No gun for Mark Kelly
Earlier this month, Mark Kelly, the husband of Gabrielle Giffords who runs a gun control-themed political action organization, publicly tried to demonstrate how easy it is to buy a scary black gun – well, it turns out that it’s not so easy. Doug MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, the store where Kelly tried to make the purchase, has cancelled the sale, according to the Arizona Daily Star.
“I determined that it was in my company’s best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store to complete the Federal Form 4473 and NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) required of Mr. Kelly before he could take possession of this firearm,” MacKinlay said in the statement.
Kelly said at the time that it was “scary” to think that it is so easy to purchase without a background check, but as this episode illustrates, the seller can control the sale and ineligible buyers are prevented at the point of sale from walking away with a gun they don’t have the credentials to own.
Of course, Kelly didn’t get to walk out of the store with gun because MacKinlay had bought the gun from a seller off the street and had to hold it for twenty days so law enforcement could determine whether it had been used in a crime or not. So Kelly’s point was pretty blunt anyway.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Now waiting for Mr. Kelly’s reality filter to adjust.
IIRC he had purchased a handgun at the same time? If that is the case, then yes, it would be easier for him to get the scary black gun, since he’s already going through the checks to get the pistol. I have been in gun shops where a customer is buying a handgun, or “assault weapon”, and have heard them be denied at this time. What comes back, while the dealer is on the phone is 1 of 3 things; proceed, hold, denied. I have heard the shop employee say to customers “I’m sorry, but they came back with hold, so I can’t let you have the gun, today. If you would like to come back in a week, or so, we can try, again”.
I know people, personally, where their name has been confused with someone else in another city and were denied and they had to go through a bunch of hoops in order to get the okie dokie from the feds to be able to purchase.
So, back to my point, it’s not as easy as Kelly wants us to believe, but then, again, he has an agenda to push, so he’s going to tell half truths and outright lies in order to get us to come to his side.
Well, at the end of the day, he proved the other side’s point. It isn’t so easy to buy one.
Like Pax, I’m waiting to hear what he has to say about that.
But, at the end of the day, he’s a Congressman’s husband, unless he has a felony in his past, of course it’ll be “easy” for him to get one. After all, I’m sure his wife’s security all have firearms to protect her, same as the rest of the royalty in DC and Hollywood…
I’m willing to bet the dogs in his family have killed more seals than the scary black guns ever will…witness the report from the OC Register this weekend I would link were I not on my cell.
@ 4 – Here’s a blurb from the Star:
Truth is difficult to deny, Mr. Kelly tried to make a point and failed. He will eventually be able to buy scary black weapon. As a former astronaut without a record, that is his right. But it clearly is a right that is restricted as his inability to walk out with the weapon demonstrates.
Perhaps Mr. Kelly can now focus his attention on irresponsible dog owners whose animals run lose on the beach indiscriminately killing baby seals….
So he proved that the system currently in place works exactly as it was intended to work?
Not that he will ever see it that way, of course.
Want to drive a liberal friend nuts and make them pee their pants?
Well … punch me in the testicles!
Regardless, Kelly’s point was idiotic. As an astronaut w/ a security clearance who is also the somewhat celebrity husband of a politician, of course he’s not going to have a problem buying a gun. His claim that he was trying to show “how easy it is” is completely ridiculous. Obviously something screwed up his thinking process during one of his time reentering the atmosphere.
Both common sense and logic are a complete and total anathema to liberals!
@1 Kelly’s reality filter will adjust only enough for him to believe he is now a victim, too.
Victim, you ask? Of course. He was discriminated against, he’s been blackballed because of his anti-gun stance, he was used to make a point, we hate him because of his wife…pick one. Make up a couple. He’s already chosen his path. He’s not going to swerve from it now.
So now that Mr. Kelley has essentially publically stated he intended to make a “straw purchase” if BATF will be bringing federal charges. The company HAD to decline his sale after he made that statement if they valued their FFL.
“I determined that it was in my company’s best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store….” I love thaqt statement. I determined + my store = private property and free enterprise language. Ya just don’t hear that enough nowadays. Kelly has a right to keep and bear arms but no one is mandated to sell him one.
@4/5: Yeah, the cops say that Kelly did nothing wrong and there won’t be charges. I’m sorry, but your daughter had her dog off leash, obviously, and it attacked and killed a baby Sea Lion; how is that not “doing anything wrong”? Apparently, some people are more equal than others and it shows that personal responsibility is only for us serfs.
Someone turned down a customer who is publicly becoming an arrogant ass?
Good. Do more. Make me happy.
@15 The beautiful people know who they are OT….and so do the police.
The rest of us peasants can just pound sand.
And now Mr. Kelly’s pitbull attacks and kills a baby sea lion..SMH not a good week for Mark:
@4/5–Kelly has a “Political Committee”? What for?
@19. For his Senate run, which he denies will occur but which, like Rome, all roads lead to.
Unfortunately when he stated he was turning in the AR to law enforcement after purchase, I don’t believe that is definable as a straw purchase. Turning a gun into law enforcement is a legal transaction, whereas a straw purchase is buying for someone ineligible to receive it. Doesn’t change that the guy who runs the store made a great decision, as about the only recourse Kelly has is to try and bring action against the store for refusing a legitimate sale. Which again would defeat his purposes…. how do you spin “it’s so easy to buy a cary black assault rifle I had to sue them to get it!”
@19/20 Jesus H. Christ. Just what we need–the two of them in politics together. Well, there are the replacements for Feinstein and Bloomberg, right there.
Quoting Ex-PH2, “I think I’m going to be sick.”
@21. “Turning a gun into law enforcement is a legal transaction, whereas a straw purchase is buying for someone ineligible to receive it.” Wrong. Bad answer. No credit allowed. That’s a fail.
@21 – All merchants, from restaurants to clothing stores, have the right to refuse service to any customer. That was established a long time ago, despite the civil rights movement’s efforts.
In plain English, that means that if I run a bar and you get drunk, I can refuse to sell you more liquor. If you’re a cop and you beat me up because I won’t give you any more, I can sue you and you’ll not only lose your job, you and the city you worked for will have to pay me. It’s on video.
Refusing to sell a gun to Mark Kelly is the store owner’s right.
@ 21 David …
In NYC and other cities that have restrictive licensing laws “turning a gun into law enforcement is NOT a legal transaction” and will most probably get you locked up!
@21 Actually when he answered on his form that the weapon was for his personal use but the “intent” was to give it to someone else immediatley after taking control of the weapon CAN be defined as a straw purchase. Even if they don’t want to get him on that he lied on his background check form.
@26: That’s no big deal for the gun grabbers. It’s ok if they break the law, because the ends justify the means. Bloomberg’s agents made several purchases in other states and provided false information on their federal form when doing so and nothing happened to them, even after it was paraded out to the public by Bloomberg.
“Kelly said at the time that it was “scary” to think that it is so easy to purchase without a background check”
He only said that AFTER he was caught purchasing firearms the day after he polluted my beloved state of Colorado to testify for the gun control bills.
He’s not only a hypocrite, he’s a liar and it’s too bad he hadn’t already filled out the background check form because then he would be a felon too.
Double standard yet again, if any of us went in and did the same thing I am sure the police would be all over us, or the BATF.
Secondly, I have a good friend of mine who was a sniper with the 158th Inf here in Arizona. He ETS and works behind the counter at the gun store in question, Diamond Back Police Supply. I knew about it the minute he walked into the store.
Im sure the political fallout will subside shortly, but everyone here is in an uproar, and TPD says they will take the rifle and use in a better manner than just destroying it, they are putting it up for a raffle to help survivors and dependents of officers killed in the line of duty. At least its going to good hands (police officers), and its not being destroyed.
He fully intends to keep the pistol though.
I want everyone of you to know that if Mark Kelly does run for office on a gun control platform — and warn you to empty your mouths first — he may get funding, lots of it, from Bloomberg.
I am saying this because Bloomberg sent a $2++ million campaign contribution through his superpac fund to Robin Kelly in Chicago, when she was running against Debbie Halvorson who is not anti-gun in February, in her efforts to win Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Congressional seat.
This is as corrupt as you can get, and based on this recent incident, Mark Kelly strikes me as someone who will happily accept this kind of support from Bloomberg.
Just posting this as a warning to all of you, especially those who live in Arizona.
His daughter’s dog just mauled and killed a baby seal in The People’s Republic of Kalifornia. Of course the media and the police are giving them a pass on it.