Lawyer: Military more worried about image than Manning

| December 11, 2012

According to the Associated Press, in a pre-trial motion today to get the charges against poor little Breanna Manning dropped, the judge heard about how the military confinement officials treated the little traitor, while he was being held at the Quantico Marine base in Virginia. The defense attorney seemed upset that the military was more concerned with their image than poor little Breanna;

Defense attorney David Coombs said during closing arguments that the military was worried more about its image than about Manning.

“They were more concerned with how it would look if something happened to Pfc. Manning … than they were about whether Pfc. Manning was actually at risk,” Coombs said. “Their approach was, `Let’s not have anything happen on our watch. Let’s not let anything happen that’s going to make us look bad.'”

Well, that worked in Breanna’s favor didn’t it? The creature is still alive so Coombs can make payroll this month, right? Isn’t that the point?

And Coombs would be howling to high Heaven if Manning had managed to hurt itself while in confinement.

The article doesn’t say when the judge will arrive at a decision in the motion, but prosecutors claim that Breanna doesn’t have much of a chance of getting the charges dismissed, but it’s likely s/he will get credit for time served when s/he’s finally sentenced. That’s fine with me, if s/he gets a life sentence.

Category: Shitbags

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don’ forget about that POS hassin,,aka,,the Ft,Hood assassin.


“Their approach was, `Let’s not have anything happen on our watch. Let’s not let anything happen that’s going to make us look bad.’”


Whether they do it for humanitarian reasons or they do it so their ass doesn’t find it’s way into a sling, they still have a job to do. Manning finds himself at the end of the trial alive and unharmed to either be free or sent to prison.

Altruism not required.


“Defense attorney David Coombs said during closing arguments that the military was worried more about its image than about Manning.”

Yes. Not really a surprise to anyone. But how did the military’s narcissism force Manning, a confessed traitor, to actively steal and then give away military and diplomatic secrets?

Did the military beat Manning mercilessly with a recruiting brochure of Marines from 8th & I dancing Gangnam? Pilots in their flight suits, unzippered to show hairy chests and megawatt smiles? Seamen hanging out on their fantail?

2-17 Air Cav

The lawyer’s statements make perfect sense if one appreciates the lefty view that an individual’s intentions are more important than an individual’s actions. Thus, it matters not that Babs has been safely kept to date because those who have safely kept her have done so for the wrong reason.


If this guy didn’t like dick, he’d be under the prison years ago.

Get over it, Breanna–you’re a traitor AND a Sally. Enjoy your life in PMITA prison.


@ #4: Exactly! And I almost agree with him, but not for the reason he would wish. Must say that I am more concerned about Army’s image than about Manning. Not that I give a hoot about “image,” but any thought about it at all is more concern than I have for Manning.

Funny thing is that if Army continues to just do it’s job, it’s image will continue to be good. Well, except for the clowns who would only have a positive image on an Army which does not exist.