Nick Searcy v. Bryan Anderson

| January 27, 2013

Some entertainment for a Sunday from Tequila Volare;

Politichicks report on the two involved parties;

Category: Who knows

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2/17 Air Cav

That was GREAT! It’s right there with any of Al Sharpton’s newscasts!


I am truly impressed with what a tough guy Anderson is. He really mauled Nick. He is obviously the better fighter. Really whupped Nick’s ass.

Sorry, I simply can’t say these things with a straight face. Enjoyed it. A lot.


This is appalling. I can’t believe that this battle-hardened veteran and well-trained killer used his superior abilities to attack a defenseless, patriotic American actor like that. Does shame even exist these days? We need an immediate executive order to prevent these senseless attacks in the future.

Just Plain Jason

That was freaking hilarious…

Frank G

Loved it. Unfortunately for some – they don’t get that it’s a gag. Nick Searcy rules! And Anderson’s one tough mutha


Bryan Anderson is funnier than a cat on a roomba. Searcey is a close second.


Funny as hell!!


Ex-PH2 @6: “funnier than a cat on a roomba.” I am so glad I had put down my beer before I read that. 🙂 Good one.