The politics of “Change” change back

| September 21, 2008

After telling us for 19 months that he’s for changing national politics, Obama has decided you’ll let him get away with the old politics of fear that have worked so well for Democrats in past elections. In Florida yesterday, he told seniors that Republicans were plotting to get their social security money according to Wall Street Journal‘s Washington Wire;

“If my opponent had his way, the millions of Floridians who rely on it would’ve had their Social Security tied up in the stock market this week,” Obama told 2,500 supporters at Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach, Fla. He also told voters that half of elderly women would be living in poverty without Social Security. The Democratic nominee said that McCain would gamble with their life savings. “Millions would’ve watched as the market tumbled and their nest egg disappeared before their eyes. Millions of families would’ve been scrambling,” he said.

Not really. Not even close. Under President Bush’s proposal, current Social Security recipients would have been able to opt out of the new plan…and the new program would have only invested a miniscule portion of Social Security accounts in the stock market. Besides, I’m sure Obama wouldn’t want you to know that the Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 40% in the last five years as of Friday while your social security money earned about 12% over the same time period.

Every time the stock market takes a hit, the Democrats drag out this fantasy…but I noticed no one mentioned the 30% rise in stock indexes in 2003 or the 19% in 2005. But those “Change” signs have just become background decorations rather than anything substantial in recent months. The Democrats are just going back the same old vacant strategies of the Clintons, Gores and Kerrys.But the McCain campaign didn’t let the vacuous charges go unanswered;

The McCain campaign said that Obama’s attacks were “desperate” and unfairly scared voters. “This is a desperate attempt to gain political advantage using scare tactics and deceit,” said Tucker Bounds, a campaign spokesman. He also pointed to Obama’s book, “The Audacity of Hope,” where the Democratic nominee said that a parallel pension system was needed to complement Social Security.

What’s next for the Obama campaign? Threatening that Black churches will burn if McCain is elected?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Politics

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Frankly Opinionated

Hasn’t anyone in the “disadvantaged world”, that Nobama purports to support, realized that he is not black, and he is not a “common man”. Gimme a break, his Momma is white, he was raised no differently than a spoiled white rich kid, and he don’t do no Iceberg lettuce; it is Arugula for him,(you know how much that costs at World Foods?). Bet he hasn’t tasted Chittlin’s since forever, nor eaten any other low cost “soul food”. He isn’t black, and he has no plans of value for blacks if somehow he can stumble into the Whitehouse.
I still have not had any of my many Democrat relatives respond with their reason to support him. Well, short of some serious Bush Derangement Syndrome, where Bush is responsible for everything wrong- no matter that they cannot name any one particular thing wrong with him. Still, they are determined to elect Nobama to prevent a 3rd Bush tour.
Dummies, just dummies.
nuf sed


Well, the beaty of privatizing is that most people would have started paying attention to what was happening with their money.
This is typical bullshit on repeat mode. And Obama is acting like the elitist he is. All the while avoiding the questions…While he spins aabout McCain’s cars and houses we could ask the following:

1. How many houses,cars does he think John McCain purchased with the financial assistance of a felon currently convicted for financial fraud? Has he purchased any houses with such an individual? Does the name Tony Rezko come to mind?

2. Which does he think is more important to the American people: the number of buildings John and Cindy McCain own or the number of buildings that were bombed by his long time associate William Ayers and his unrepentant band of domestic terrorists?

3. How many houses have been purchased by his former pastor, the Reverend Wright, in gated communities where members of his own congregation are not welcome?

4. Why does he ignore the facts that the economy is still much better than say 1987,1998, 2001? Why does he not tell the people that their gov’t controlled SS is not really making them the money it should?
Have he reconsidered the folly of throwing stones from a glass house yet? I think I hear a crackling sound….