Samira Ibrahim; award down the memory hole

| March 7, 2013

ROS sent us a link today in regards to the First Lady and john Kerry rewarding anti-Semite and anti-American Samira Ibrahim with an “International Women of Courage Award” along with nine others. Well apparently Ibrahim is famous for this quote on Twitter; “Today is the anniversary of 9/11. May every year come with America burning.” I guess she felt bad about the Tweet because she deleted it, but not before someone screen shot the thing.

Well, after the news about her hateful Tweets hit the internet, she told the world that her Twitter account had been hacked;

The honoree, Samira Ibrahim, asserts that her Twitter account was hacked even though the tweets in question appeared over a period of months and were never deleted.

Can anyone be stupid enough to buy that excuse?

According to State Department reporter Nicole Gaouette, the answer to that question is “Yes.”

Yes, really. “State officials tell me they’ve looked at 1000s of her tweets & believe her account was hacked,” she tweeted.

I guess being hacked is now the last refuge of scoundrels.

Anyway, I guess the White House had second thought about the award, perhaps she wasn’t quite as courageous as folks thought. But, according to Twitchy, her name has been removed from the list of honorees.

It’s too bad that the staff at the State Department can’t do their own research on their awardees and have to rely on a bunch of bloggers to vet their awards system for them.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John Kerry

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I love techies. Here’s good evidence that she’s lying:


The only redeeming value social media is that it publicly shows scumfucks for who they truly with their own words.


State can do its own research. But, right now is not a convenient time for Obama. Give it a month, and Ibrahim will be back in the WH for a private ceremony, award, and her name posted anywhere she pleases.

CC Senor

“State officials tell me they’ve looked at 1000s of her tweets & believe her account was hacked,” she tweeted.

Or, as they like to say at State: What difference does it make?


#4: “…she tweeted.” So the woman making the accusation is now claiming exoneration by State?

CC Senor

@#5 The “she tweeted” refers to State Department reporter Nicole Gaouette. Did you read all of the above item?


#6 Yep. Nicole Gaouette is a reporter for Bloomberg News, not a reporter for State. Just wondering whom she, meaning Gaouette, is using as a source at State, or if she was referring back to a comment made by Ibrahim.

CC Senor

#7 Nicole Gaouette’s beat is the State Department and her source(s) at State are unnamed. That the sources agree the account was hacked smacks of willful obliviousness akin to that demonstrated during the Benghazi attack. All of which leads to Sec Clinton’s comment about what difference does it make.

Al T.

Having had the (dis) pleasure of working with DoS, nothing those scum sucking fools do, did or will do surprises me. The phrase “wretched hive of villainy” comes to mind.

B Woodman

If the woman’s Tweet account has been hacked, then maybe someone should destroy the phone – hopefully with it still in her hand. That way we can KNOW that these hateful tweets are from a hacker – she won’t be able to send any.

2/17 Air Cav

Another day, another bagful of nominees for stupidest.


@9 Same here. They are a bunch of condescending, arrogant pricks.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It’s interesting to note that Condoleeza Rice did the same thing with a Hezbollah mouthpiece in ’08.

It’s as if the state department is not actually connected to the United States….I understand the use of awards and dinner functions to send messages that we are open to discussing difficult issues with our enemies. But it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

When Bush was president this was evidence of collusion for making corporate profits, under Obama it’s a simple Twitter hack and a misunderstanding…the outrageous level of hypocrisy amongst the Obama supporters clearly illustrates the point the Dems will forgive any sin of their own to remain in power.