Frank Recce: saving his neighborhood

| November 9, 2012

Just Plain Jason sends us a link to an article about Frank Recce a wounded Iraq veteran in New York who didn’t wait for FEMA to come and help his community cleanup in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy – he organized a group of men into a team. the group grew from 12 to over 100 and, in walkie-talkie communication, they help their neighborhood recover;

“We’re basically giving the people of the neighborhood organization,” Recce told “We were able to hit more than 200 houses by Monday. We’ve done more for our community than FEMA, the Red Cross and the National Guard combined, directly hitting houses and people in need.”


“It basically signifies that we’re willing to get dirty, to do the labor,” Recce said of the group’s name. “And we’re from the neighborhood; we’re strictly from the neighborhood.”

I’ve always said that veterans have seen their government at it’s best and at it’s worst, and recognize that there’s not much difference between the two. I’m sure that was in young Recce’s mind when he began this project instead of twiddling his thumbs waiting for FEMA to come and rescue him.

Category: Veterans Issues

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B Woodman

Excellent. Give the O’Poser-in-Chief a black eye.

AW1 Tim

Leadership by Example.

Good on ya, fellahs. Just keep in mind that doing what you are doing down there is a dangerous thing to a government hell-bent on installing a nanny state where it provides everything for everyone.


An appropriate last name for this go-getter! Just ask the Brits! Good job!


Excellent job! Sets a great example of how you can do it without being rescued by Uncle Sam! Too many people are content to just sit back and wait for the government trucks


NIce to see something positive coming out of there. Good job.


That is what it takes to get something done. Be a problem solver and not depend on the gubbmint to save you. I have seen that in small towns over the years. Folks look out for one another. The dry land wheat farmers in my area pull together if a neighbor gets sick or has trouble with harvest. They get together harvest the neighbors crops. I guess it is a benefit living in a red county on the most western edge of fly-over country.

Common Sense

“I’m doing this because it’s my community and I care,” he said. “I understand what’s going on and I will be out there as long as it takes.”

This is why disaster relief, and pretty much everything else, should be as close to the local level as possible. It’s the same principle as private ownership of the means of production. No one cares more and works harder than someone on their own property.

Kudos to Frank for taking the initiative, being a leader, and not sitting by waiting for the government.


He can’t blame the National Guard… Bloomberg refused to let them mobilize because he only wanted the cops in New York to have guns. Hell, he kicked 300 guardsmen and their families out of their armory so that the city could use it to host a Victoria’s Secret fashion show with Rihiana and Justin Beeber.

Good on him for putting his skills from the military to use. To survive the next few years, we will need many more people like Mr. Recce. He is a pillar to his community.

Now, let’s see what happens when the unions find out and try to prosecute him for doing their job without paying dues…

Just Plain Jason

I would like to add there is another group of veterans that goes into disaster areas not waiting for the government to okay help. Team Rubicon, I was going to go to New York and help but help, but I have some family issues keeping me home. I imagine this winter my area Region 7 will need some help.