Help me find the family of Clarence L. Hagen.

| January 11, 2013

I’m trying to draft up a response to the neverending Cease and Desist letters we get here at TAH HQ.  I fricken hate lawyers.  When in walks a friend who places a Silver Star and a Purple Heart on my desk, and asks me to find the family.  Screw the lawyer stuff, I’m shifting to the Lord’s work.

Clarence L. Hagen was a hero, a Marine, a Minnesotan, and our brother.  And he died June 17, 1944.  But he didn’t die alone.

The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Private First Class Clarence L. Hagen (MCSN: 882176), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while serving with the Third Battalion, Sixth Marines, SECOND Marine Division in action against enemy Japanese forces on Saipan Island, Marianas Islands on 17 June 1944. Courageous and aggressive in the face of terrific fire from Japanese guns, Private First Class Hagen, landing on Saipan with the assault wave, pushed his way forward despite fierce enemy resistance and had advanced several yards beyond the beach when his platoon was pinned down by fire from an enemy machine gun. Voluntarily exposing himself to the intense hostile fire, he succeeded in destroying the Japanese Machine gun and its crew thereby enabling his platoon to reorganize and continue the advance before he was mortally wounded. By his unwavering devotion to duty and determination, Private First Class Hagen contributed materially to the ultimate success of this vital campaign. His exemplary conduct was in keeping with the highest traditions of the Unites States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

General Orders: Commander in Chief, Pacific: Serial 1508 (February 22, 1945)

Action Date: June 17, 1944

Service: Marine Corps

Rank: Private First Class

Battalion: 3d Battalion

Regiment: 6th Marines

Division: 2d Marine Division


This is his Silver Star and his purple heart, along with a note from a WONDERFUL MAN named Ed in Maine, who writes

Hope you can locate family. Tried in East x Maine x No luck. Found in abandoned truck.

Silver Star

I want to know a family contact, and want it yesterday. And I won’t mail this, because I’m not letting it out of my sight until it is either with the family, or a museum. Because he was our brother, and we need to look out for each other, even if it is just a medal from 70 years after we pass. That’s what we truly served for.

Category: Politics, Real Soldiers

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@49 – That’s interesting. Not to change the subject, but I believe Camp Elliot was where the present MCAS Miramar is. Also the same place where Eugene Sledge and John Basilone received their training.

And WOW. There’s a facebook page up already!


Just want to say I love you people.


Please have the person who has these medals contact me via email sometime today and I will send him/her my phone number just put Medals in the subject box of the email. I am a semi professional genealogist and have possibly found Clarence’s brother’s son. But I will let the person who has the medals make phone contact with the family and I dont want to publicize the contact info for personal reasons to the family. Such a good deed this person is doing in trying to get these medals back to the family. I am a volunteer genealogist also for (We find and located unclaimed American Veterans.
Anything I can do to support any thing to do with Veterans is well deserved. My dad was a retired US Army Veteran , MY brother served in the Army and my husband is a disabled Army Veteran and we are currently the proud parents of a Brand New US Marine just out of Boot Camp and MCT and Currently in Mos School. He has been a US Marine since Aug 5.


If this turns out to be the correct family I sure would like to know and one more thing Clarence’s brother Palmer Claren Hogen was born on 12 Jan 1915 according to his obit. He would be 98 years old today. The person I may have found will be his son.

Someone must be up in heaven guiding me!

Lee Roy Hagen

I am Palmer’s son and live in Dallas, TX. I was named after my Uncle who was killed in Saipan. Someone called me and told me about the medal, but never called me back.

940-597-8941 is my cell number.

Lee Hagen

Yes, my Father, Palmer Clarence Hagen was his brother….Clarence Leroy was my Dad’s youngest brother. The other middle brother was named Chester.

I was named by my Father (Palmer) after Clarence Leroy Hagen. My full name is Lee Roy Hagen and live in Dallas, TX.

Can anyone share with me where the medals were sent to? I would love to have them.

Lee Hagen
Phone: 972-304-3060

Lee R Hagen

Debra, what ever happened to the medals. I am his nephew and was named after him. His name was Clarence Leroy Hagen and my name is Lee Roy Hagen. I am Palmer’s son.

Please let me know.



A little late, but I found this…

Advertisement:Your Credit Score
Advertisement:Search for Clarence’s high school yearbook photo!

Clarence L Hagen

home (920) 954-0497
250 W Highland Park Ave, Apt 724

Appleton, WI 54911-1187
Age: 65+
Associated: Joyce L Hagen

The age of this person suggests it might be a son…


Whoopa…aorry about the junk.


No…that person is 94…sorry, again.

Navy Mom

Amazing! This is how it should work – everyone focused on a task and getting the job done. Happened across this and am so proud of what everyone is doing to find this man’s family. I’ll be back to see how this turns out!


Response from 2 MARDIV PIO, 1LT Kristen McCarthy:

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for the email. I will talk to someone and see what we can do to help!

Very Respectfully,
1stLt Kristen McCarthy
Public Affairs Officer
2d Marine Division
Office: (910) 449-9924

SPC Ryan Swanson

To whom it may concern,

I am in contact with the veterans great niece. I have passed the information off to the veterans affairs office and arrangments are being made to present the awards to the family.

SPC Ryan Swanson

To whom it may concern,

I am in contact with the veterans great niece. I have passed the information off to the veterans affairs office and arrangments are being made to present the awards to the family.


Try his address in McIntosh, MN
If that doesn’t work, these are the names of his relatives

Louise Ann Hagen in Appleton WI
Joyce L. Hagen in LeMars, Iowa
Johathan Hagen in LeMars, Iowa


Great job everyone. My deepest regards.

Old Sarge USAR

How did this story end? Find some family? Give them the medals? What?