An inquiry

| May 1, 2013

Someone who has been reading your comments on Shane Ladner’s DD214 has sent us the Member’s 4 copy of the DD214 and wants to know your analysis of this one. I’ve always told you guys that you’re the stars of this blog, not me;

Shane DD214 Member4

Some of you former recruiters probably know about the code and stuff.

Category: Phony soldiers

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2/17 Air Cav

@48. The whole thing stinks to high heaven and now looks like a no brainer. The folks here are doing a little forensics work, that’s all–giving the doc a good going over. There’s not a doubter among them. There are a couple of guys talking neolube and bondage, however, but they’re Navy so…


Hey…nobody said shit about bondage, Cav…but it does go to this guys claims.

The military has had MILLIONS serve in the past 30 years, yet here I am, finding a person who was (even though a “rider”) still on the same run as I was way back in the day.

There weren’t more than 150-160 people on that Op, tops, yet with just a little looking, you can find someone to say, “Oh yeah, so-and-so, I know him, he was there, he was a good guy/shitbag/whatever.”

Bottom line, Jorge would know right away if I was talking out my ass or not. And so it goes with anything I post here or elsewhere–there are enough people out there who know someone who knows someone who WAS in fact there and can vouch for whether you’re full of shit or not. The fact that Ladner can’t seem to pull ONE name out of his ass says a lot to me.

And the fact his 214, electronic or paper signature, still looks like a bag of ass, says even more.


@51- I know what is going on… and have contributed. I was just venting lol


Sounded like it here, too, AC. But, maybe it would look different from 3000 ft or so altitude.


NHSparky: I agree about no Panama/Honduras service before late 1990. All I was saying is that total service of 13 yr 6 mo and change is plausible given a DEP entry date of Aug 1989 and the start date of this DD214.

However, this DD214 does rather conclusively prove he never served in Iraq as he’s claimed multiple times. No SWASM means no Desert Shield/Desert Storm service, and I think that also rules out him serving in Northern Iraq prior to Nov 1995 (believe that would have also qualified him for the SWASM). The next time we had people in Iraq was Mar 2003 – during the period covered by this DD214.

However, we know he didn’t deploy to Iraq during the period covered by this DD214 either. This DD214 shows no foreign service and no GWOTEM. Both would be shown if he had served in Iraq on this tour. And since according to this DD214 he was discharged for physical disability, presumably that means he was medically disqualified from further military service. That means there is no later tour on which he could have deployed to Iraq and seen action there.

In short, if legit this DD214 proves him to be a liar about his Iraq service. If it’s not legit, then that means it’s a forged document – and in that case, I really want to hear his explanation of where and how he got it. (smile)


@48 – it’s not necessarily BS…. I had a SSG that ETS’d and couldn’t find many awards…. he never bothered to keep up with them until it was to late (3 of the 6 he claimed were on his OMPF, the others……….)

Having this one DD214, without the other docs (Prev active 214’s / National Guard Docs (NGB22) does make for entertaining speculation though


@56… Someone this proud of their service will hang onto the certificates, at the very least. I didn’t try to hang onto my stuff but it’s still around lol.

An FOIA was already done and most of these awards aren’t on the records from St Louis. Typical poser BS.


Not only did HE lose all proof, so did St. Louis..

2/17 Air Cav

@52. Sparky. No bondage? And “tie-wrapping some guy in the torpedo room” was what, PT?


2/17 Air Cav: I believe it’s also called “EB Greening” them vice bondage. As I understand it, it essentially involves wrapping someone up in a green version of duct tape; they end up looking much like a mummy afterwards. It’s discussed in an excellent book on US submarine espionage called “Blind Man’s Bluff”. Definitely worth a read.


@18 also he has the Overseas Ribbon with nothing in block 12 f ..


Yeah, it’s kind of weird. It’s like Sparky and I were in the same Company(+) but in two different platoons that never saw each other because of a huge steel wall (with one watertight door) 🙂

They “bondage” was in pure fun… never have had an issue with it. Should have saw the signs, but was too busy smoking a cigarette…

@Hondo – No EB Green that time… I think the tie’s were all they had available at the time 🙂

Better than the guy I was hot-racking with; he ended up on a table on the mess decks in the middle of dinner… no one blinked an eye.


Jorge: what do you mean, Company(+)? One of the companies I was assigned to in Korea had about 225 authorized bodies and generally had 200+ assigned!

Seriously, thanks. Always good to hear about how the “other half” lives on deployment.

Green Thumb

This clown is to stupid to be stupid.

Know what I mean?



Well, so far, we’ve got:

–His claims of being in Panama are bullshit.
–His claims of being in Iraq are bullshit.
–His DD214 is almost certainly bullshit, and poorly done bullshit at that.

Again, if this guy can find one, JUST ONE guy he served with in the timeframe he claims was wounded, then there might be a sliver of hope for him.

But yeah, not holding my breath. Down three, bases empty, bottom of the ninth, two out, pitcher is batting against an 0-2 count. Maybe the rally happens, but usually it doesn’t.


FYI- Supposed to be another bust tonight from Randy Travis…

Here is a link to the live feed if anyone is interested.


Sorry- it’s on on Thursday. Disregard

Green Thumb

You guys should really call these guys up.

Be serious; its fun.

Clowns make you laugh.


1. His SPD code is correct for the narrative, but its for the wrong branch. Might believe it if he had to separate from a naval installation (or an officer), but he separated from Ft. Benning.
2. Theres no way his RE code is NA. If he was ineligible for reenlistment he’d have some variation of an RE4.
3. I find it hard to believe this idiot could find a DD214 for 1 year and 8 months of active duty service, but can’t find an NGB22 that covers his 7 years in the guard.
4. V devices don’ t go on JSMs.
5. Marksmanship badges aren’t listed on DD214s.
6. Has an NCO Professional Development ribbon but no PLDC under military education.
7. NDSM 2nd award. Not likely.
8. The 178th was mobilized in Cuba for six months just weeks prior to deploying for enduring freedom. This douche claimed to have been in the guard long enough to have mobilized for GITMO but doesn’t have that service listed anywhere.

RU Rob

Does anyone else find that it is odd that there is no Severance amount in block 18? I know mine has it stated down to the penny as that is how I was discharged. Even with the disability discharge I still show a Reentry Code of 3 in block 27.


i am the only one that noticed he only has one authorized MOS and 1 year 9 months time for it? i know im just a grunt, but that doesnt quite add up to me.

i have a JFL discharge from breaking my back on a jump in ’05, my block 18 spells out every detail of my severance and disability. i also have a RE code. dont know how ya can not have one at all


Please don’t overlook that this is one for the end of Title 10 for a Guardsman. The Reentry code on those is almost always NA. Mine are. Heck, guys that do OSUT and then come to Title 32 Guard units have a DD214 at the end of their training with a Reentry code of NA. It explains the short service. It also explains the absence of foreign or sea service, if he was mobilized for Title 10 stateside. I have an overseas service ribbon and overseas time on a previous DD214 for when I was similarly mobilized.

I also had the argument with the little lady at Fort Dix about my schools. She correctly annotated my wings and assault school on the left, but then wasn’t interested in the courses, WLC, or Stryker OPNET and dates because “it didn’t occur during that period.” I insisted that she was incorrect, but meh, I have them on my state discharge and previous DD214s, and I wanted to get the hell through out-processing. I keep meaning to see about getting it amended, but civilianlazyreality has set in.

What sends up the flag, besides the dubious award, is this DD214’s Narrative Reason for Separation, as others have said. Even the guy that came back from Iraq in 2009 and spent an additional 6 months on Title 10 for a bacterial lung infection had on his DD214 “Completion of Required Active Service,” just as I have on mine.

I don’t believe this guy one bit, but my concern is the possibility that this DD214, as it appears, could be the one on record. It’s definitely a pantload of fakery at some level.


Good Link for Military Separation Codes.


I served in Vietnam from Jan 1, 1968 until Nov 29, 1968 with the First Air Cav. Div. My ETS was Dec 5, 1968. I was sent home with malaria just a few days before my scheduled date to leave. I was told they lost my records so I was separated with a temporary DD-214 on Dec 9, 1968. Years went by and I requested a copy of my DD-214. They send me a copy of the same DD-214 they gave me back in 1968. Last year I requested replacement medals. When they came to my amazement there was a Bronze Star in with the other medals. It is not on my DD-214 so I contacted them and they still insist that I was awarded the Bronze Star even though it is not on my DD-214. I do not want anything I am not supposed to have.


@Hondo Don’t know the terminology… was looking at reinforced Company since we usually have ~140 people onboard those things…


(chuckling) I caught that you were using Company(+) as shorthand for “reinforced company” or “augmented company”, Jorge – that’s common usage. But I should have picked up on the fact you were talking “ship’s company”. I didn’t; my bad.

Reading through an “OD lens”, I misread that as a reference to the USMC/US Army unit that’s called a “company”. Those units are typically commanded by an O3 (O4 if aviation) and have anywhere between about 80 to over 200 personnel, depending on the era and the type of unit.


Might not be just the county DA and sheriff getting involved, EdUSMCleg. Article goes on to say that the Holly Springs Police Chief has also contacted the GA Bureau of Investigation and the US Attorney’s office about the incident.


@69: Have to disagree with a lot of your points. Specifically: 2: The RE code of NA is appropriate if he was a guardsman or reservist ordered to active duty on Title 10. I have 3 title 10 DD-214s, all of them have “NA as the RE code. 4: I think it’s been established that some commendation medals (including both the ARCOM and the JCOM) are eligible for a V device. However, the terminology on his DD-214 is suspicious as it’s normally just listed as “w/V device.” 5: Marksmanship badges can be listed on a DD-214. Not that they always are, but they can be. Look at a DD-214 for somebody who just served a short term of AD and doesn’t have many awards, typically they include a marksmanship badge. I think mine includes a grenade badge from when I went through basic in 1980. 6: Military education is only for the term covered by the DD-214, it’s not cumulative. Since this was a DD-214 for a mobilized period of title 10 service, it’s unlikely he would have attended any military schools. and finally 7: Anybody who served one day of active duty between August 1990 and (I think) December of 1995, and then subsequently served at least one day of active duty after 9/11/01 would qualify for two NDSM awards. Two qualifying periods = 2 awards. Not saying this guys not a faker. I am saying, though, that some of the things that the specific items listed above are not, by themselves, proof of fakery. Those of you who have not been fortunate enough to have gone through the clusterfuck of a reserve unit mobilization/demobilization may have a hard time understanding it, but as someone who’s been mobilized 3 times (once with the USAR and twice with the ARNG) I can tell you that when you’ve got 150 people in the company that are all outprocessing on the same day, and when the DD-214 is typically prepared on the last day before REFRAD (that is, the last day before going home), there is a lot of frenetic activity, chaos… Read more »


How does he have Copy-4 if he never initialed requesting it?


[…] There’s been much talk recently at TAH about a guy named Shane Ladner (see here, here, and here). […]

10th MTN NCO

His DD-214 shows an AFSM. I was awarded one for my tour in Bosnia in 95/96. Once again a failure to denote foreign service duty. There is too much wrong here, sorry.


the N/A RE code doesnt work, because this isnt a demob DD-214. note it says speration disability-severance pay. this is (or was before altering) a discharge DD-214. i know that if you demob instead of discharge, there is no RE code because you are still in service. if ya get the seperation due to disability, there will be a RE04 most likely.


10th MTN NCO: the AFSM has been authorized for other operations besides those in the Balkans. There are two such operations outside the Balkans that predate Oct 2004: PROVIDE COMFORT (Kurdish areas in N. Iraq, Dec 1995-Dec 1996) and UN/US Operations in Haiti (Apr 1995 to Jan 2000).

Either of these would be possible given this guy’s USAR/ARNG service and specialty. But based on how many times he’s been documented to have lied so far, I’ll want to see documentary proof from and independent source before I’ll believe he deployed ISO either operation – or to the Balkans.

The lack of foreign service on this DD214 isn’t necessary a tip-off that he didn’t have foreign service on a previous tour. I’ve seen more than one DD214 where the foreign service line in Block 12 was NOT career cumulative and referred only to the current tour. That – along with making sure the overseas dates are listed correctly in block 13 and/or 18 – are definitely something people should double-check on their next DD214, particularly if it’s for retirement.


My 214 is correct, but doesn’t list all my awards. Several were authorized after I ets’d. I’m authorized to claim them, but they aren’t listed on my 214. There are no mistakes. It’s a fluke.

That being said, that’s the exact opposite of what we have here. I can’t claim enough knowledge of 214s to say what’s right and what’s wrong with Shane’s 214. I can say he’s told me of awards he’s received that aren’t listed on that 214. I wish he would address this issue and clear the air.

This whole situation sucks.


ABB: gather your documentation showing you rate the newly-authorized awards and request a DD215. That’s what’s used to correct errors on a DD214.

I have 3 of those, all for the reason you describe. On 3 different occasions, I ended up rating an award that was authorized after I’d left active duty.


@86 thanks for the information. I’ll do that. I never cared enough!

I never got anything after I left the guard either, other than a discharge certificate. There’s an AAM that’s not on the 214, in addition to the other awards from active duty. I have the certificate though, which is good enough.


ABB: be advised you may need a copy of orders as well as the certificate to get that AAM added. It seems that changes in military records to get personal awards added may require a bit more documentation these days. In particular, the Army Board for Correction of Military Records (agency of last resort to correct administrative errors and admissions) now seems to deny changes if only the award certificate is presented.

My guess is that folks in charge finally figured out how easy (and, apparently, how regrettably common) it is for someone to “whip up” a fake certificate copy that at a quick look passes for a photocopy of a real one.


No problem I’ve got records of everything. Thanks for the advice.


Hey @89. You said you know this character. Do you know if he’s still around and have he and attorney produced any actual documentation to prove his Purple Hearts? Seems like its been awhile and I haven’t read about his name being cleared. His poor wife. He should just go away with that American flag cane I’ve seen him with. I myself would like to see his medical records from the train accident. His friends talked about his injuries more than his wife’s leg. Standing his post by her side – I actually saw him in a movie house when she was still on a vent. No problem with going to the movies but why lie. It’s seems that is all he does.


Irish: the legal process typically takes weeks or months. It hasn’t been that long (a couple of weeks or so) since this tool’s lies hit the media. It’s almost certainly gonna be a while before this one’s done.

Personally, I think his lawyer is just playing for time here in the hopes that this brouhaha will have minimum impact on his civil suit. I think he’s making a mistake, and getting his client publicity that the railroad’s legal team will use to attack Ladner’s credibility – but what do I know.

Anyone know what legal firm is representing the railroad? I wonder if they know about this litte aspect of the plaintiff.


@90 I haven’t heard from him. You know as much as I do about the documentation. Despite his failings, he is a loving and faithful husband. He and Meg are inseparable. He takes good care of her. As far as his injuries from the wreck, it’s not hard to believe that he was significantly hurt in the wreck. That was well documented by several different doctors. He did receive treatment or those injuries. Those injuries and records have no bearing on what we are talking about here, IMO. He did get out while she was going through initial treatment. He refused to leave her side, wasn’t taking care of himself, and refused treatment for his injuries because he wanted to be there when she woke up. That is the truth. It was witnessed by many people. Finally, they made him leave so he could have a break. I guess he went to the movies. I’m not that concerned about his American flag cane. He may have lied about his service, but don’t doubt his patriotism. He’s irritated a lot of people, but he loves his country.


@ABB a loving faithful husband? Seriously? He is a POS! He has appeared to have lied to his wife, his employer, his friends (you), his attorney and everyone else? In my book, that is NOT loving and faithful!! He has lied and continues to lie to everyone. I seriously doubt he is injured. Did you see the Randy Travis clip where he is running away from Travis? He doesn’t look injured there? He is probably lying to collect disability so he can sit on his fast ass all day and do nothing! ABB, please look up the definition of Patriotism. A true patriot does not lie to his country! I love my country and served it. I would never lie about service….I don’t have to. Don’t think this creep loves anyone but himself. This ass wipe needs to be in jail!!!!!


@92 “He may have lied about his service, but don’t doubt his patriotism.”

Do you have any idea what you said there? At all? Do you have any idea what the term ‘patriotism’ means, and why lying about his service is the absolute antithesis of that term? You need to stop empathizing with that bleeding heart of yours, and start thinking with your brain.


Hack me up all you want; I’m not one to take the bait. There’s nobody on this board that I am aware of that was more betrayed by him. I stand by what I said.


@93. I get it. I’m speaking from personal experiences. It’s a fair statement to say he lied to her about his service. He still loves her, and he’s never cheated on her. That’s what I meant about faithful. I never said he was honest.

I saw the Randy Travis clip. I’m not a doctor, nor do I know one that would be willing to diagnose someone after seeing a few minutes of video.

He had several years of honorable service that is marred by these lies. If that makes him unpatriotic in your eyes, fair enough. That’s his albatross, not mine. My opinion is different.

Military Supporter

To: ABB – I now understand how Mr. Ladner has gotten away with his lies and continues to do so. People like you who just keep giving him passes. You see and hear the evidence and still believe his lies. How do you know he was also a faithful husband? How can you say he has injuries? Those questions really had not been put on the table, but I do know his wife questioned his faithfulness again just last year. Funny you would bring that up. Grow up and stop posting stupidity. You must live in a dream world thinking every thing is beautiful. This individual loves himself – no one else. He puts on a good front and that’s how he’s gotten away with it for so long. I compare him with Jodi Aries. Listen to her testimony and it sounds like a female Shane Ladner. I hope that anyone who was arrested by him can appeal. He’s a low life. I hope now that the women who you claim don’t exist come forward and bring him further down the ladder. This is a simple lesson – lie, get caught, tell another lie, get caught, tell another – maybe Taylor Swift can put it to music.


@97, I’m not sure why your angry at me for my opinion of him. Nor why you think I need to grow up because my opinion is different than yours. I guess I didn’t know him as well as you did.

I don’t have to prove myself to you about how well I knew him, or how I knew if he was injured or not. There’s no benefit to me.

I live far from a dream world MS. I’ve been catching hell for not being critical of every aspect of his life. Fair enough. If it makes you feel better to to that go ahead. Like I said in 96, that’s his albatross not mine.

Like I said earlier, I still stand by what I said because that was my experience with him. Your’s was apparently significantly different.

Do your research before you accuse me of giving him passes and believing his lies. I’ve never done that. I’ve called him a liar, betrayer, and even looked into which laws would apply to his actions, all on this blog. Look around a little. Don’t pull the trigger too quick.


I am a police officer investigating the case on shane, I would like to talk to anyone who has information 678-898-7146 Thanks Jamie

Military Supporter

98. First, refused treatment! Are you certain he needs treatment? He said so and of course he don’t lie. He’s a faithful husband and loves his wife! Why, because he said so. I happen to know he’s a cheater and everything is for show when it comes to his poor wife. You double talk ABB. you know he’s a liar, but he loves his wife and he’s faithful. You don’t get it he’s a liar. I’m out today celebrating the real heroes – anyone who served in the U.S. military. Not Shane Ladner or his phoney friends. They can prance around with their ribbons and metals but birds of the feather flock together………..beware of Shane and his phoney friends. Shame on Shane….


So a former foresenic document examiner with the GBI that is being paid by Lander’s defense team says this document is unaltered and authentic. Even though only this “member copy” exists, they attribute that to poor record keeping at the NPRC. Since police investigators actually commented on this thread, and knew he would use it as a defense, I’m thinking they know something about this form that Ladner’s “expert” doesn’t know. Peanut gallery comments welcomed.