Bite Me wants to take your Ferrari

| April 11, 2013

Chief Tango and Frederik sent us links to an article about Joe Bite Me, the biggest moron on this planet or any other as far as I can tell. I’m not sure what the Hell he’s talking about, but I think he’s coming to take my Ferrari from me, or something;

Later in the segment, Biden touched upon his own experience with guns, recalling his father’s gun collection. To that point, he noted that the debate surrounding guns used to deal almost exclusively with hunters. But now we have a group of non-hunting gun owners.

“There is a whole new sort of group of individuals now…that never hunt at all,” Biden said. “But they own guns for one of two reasons — self-protection, or they just like the feel of that AR-15 at the range.”

“They like the way it feels,” he added. “It’s like driving a Ferrari, you know. And so my impression is there’s not the same sort of cultural norm about gun ownership with a lot of people who are buying guns now.”

Yeah, I’m guessing that Bite Me’s father didn’t do much hunting with his collection either. But it’s OK for his father to have a collection but not the rest of us. And as far as Bite Me’s feelings go, I wouldn’t trust his finger on the cultural pulse of this country, either. I’m sure that he knows why people are buying guns about as much as I understand the gay marriage issue.

I like the feel of an AR because it reminds me how I spent half of my adult life. And Bite Me wouldn’t understand that – if he wants the feel of how he spent half of his adult life, all he has to do is a cranial-rectal inversion.

I used to hunt at every opportunity, but not anymore. Now I have a collection of weapons – you know like Bite Me’s father’s collection.

Man, I hope that retard gets the presidential nomination in 2016. But knowing the GOP, he’ll probably be their nominee.

Added: I think Harry Reid is trying to make Bite Me look smart. From Twitchy;

Reid's clip magazine

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Shitbags

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Zero Ponsdorf

“Man, I hope that retard gets the presidential nomination in 2016. But knowing the GOP, he’ll probably be their nominee.”

It IS important to note that Jonn has two Ferrari type vehicles.

Well… one is a pickup, but he called a Ferrari.


Nah, Bite-Me is too old now, let alone in 2016.

Personally, I hope Cuomo gets the nod and ends up losing at least 46 states in the process.


I can’t fathom the obsession the gun-grabbers seem to have with hunting. What does hunting have to do with the Second Amendment? I’ve never shot a deer and have no plans to do so. I’m all in favor of protecting the rights of people who want to hunt, but it’s just not something I’m interested in. Walking through the woods with a rifle, sleeping on the ground, exposed to the elements… I’ve done all that already. It was called the Infantry. Now I prefer recreation that involves air-conditioning. Tropical breezes, expensive hotels, etc.

A Ferrari would be nice, too.


If his father had a collection of guns, then you’d think his father would have taught him something about them – and not that “Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun!” bullshit. It’s just more political nonsense, and we shouldn’t be buying it.


What does hunting have to do with the Second Amendment?

Fuck-all, but then again, they know that. These clowns think that the government is going to protect and coddle them all through their days, or that this is in fact the function of government.

And yet, despite all evidence to the contrary when things turn to warm runny shit (cough**Katrina**cough) they still believe this.

Sheep, indeed.


Joe, you dipstick, I wouldn’t know what it’s like to drive a Ferrari, unless you count dating a couple of Italian guys. And I don’t think you’d actually know a gun from a wastebasket, so I can’t afford to spend time listening to you. But here’s my suggestion: consider having surgery.

Get your mouth sewn shut.


Count a huge failure for the left! They tried for years to make this be about hunting, knowing full well that a rather small percentage of the population actually does that.

Here’s a clue: It never was about hunting and still is not. The only new thing here is the willingness of a lefty to admit it. Well, not exactly admit it – they have to pretend that it is something it is not, of course.


If an AR 15 is a Ferrari, then the idiot Joe is a Yugo.

Common Sense

The stupidity coming out of the mouths of Dems is amazing.

I an not a hunter, nor will I ever be. The thought of killing a sweet little animal horrifies me. But I have no problem eating what others in my family kill.

I am a new gun owner. I had already decided to join in when my son started his collection, we were going to get our CCW together. However, once the gun grabbers started up, I wanted more guns just because they didn’t want me to have them.

There are many dangerous products out there, none of which require a license or background check except for firearms. Just today a guy walked into Home Depot and tried to cut his arms off with a saw. Baseball bats, 2x4s, sticks and stones, hands and feet, ladders, animals, etc. can all kill or maim people yet we can buy as many as we want.

As everyone here know, this has NOTHING to do with safety and EVERYTHING to do with control over the people.

The 16 Republicans who voted against the filibuster should be primaried. There are 3 Senators consistently working for our constitutional rights in the true spirit of our republic – Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz. We need 47 more just like them.


If Joe’s dad had guns, and Joe picked up that the way to deter a burglar is to fire two rounds in the air, or through the door, I wonder where all the servants are buried on their property. Cuz, I guarantee that those two idiots killed more than one.


As I have said before , I am an avid weapons collector, it’s not a secret. Made a trip to Anniston al today. I love the fact that I am buying guns from the same government that wants to take the very type of guns I buy from them away from me. God I wish I could post pictures here.

For you other collector types out there, there is extremely limited supply of 1903a3s. May be the last chane to get a real one at a real price

Old Tanker

That’s it…….now I’m pissed…you can have my guns but I’ll be damned if I turn over my Ferrari’s…I paid for those out of my military pay check you SOB…..

Green Thumb

I have never seen a VP that talks as much as this guy.


Just when you thought Joe Biden couldn’t get any more stupid (ok, nobody ever really thought that) he opens his mouth and proves that he can double down on the stupid

Wrench Monkey

Saw part of this this morning. Fake blonde “co-host” Mika started to make some inane comment about “bullets that explode inside bodies”. Why is she even there? She contributes nothing intelligent to the discussion and she clearly is not there as eye candy. While one of the pro-gun guests tried to rebut her, good ol’ Shotgun Joey pulled the same crap he did during the VP debates with the eye rolling and smirking. Smug ass idiot! Wife came out of the bathroom to see what I was screaming about. Wish I hadn’t stopped on that crap channel.


I don’t remember the text of the Second Amendment to read: “The right of people who hunt to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” I don’t remember any mention of hunting at all.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Jonn, I am Frederick or Fred…when I read this article before forwarding it to you i could only think that Joe Biden has an extremely narrow vision of what guns and their ownership are actually like. I grew up during the 60s/early 70s before joining the military in 1978…my dad never went hunting, ever….he liked shooting at paper targets at the range, and he liked to go the sportsman’s club and do the turkey shoots (paper targets, closest pellet to the center wins a frozen turkey)….that’s what I knew when I joined the military.

I knew folks that hunted, my father even when hunting a few times but he had no passion for it…he just like the competition aspect of trying to make every visit to the range more perfect than the one before with respect to hitting the targets.

Joe Biden is one of those 4ssholes who believe his world view is the only one that is valid. Folks with a differing view, or different perspective don’t matter to our VP. If you don’t agree with him you are just being obstructionist. The Constitution and its’ Bill of Rights were written for just such men as Joe Biden, those who would impose their world view on everyone because of their position. I can’t believe these are the kinds of men we place in power, it is indeed a sorry state of affairs.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I realize I typed my dad never, ever went hunting and then contradicted that a few lines later, he did go with his brother duck hunting a few times, but never would a hunting trip have been his first choice. That was what I meant to say. Apologies for the error.


Does this mean Obama is going to try to get Ferraris banned now? So a Superleggera is safe? An RS3 is an urban assault vehicle? Oh, the decisons… better just drive a Mustang off the balcony instead. (My best Joe Biden babbling bullshit imitation.)

Wonder how many Ferraris in Joe’s social set?


Here is a website that keeps all of Joe’s dumb ass comments.