Roy Blunt’s Side by Side Comparison

| September 28, 2008

Skye sent the link to a side by side comparison of what Chris Dodd and Barney Frank proposed to what Blunt says is the final bill.
It’s certainly an improvement.

Skye further noted:

It shows how much influence the house GOP had on the final draft – for that you can thank John McCain.

If McCain had anything substantive to do with this, he needs to start taking credit for it. Right now Obama is taking credit and McCain has not responded.

McCain needs to specifically address the slush money to community organizers like ACORN that Obama gave $800K to and the proposed union takeover of corporate boards.

McCain should make an ad to communicate “Leadership is not just a list of what a bill must contain, it is also the work to make sure what a bill must not contain!”

Category: Politics

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The operative word is despair.

I have cited H. L. Mencken’s quote elsewhere: Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.


I’ve been watching this, and it is an absolute laugh that Obama did anything but stand around and do what he was told.

But, since the President issued him an invitation that he could not refuse, he was required to give a summary of the Democrats’ position in the meeting with the President. This was reported to be about 10 minutes.

Don Kenner

Yes, McCain needs to start taking credit for these things. They are blowing it. Seriously. The polls, especially in the battle ground states, are not looking good. Obama needs to be called out on Ayers, Obama’s racist church, that house he got cheap, ACORN, radical Islam, and a host of other things.

They are not going to win by making Sarah Palin sit down with every hostile MSM reporter to be tricked and edited into something favoring their boy Obama. After a tremendous opening for Palin, the McCain folk have wasted her potential.

They need to grow a pair, or they are dead.

richard wheeler

Mac needed conservative love.Got it picking Palin.However,overwhelming majority of voters see it as an uninformed, fatal mistake.He would have lost anyway based on his admitted inability to understand the economy which is American voters #1 issue.Romney would have made it closer, helping in Mich,Penn and Ohio,two of which he must win to be elected.

Jonn wrote: I’m sure your idea of “overwhelming majority of voters” is somewhat different than the generally accepted meaning of the phrase. So much for your support of veterans that you drag out every time someone says something bad about Jim “penis kisser” Webb. And if Romney were the candidate, you’d be lecturing us about how we should have selected McCain instead. Pick a point and stick to it.

richard wheeler

Jonn Meant Romney for Veep. What you got against Navy Cross winner Webb other than he’s a Dem., and has bad hair?My view on this election,as you know,has never changed.Obama over Clinton,then over McCain.

Frankly Opinionated

Jonn, isn’t it fortuitous that you have, in addition to your loyal readers and commenters, a troll or two to help in bringing you better numbers. And for we readers, the entertainment provided by Little Dick Wheeler is the levity we crave in these otherwise black days of Dem majority in DC. I don’t even open Lib blogs, let alone comment, so as to not assist them with numbers.
Every day, as with the debate; John McCain is cool and collected, unlike Nobama is becoming more flustered each day.
How anyone can see B. Hussein Obama as “presidential” is beyond me.
nuf sed

richard wheeler

F.O.Deal with it.Mac and Sarah will soon be footnotes.Mac “cool” no that’s frigid.Obviously you intend to keep your blinders on until the election.Good news.WE’RE ALMOST THERE.Wheeler USMCR