The crackpots
My dislike for this administration and the president as well as his little sidekick, Joe Bite Me is well known, but, I don’t think that they’d attack innocent American people just to distract us from what they’re trying to do to this country. But ROS sends us a link to just such a crackpot who does think that the government is behind yesterday’s bloody attack in Boston. I’ve never heard of the guy, but he’s running for governor of Nevada next year, apparently. I hope Nevadans are better than this guy, but here’s a link to David Lory VanDerBeek’s insanity;
The question sounds crazy, but did you know that eyewitnesses at the Boston Marathon confirmed that authorities announced a “drill” before the bomb explosions? Furthermore, did you also know that prior to the bombings that bomb sniffing dogs were already at the finish line? Did you also know that prior to the bombings authorities repeatedly announced over loud speakers “that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about”? In fact, when a reporter asked Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick about the announcements of the drill to the crowd at a press conference he was summarily ignored.
These are facts. FACTS. Facts are stubborn things.
Question: Why were the police in Boston telling the people to be calm BEFORE the bomb went off?
Question: What are the statistical odds that police will be running a drill at the same exact location and at the same time for the same terrorist attack when it actually occurs?
Question: Why is the mainstream media so ready to blame this bombing on “homegrown” terrorists rather than doing real journalism and asking about this drill?
Question: Why did this take place while the market is crashing?
Just like the 9-11 attacks on New York and Virginia, in order to believe that “the government” plotted to kill Americans, you have to also believe that agents of the government willingly participated in the plot. And i don’t believe there are police, firefighters, soldiers who would willingly participate in such a thing and then keep their mouths shut about it afterwards.
No, I don’t trust the government, but I do trust the “little people” like me.
In case you’re wondering, I have been checking on Gordon Duff periodically for his take on the attack, but this guy in Nevada makes Duff look sane. TSO emailed yesterday lamenting the fact that Duff hadn’t seen this “false flag” attack coming. But I think TSO is being a bit harsh on Duff, after all, Duff has prevented thousands of false flag attacks on Americans over the last decade or so with his mighty pen. He can write about them all.
Category: General Whackos
It doesn’t matter which party is in office. These nut jobs will crawl out from under their rocks any time something bad happens.
The “drill announcement” idiocy was begun by that tool Alex Jones. He reported that “eyewitness” cross country coach who had run the race said he heard these announcements at the end of the race right before the fist explosion. utter nonsense…
The man in fact stated there were drills before the race began. Alex Jones of course just ignores that and goes in full retard for the conspiracy effect, and the idiocy takes on a life of its own.
here is a link to where Jones screwed the story all to hell and made it something else entirely. As well as the quote he butchered. (Note it says at the beginning in the morning at the start line!)
“At the starting line this morning, they had bomb sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there,” he said. “They kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, that they were running a training exercise.”
This government can’t even keep their ideas on how many/what kind of nukes the Norks have, to set some shit like this up and carry it out would be absolutely impossible.
But little things like facts and reality don’t seem to burden these assclowns.
In my ideal little world…
There would be an announcement made over the internet, all major networks, etc. that all of the evidence of government malfeasance from 9/11 to today would be released to the public. In addition, the war crimes trial of everyone in the Bush Administration would not only be carried out that day but so would the executions. Everyone would be invited to all major stadiums where the proceedings would be broadcast live.
And then, when everyone was seated and ready for the show to begin, we’d drop every single JDAM, cluster bomb, bunker buster, etc. on the stadiums. Afterwards, we’d salt the earth and enjoy having fewer idiots wasting our air.
@5, As long as it’s not Lucas Oil Stadium. How about Foxboro?
At any rate, going off the finger-pointing (some of which has been pointed out by Claymore) further encouraged by all the media hoopla, my best guess is that quite a chunk of the populace has already forgotten what was brought up after Newtown, and probably even before that in the aftermath of similar incidents, which is that we shouldn’t give the perpetrator(s) any more glory lest they be made into celebrity heroes.
I have to disagree with you… I do think the administration is capable of this. I think if they thought if they could get away with it they would… But none of Obama’s advisers have bomb experience do they? Do they, Mr. Ayers?
@5, Lambeau will be closed for renovations…….. Send them to the metrodome, the Vikings need a new stadium anyway.
This is the kind of person where you hope he gets hit in the head by a frozen block of airliner poop.
HOOOOOLY CRAP! I’ve never heard of this guy.
Shades of the evil Bush/Hitler skullduggery …
I posted a rebuttal at VanDerBeek’s web site, paraphrasing what rb325th said (good catch, thanks for pointing it out). My post is “awaiting moderation.” It’ll be interesting to see if he lets it through.
Just another conspiracy nut-jobber, a similar mindset to the Ian Goddard/Pierre Salinger duo.
@5 – Soldier’s Field. Great seats and it was renovated a few years ago.
Well, there’s “soft” stupid that comes from simple ignorance or bias (like thinking a civilian legal AR-15 is a “machine gun” because it looks like one) and “hard” stupid that comes from working long hours at being stupid, and I think this kind of conspiracy nutterism (and the similar stuff – Nobody died at Newtown or Aurora, 9/11 was an inside job, the OKC bombing was staged by the Clinton administration, etc) is a powerful kind of “hard stupid”, the kind you have to really work at in order to believe.
Renolds Wrap … lots and lots of Renolds Wrap!
Good answers from everyone on location. I just want to make sure we get rid of as many of these pinheads that we can.
I just posted this at VanDerDick’s Blog:
MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) says:
April 16, 2013 at 4:20 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
You are a certified moron!
Jonn, you’re right. He does make Duff look (almost) sane.
Oh, give it time. Duff will make some correlation with Israel Independence Day and say us Joooos were at the bottom of it. The cabal of Rothchilds and their puppet monarchs and what not conspired to turn a footrace into some kind of…meh, I’ve got nothing.
*sigh* I really need to start buying stock in tin foil…
Not a bad idea, PN, I’m gonna do the same!!
Nevada is ‘better than this guy’ – and Reid keeps getting elected where.
Not that it vindicates his babbling, but your confidence in the voters in Nevada is obviously misplaced.
I suspect the elections are hinky. Can’t prove it, though. I was certain that Reid was history in 2010. That was also the first election I’d ever volunteered to work in.
I don’t have the resources to verify, but the story is that bus loads of Mexicans in the Culinary Union up in Reno were taken to the polling places, and that put him over the top.
Im from nevada. We’re a red state, but unfortunately because we’re a desert most of the population is concentrated in Las Vegas and Reno. Both cities are full of liberal idiots that keep swinging the vote. Just check out the county voting statistics in the last presidential election. Thats how reid keeps getting elected. Thats probably how vanderbeek will get elected too…
Yeah, there’s no shortage of political corruption in this state. Last governor resigned over impropriety after just winning a reelection…
It simply COULDN’T be true, because members of the federal government or the military would NEVER run false flag operations in order to further an agenda (Fast & Furious, anyone?) or justify attacking another nation:
Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962
No, not Alex Jones or Gordon Duff.
The National Security Archive at George Washington University.
“…the story is that bus loads of Mexicans in the Culinary Union up in Reno were taken to the polling places, and that put him over the top.”
Oh, so it’s not like we’re TOTALLY against conspiracy theories here …
To paraphrase Oscar Wilde – I have convictions, you believe in any piece of nonsence that comes your way, and he is a wild-eyed lunatic.
nonsense, sorry
I forgot to add a quote from Samuel Johnson’s “The Patriot”;
“It is the quality of patriotism to be jealous and watchful, to observe all secret machinations, and to see publick dangers at a distance. The true lover of his country is ready to communicate his fears, and to sound the alarm, whenever he perceives the approach of mischief. But he sounds no alarm, when there is no enemy; he never terrifies his countrymen till he is terrified himself. The patriotism, therefore, may be justly doubted of him, who professes to be disturbed by incredibilities…”
Y’all are just haters. I’m outta here (my ride just showed up and is hovering above the house).
@20 & 21 – You can buy bulk tin foil at Just check out the showroom. There seems to be a run on that product (like ammunition is), so you may want to strike while you can.
(@20 & 21 – My apologies. You’re looking for stock options, not the actual item. My mistake.)
This was the work of a jihadist. Look at the facts, they targeted mass civilian casualties. Right-wingers target the government and infrastructure. They ised a pressure-cooker IED, something quite popular in certain South-West/Central Asian countries. The Govt knows it but our muslim POTUS is ordering them to hide who it really was so it won’t make muslims look like the mangy scoundrels they are, Instead they blame the tea party and the veteran community. The very people who would willingly bleed on the flag to keep the stripes red are the ones they spout innuendos about.
@24 – lived in NM for a while, same sort of situation. Most of the libs (except on immigration, which was more generalized for obvious reasons) lived in Las Cruces or the Albuquerque-Santa Fe axis.
[…] I rescind my previous statement that Nevada’s gubernatorial candidate David Lory VanDerBeek makes Gordon Duff look sane. […]
VanDerBeek isn’t living up (or down) to Duff’s standards of runwaway drivel-laden conspiracy theories, but he’s trying. Witness this exchange on the web page Jonn notes above:
“I would like to know how you arrived at your theory of DHS being behind this. You refer to local police running a drill, and while I agree that it is suspect, it has nothing to do with a Federal agency. As a local law enforcement agency in Boston, they receive tips regularly regarding acts of violence. It is impossible and impractical for them to be able to act and prevent every single incident. If they had K-9 units there, yes chances are that they received information regarding the possibility of an attack. They probably told the public that it was a drill in order to not raise any alarm and cause panic. While I don’t agree with this method, I can understand it.
Please explain how you came to the conclusion that DHS is behind this, as well as the reasoning and motivation that DHS would have in order to commit such a terrible act.”
VanDerBeek’s answer:
The police are federalized for international events. Boston would not be heading its own security for the marathon. As you’re aware the National Guard was there.
“Please explain how you came to the conclusion that DHS is behind this, as well as the reasoning and motivation that DHS would have in order to commit such a terrible act.” Do you know what false flag terrorism is?”
Another cracker missing its cheese…