Karma stops burglar

| March 4, 2013

Chief Tango sends us a link to the story of Salem Oregon’s 19 year-old Genaro Hernandez Mendoza who burglarized a couple of homes, from the second one he stole a shotgun and what the news folks call an AR-15 rifle. He loaded his ill-gotten booty into a stolen vehicle and started to make his escape from the crime scene, when fate took a hand;

Det. Williams with the Polk County Sheriff’s Department tells KOIN 6 News that they believe a piece of the shotgun was caught in the trigger area of the AR-15. While crossing the field the truck hit a bump causing the weapon to fire once striking and killing Mendoza.

Farm workers found the truck and Mendoza Sunday morning with the engine still running and the truck in drive.

So, I guess the Left was right, guns do kill people. If it wasn’t for those guns running around loose, Mendoza would still be alive enjoying the fruits of someone else’s labors. The shotgun and the rifle were probably engaged in some sort of horseplay and killed poor Genaro, the victim of someone’s carelessness.

Category: Crime

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Zero Ponsdorf

You win Jonn. “Just think of it as Evolution in action.” Or Karma?

You are just soooo cute when you’re funny.

77 11C20

Does this prove that an AR-15 is basically a good and just?:-)


Is this a pop quiz? I thought that was the dog firing a gun.

Oh! I see! It’s an open book test, and it was the bump that the truck hit that done the dirty deed.

Did I get this one right?

Roger in Republic

Well, that’s one that we don’t have to deport.


Darwin candidate, this one is.


Hopefully the original owner of the weapons has firearms liability insurance to pay for Mendoza’s family due to his death caused by the owner.


Well, when they do go off on their own, at least they know who to shoot…

Dirt Dart

lol… cleaning the coffee that came out of my nose. Someone put this guy up for an award. I’d sue the dead dudes family and the state for not letting families police themselves. Act a fool, get carried away like one…


As my 16 year old daughter would say… That was a “FAIL.”

Frank G

hope he lingered and it was painful


Wowzers!!! Karma be a bitch!!!

CI Roller Dude

That is fuking awesome! But the bleeding hearts will blame the gun.

Joe Williams

Darwin and Karma win again!



So the shotgun is named Karma and the rifle is named Darwin?

Herbert J Messkit

Reminds me of a story where a kid had an unholstered pistol in his backpack at school, and he dropped it on the floor. A pen or something had got in front of the trigger and the gun went off. It was a good reminder of one of the reasons to keep a weapon in a holster or carrying case. Of course he could have just cleared it but that would have delayed him from his “turning his life around” appointment.


I just can’t stop laughing over this one…and like Dirt Dart, I’ve got Black Tiger coffee on the keyboard, screen…..


I finally figured it out. The horny shotgun hit on the rifle, the two of them engaged in a romantic encounter, and while the shotgun was romantically entwined in the rifle’s trigger, the rifle couldn’t stop itself and created a seminal discharge. Unfortunately, the rifle was not wearing a prophylactic.

Well, at least it wasn’t shooting blanks.


The shotgun was only firing off two shots to scare the burgler away like Biden said to do.

2/17 Air Cav

He stole the vehicle and hit the same place twice in the same day. There he was, probably laughing aloud, thinking how much money he could get for the weapons when, bump, bump, blam! All done.


I wish I could train MY guns to shoot someone who stole them!


Now you see Mr. Vice President what that gawdawful weapon of mass distruction did and can do! His justification for stealing was to feed his family–and him without a life insurance policy. Now his family is out one sole bread-winner and Mama will have to go back to the oldest profession. I can live with it. 😉

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Karma is indeed a harsh mistress, when she comes to collect you had better have a nice positive balance…