Jim Carrey, America’s only Male Dixie Chick

| March 27, 2013

An infrequently funny but toothy and foul-mouthed Hollywood moron shot his career right between the eyes this week. Rubber-faced Jim Carrey administered a video coup de grás to his already lagging film future, with a last gasping breath, all to promote the Hollywood liberalism that has infected that culture for decades.

Stupidly, Mr. Carrey chose to immolate image and career with a poorly-produced, amateurish, video venture to attack an icon of the American conservative movement, Charleton Heston. Mr. Heston, an actor of exceptional accomplishments that a third-rater like Carrey could only dream of, famously defended the constitutional right of Americans to keep and bear arms. Foolishly, Carrey chose to mock Heston’s impassioned defense and to completely alienate forever all those Americans who revere that speech. A bit of advice Jimbo:

Don’t fool with Moses…

As should be expected, when a third-rate talent savages a talent of the first order, the attacker’s puerile yappings come as those of some frustrated little lap-dog terrier beloved of an old, out of touch, Hollywood dowager, who has lost her vision of the nation that made her wealthy. That’s understandable because Carrey, an equally out of touch Hollywood liberal with a personal armed bodyguard, doesn’t see any need for you or me, or any of those tens of millions of live-alones, including all our old widows and grandmothers across America, to share the necessary protections he so comfortably and constantly pays for to insure his personal safety. He can lay out hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to secure his safety, but you, you peasant, and your grandma, can’t spend $400.00 on a pistol for self-protection?

It’s the old limousine liberal double standard: lots of gun protection for me but not for thee.

Carrey’s views will no doubt be popular with the unicorn contingent in Europe, where a career that was already flat lining in his home country, may be minimally resurrected. He might be able to star in porn movies but I somehow doubt he lacks the requisite equipment. But hey, Europeans loved Jerry Louis and his similar rubberized facial antics didn’t they? Enjoy your stay there, Jim, while you wonder for the rest of your life what colossal stupidity swept through your brain to allow you to declare yourself a hated enemy of the movie-viewing public in America. The only Hollywood producer who will touch you now has to be dumber than you are.

Imagine the movie title: Dumb and Dumbest.

Jim Carrey you have achieved a unique status: America’s only male Dixie Chick.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Shitbags

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2/17 AirCav-Susan Sarandon has awful politics, but “Bull Durham” and “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” are both great movies. If I found out tomorrow that Mel Brokks was a card carrying member of the Communist Party, I would continue to love “Blazing Saddles”.


Poetrooper, I haven’t been ‘to the movies’ in 8 years. They cost too much. All movies I’ve seen recently were on TV, and cable fees do not go to the producers. Likewise, any movies I see now are on the internet, since my TV quit on me and I have no inclination to replace it.

So while I may think Matt Damon is a dipstick in his personal views, that does not mean I can’t enjoy the Bourne movies, does it? Movies and theater are just that, and carry no political weight. Even Shakespeare’s “Richard III” was a piece of Tudor propaganda because everyone hated Richard III because it was assumed that he was responsible for the deaths of Edward V and his brother Richard, who were declared ineligible for the throne when their parents’ marriage was declared invalid. And we’ll never know the truth, will we?


Jim who?


I don’t expect too much from a guy who fucked up a relationship with Jenny McCarthy.

I mean… c’mon!


As usual, you overestimate the importance of your demographic. It seems to be happening a lot lately. To most people, the video is a feather in his cap, in addition to being hilarious.

Robot Wrangler

Joe, it’s anything but funny. He is a one trick pony, and you overestimate the importance of your opinion around here.


Joe, just because the people in your drum circle liked it doesn’t make it “most people”.


Now, now, Robot Wrangler – everyone has a purpose. Even Joe.

TAH periodically needs both comic relief and examples of libidoicy. Joe’s usually good for both.


Twist, have you tried a drum circle? They’re fun. You get to pound on something as hard as you want to, and they’re good for you. Pounding a drum lowers your blood pressure and improves your circulation.


Ex-PH2: I think Twist might have been using the phrase “drum circle” as a polite version of a different phrase containing the word circle . . . .


If you say so, Hondo.

Robot Wrangler

Well dont put an pinyata in front of me and not expect me to whack it with a big stick…

But yes Hondo I do see your point. 😀

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@58 Hey Joe, that’s okay my demographic contains those who served with honor, and those who gave their lives to support this great nation. I’m perfectly okay with this demographic, I love them all even when they are telling me what a dumb4ss I am at the moment.

The demographic that finds Jim Carrey funny also thinks most of Hollywood’s drug and alchohol addicted, serial adulters, liars and fakes are important people to be watched and worshipped 24/7 and showered with riches….when in reality they are among the worst examples of humanity to parade about. You are most welcome to enjoy the folks who share that demographic.

Those of us in this demographic neither seek nor desire your demographic’s approval, we just want you all for once in your lives to actually understand the constitution that you all claim to love so much and try and be honorable in defense of its’ amendments. None of us expect your demographic to be able to do that though, so we will adopt your technique of taking it to the courts to protect our rights and making it financially uncomfortable for politicians to cross us by supporting their opponents. Like your side has taught us to do. Thanks for the assistance and the heads up to where we all stand with you and those of your kind.


Simply must explain how this works for folks like our pet Joe:

It’s a variant of new math. Their self conception places themselves as the center of the universe, therefore all else revolves around them. So, self is worth much more than anything else in the universe and all else in the universe is exponentially worth less. Apply this perspective to any opinion that they might hold dear, and it is easy to discount as nonexistant any opinion which is not aligned with theirs.

Of course, simply refusing to hear anything outside their prejudices is an equally valid way of explaining the phenomena.

Facts don’t matter to those whose purpose in life is to advance an agenda. The rest of us live in the real world where we must adapt to stuff to continue to thrive.


OWB: I like that. Joe the Pet Rock
-climber. (smile)


Variations are authorized.

Old Trooper

@62: So does going to the range and squeezing off a few hundred rounds.