dogs there, It turns out one was one of the Major’s Bodyguards, I had a short intro to the Major and got one of his “get out of jail free”cards. The Body Guard was actually a naturalized US citizen who served in the US Army. He told me if I wanted I could come down and do some range time with him. I asked him about the whole guns being illegal, He laughed and said “If you have a permit you can have any type of gun, including automatic rifle, that you want”

Just an Old Dog

“Major” should have been Mayor


Has anyone noticed that he uses exactly the same phrases for everything? “common sense” “the right thing to do” etc. Someone check his back for a pull string will ya?


@3–I’m conservative, but not partisan. What’s the difference, you ask? Simple–I’m not afraid to bash my own when they rightly deserve it. Find me a Democrat hack who would do the same.

And the fact that Obama would have the stones (or think we’re so fucking stupid) to make such a speech and think we wouldn’t notice tells me he’s convinced he could fuck a squirrel on the White House lawn and the WH press corps/MSM would all clap and cheer about how environmentally conscious he is or some shit like that.

What we have here is a guy who thinks (believes) that our rights are fungible–that we can trade God-given rights for state-supplied “bennies.” What he doesn’t realize is that they aren’t, simply because he’s not giving us rights. WE determine our rights, and WE have to defend them from people like him who say and think shit like this.

If it’s guns today, it’s freedom tomorrow. Don’t kid yourself otherwise.


Seems to me those Mexican citizens should be holding THEIR government to account, considering that in Mexico City something like 2/3 or more of all crime goes unreported. Then again, Mexico is a prime example of what one-party rule does to a nation. Of course, we also have similar examples in CA, NY, IL, MA, etc., and most of our major urban areas, but don’t tell liberals that. It makes them sad.


I know confusing the issue with facts is frowned upon here but this is worth a read:



Like CNN hasn’t had an issue with getting their facts straight, Doc…it’s the “truth” insofar as it’s what the administration told them was the truth.

And CNN, paragons of virtue they, pretty much take it at face value and don’t question, because by God, there’s an agenda to be met!


“Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States,”

That myth was debunked years ago. According to the ATF, only 17% of guns in Mexico come from the US. 90% of TRACED firearms come from the US, most are not traceable or not submitted for tracing. The details here:


How dare he go campaigning against law-abiding US citizens while in another country!!??


B. Hussein 0bama, Narcissist El Mucho Grande!! He’s still young, and once we get him out of office, I wonder how much trouble he’s going to steadily cause?


I think you guys are giving Bodaprez too much credit. I am more and more convinced he is insulated from what is really happening in the world. As RM3SS says above in #17, he uses the same basic phrases over and over until all his speeches sound exactly alike. Everything is aimed at the ‘feel-good’ effect. Cheer the crowds onward. That sort of thing. There is no sense of real crisis in anything he says, like he’s offering some kleenex to someone who got hurt in a car accident. “Can’t we all just get along?” Where you are all pointing out the obvious, from his corner of the room comes “Okay, well, we’ll see what we can do about that. Oh! Hey! Basketball!” Yes, PN, when the Norks acted up, the silence from the WH was deafening. Yeah, Sparky, it’s as if he thinks no one notices the retread of sentences and phrases, cut and pasted to suit the event. The stuff he said at the Boston bombing memorial is the same stuff he said at the Newtown memorial, and then he goes to the West, Texas memorial service and says the same things — over an industrial accident?????? The disconnect there is just plain weird, like ‘I don’t really give a damn, I’ll just change a few things and get it over with’. This speechifyin’ in Mexico is mayonnaise on Wonder Bread. No substance, no nutritional value, no nothing. I know when he first started out, I said he was like a Cylon with that radar scan from one side to the other, but that stopped and he started looking at the camera, right down his nose like he was afraid it would drip or something. It was even more weird. And who the hell wants to look up someone’s nostrils at their boogers, anyway? (Sorry, I had to do that! I needed the relief.) It’s creepy. It’s like he’s on automatic until it’s all over with. Remember that spy-video where he says to Putin “I’ll have more flexibility when the election is over”? Putin’s coming to us, asking… Read more »


@24 “Really, ask yourself what the hell is going on here?”

Maybe whoever is handling him is waiting for something. Now what that could be, I can’t say.

2/17 Air Cav

@20. Are you joking? Your facts come from the results of a six-month long investigation by FORTUNE (i.e., CNN Money online)? I tried to read the story but, truth be told, I was laughing too hard.


@25 – Have you ever felt that there was a storm coming and you needed to be stocked up and under shelter, or just out of the path of the storm?


They lost the first round in the Senate a couple of weeks ago. They’ve got 18 months left (maybe more) to shove some slimy pile of shit down the chute, and with the gutless GOP leadership in the House, it just might actually make it through.

Take NOTHING for granted when it comes to your rights. Ever.


The Mexican definition of ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ isn’t even in the same hemisphere as the US of A. Joe Stalin would be proud of Mexico. And Adolf Hussein Obama.


You guys are all being much too hard on Oblamo. Cut the guy a huss; clearly he was confused and thought he was speaking at Mexico’s Apology Museum. It’s a simple mistake for the simple-minded; anthropology, apology… They sound so much alike. Sheesh!


I’ll bet the farm that the MSM dose not call him out for his hypocrisy.