Emily Miller: Gun polls shift
I have no confidence in polls, no matter what the subject is, and reading Emily Miller in the Washington Times today illustrates why;
The problem with all the polling on Second Amendment issues is that the surveys don’t give enough detail on terminology, so respondents are using their knowledge from the massive public relations battle waged by Mr. Obama and paid for by New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg.
For example, a recent ABC News/Washington Post Poll asked: “Would you support or oppose a law requiring a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons?” Fifty-seven percent said that they did.
However, I wonder how many people can define what is an “assault weapon”? I’d guess that most people would think it was a fully-automatic, military firearm, which is the actual definition of the term.
Yeah, the media doesn’t know what they’re talking about in regards to guns, so the people they’re supposed to be educating about the issues are confused, too. But Miller’s article illustrates how the public is losing interest in the issue – mostly because of those same reasons. they don’t know where to go to get accurate information anymore.
We saw the dingus from that liberal POS blog a few weeks back who said that he intentionally misspoke and used the wrong terms so that his audience would understand. How is that helpful? Back to Ms. Miller;
[A]ccording to Mrs. Feinstein herself, there are an average 35 people in the U.S. killed each year by rifles with these characteristics. Criminals use handguns because they are easy to conceal on the streets. I’ve not been able to find any law enforcement officers killed by rifles with those characteristics. So, a better poll would follow up by asking: How many people are killed each year by so-called assault weapons? I’d bet most respondents would guess thousands.
When there are spastic retards like Bloomberg who uses his billions to influence public opinion, that’s the kind of misinformation you’ll get made part of the “national discussion”. But you should read all Miller’s article.
Speaking of Bloomberg, in another Washington Times article, they report that Bloomberg is taking that inbred redneck commercial we ran last week in Arkansas. Now ask yourself, why would the New York City Mayor care about politics in Arkansas? And why doesn’t he go down there himself and campaign against pro-gun Sen. Mark Pryor, the target of his ads there? Probably because Arkansans would run his goat-smellin’ Yankee ass out.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
However you slice it, whatever terminlolgy you use, it’s obvious the tide is starting to turn in relation to gun control. Finally.
Turning towards preservation of our rights you mean. I do not need some carpetbagging yankee telling me what I can and cannot own, drink, or consume. I am a grown man who can make his own decisions in that regard and I sure as hell left the need for a baby sitter behind at the age of 5.
Most everyone who is for the gun bans do not understand what they are trying to take out of the hands of law abiding citizens of this nation. They listen to the talking heads and fear mongers like Feinstein and Bloomberg and are too stupid or lazy to actually learn about what they are trying to get rid of.
I dont blame the hammer when I hit my thumb with it. Blaming the tool is like beating your dog because the neighbors dog took a shit on his rug.
@1 No, there is no “tide” here. What it is, is a widening chasm. And there is no bridging it, because there is nothing you and your ilk have to offer to me and people like me. I was raised to be responsible and free; I will not be controlled and herded now.
Perhaps you’re willing to live on your knees, Joe. I’m not.
I’m a free citizen, not a subject.
The poll shows that current law is supported? Isn’t that special.
Perhaps the headline should be that ONLY 57% of respondants think currently illegal weapons should remain illegal??
What color is the sky in your world, Joe? I would be willing to bet if the question was worded “Would you support or oppose a law requiring a nationwide ban on the sale of weapons that only look like assault weapons but are not?” you would get an entirely different outcome.
Bloomberg got a nasty piece of input from the Feds for interfering with several sting operations when he spent God-knows-how much money on his own personally-sponsored sting operations, nationwide.
Meantime, since Joey-boy the rock-climbing countersitter misunderstands things, I’d have to concur that the tide is turning in relation to gun control — to wit, turning against it, evidenced by new legislation in many, many states, ensuring that gun owners’ rights are upheld and even blocking the entry by Federal agents into some states, and requiring that they report to local authorities upon entry.
The tide is indeed turning… in favor of gun owners’ rights.
If you (the gun control crowd) have to lie to convince people than you’re obviously on weak ground. It’s a typical Democrat trick, use scary words and confuse people so that they don’t really know what you’re talking about.
Really, Joe? The tide is turning in favor of gun control? That’s news to me here in Arkansas, where we’ve recently passed a law protecting gun stores from illegal stings like Bloomberg pulled in Virginia
John your article is insulting and incorrect. Goats have more self respect than to get involved wiht carpet bagging damnyankees (correct spelling for you)
I thought yankees went home, Damnyankees where the ones that stayed?
Yea Damnyankee is one that stayed, my mother in law is a damnyankee but she has been successfully deprogramed over long long years. 😀
Old Tanker: where I grew up, there were 3 categories:
Yankee – Northerner in the North.
Yam Dankee – Northern male who married Southern girl and stayed in the South.
Damn Yankee: Northern male who married a Southern girl and took her back North with him.
Yeah, it was kinda tongue in cheek and somewhat of a joke. But only kinda. Yankees who moved south were treated with a bit of suspicion for years. And Yankees who moved their family back north weren’t too well thought of if the move was for any reason other than a military assignment.
@1. Speaking of Tide, Joe, Spring began last week. It’s that time again to wash your underwear.
Now, 2/17 Air Cav – quit spreading bad rumors about ol’ Joe. When it comes to his skivvies, I understand he’s a “Twelver”.
New pair for Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr . . . .
In most polls, the questions are phrased to get the desired reponse and results.
believe I saw a claim a few weeks ago that something like 70% of NRA members supported universal background checks – pretty hard claim to verify when the NRA doesn’t release member info. But even if that were true (doubtful) from 70% support on a gun control issue to 47% on a gun control issue sounds like the tide is indeed turning. Mind your step, Joe, looks like you’re getting pulled under.
@ #13: Yep. For instance, I will always be an outsider on the road where I live simply because I was not born in this county. But, they consider me their outsider since I married one who was raised here and made an effort to fit into the culture.
Calling me a “Yankee” is not real smart, however!
@7 Please don’t lump all rock climbers with Joe. I enjoy a little technical climbing and I mountaineer, climb ice, hunt, fish (salt and fly), scuba (warm and cold), kayak, hike, camp out summer and winter, ski (both kinds), and snowshoe. I enjoyed sailing when I owned a boat in Alaska. And I am an enthusiastic if not distinguished shooter – details intentionally omitted. I belong to that part of the granola crowd who believes in the military, the Second Amendment, personal responsibility, and small government. Apparently Joe missed that part of the lecture.
I was appalled by Newtown and Aurora. After a while I recalled my responsibilities. FWIW, I think that a lot of the country went through the same stages and the polls (such as they are) reflect that.
Well, to quote that masterful wordsmith and beacon of truth, Al Sharpton, Bloomberg is “a big city Jewish man….” (28 March 2013) If you want to listen to old fumble lips himself saying that and other brilliant things, the link follows. Sharpton is seated at a table for an NBC circle jerk regarding gun grabbers. You should see the faces on the other guys listening to Al.
Correction to Cmt 20
Al’s insightful observation regarding Mayor Bloombucks was uttered by him on 25 March 2013. One other thing. Bloomberg is 71. His father died at age 57. But before anyone starts thinking certain thoughts, know this: Bloomberg’s mother recently died. She was 102.
Don’t anyone tell Joey, Doomberg has his sights set on Joey’s Double Mocha, low fat Latte next. After all, no one needs all that mocha flavor, right, Joey-boi?
I’m left with the obvious question WHY so called assault weapons when it’s beyond proven that handguns are the real problem. While I like pistols in general as a valid back up for any situation and for concealed carry purposes, I have to admit those same features make them ideal for criminals.
so called Assault Rifles are NOT idea for most of the crimes committed. They’re hard to conceal, conspicuous, and because there are so few models out there easy to match up. So WHY go after assault rifles?
I can only draw two conclusions. 1). the basic “scary death machine” ignorance. They don’t seem to realize that shotguns will on average do more damage, and pistols are ideal because of their concealment. 2). the focus is intentional. This one is a little harder to square because it brings up the truly terrifying possibility that someone thinks at some point down the road that the authorities will be engaged in active warfare with US Citizens.
I don’t want to think about reason two because to be honest if it is true, it scares the ever loving shit out of me.
Still can’t get Nanny Bloomberg to admit his security detail is in violation of the very laws he pushed on NYC. What a douche.
“So WHY go after assault rifles?” Okay, Doc, here it is: It’s all about re-educating people. It took a long time for the gays to manage to do it and they have been quite successful. Up is down and down is up. Legal abortion pre-dated that and was, too, quite successful. Along the way the tear-em-downs learned to alter our language, pass laws, and control media such that one is anti-woman rights if he is against abortion and is a homophobe and some sort of denier of human rights if he opposes gay marriage and the gay lifestyle generally. Similarly, guns. You don’t NEED the AR15 so we’ll take that first. You don’t NEED the 20-round mag, so we’ll take that too. It’s all “common sense.” Later, the fact that murders are largely committed with handguns will be everywhere–blogs, TV, radio, billboards, and, of course, newspapers. Why? Because it’s only “common sense” that the primary tool of murderers be denied. There are places in this country TODAY that people fear guns and are proud to say they won’t have them in their homes. It’s working, this re-education effort. Those cities and states that have overreached in grabbing them are the mini labs for the national grab. It won’t happen for years and years but it’s going to happen.
@19 – Calling Joe a rock-climbing countersitter is a reference to his claim some time ago that he used to do rock climbing.
Was not a slap at anyone who actually does rock climbing.
More reason why a popular democracy is a failure. They should have polled those same individuals regarding whether they own a firearm, have ever used a firearm, and what how they would consider their expertise in firearms. Problem with polls is Americans develop these very strong opinions regarding things they have no clue about and the best example of that is the female in combat roles poll results. When most of the respondents have never served, know nothing of what’s required for those jobs, but hold an opinion they feel trumps people with 1st hand knowledge and experience. This firearms poll is more of the same stupidity.
I fuggin’ LOVE Emily Miller.
Joe, here’s one for ya:
“Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.” as quoted by Thomas Jefferson
Loosely translated, “I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.”
Yeah, and I prefer peaceful freedom over dangerous freedom.
#30 So would I. I also would like to own a unicorn.
Unfortunately, neither one of those mythical beasts exists. At least, not on this planet.
Joe–guess what? Ain’t no such fucking thing on this planet.
Just a little clue for ya.
Nice something to prefer, as long as you understand that it is a unattainable goal.
Joe, Robert A. Heinlein said it best: “You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don’t ever count on having both at once.”
@30 Joe there is no such animal.
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”-Franklin.
You give up your liberty Joe, I think I will keep mine as long as I can.
Ex-PH2, there is NO WAY I would consider Boy Joe a rock climber. A rockHEAD, yes, climber, no!
@14, 2/17, Just tell him it’s time for his semi-annual bath, and *POOF!*, Boy Joe will disappear. Soap and water are to his breed as garlic wreaths, Crucifixes, oak stakes, and Holy Water are to Vampires!