Secretary of Business in the next Obama Administration

| October 29, 2012

Yeah, a Secretary of Business, because, you know, you didn’t build that. This is from the Wall Street Journal and I picked it up from the Washington Post Blogs;

President Obama actually said that in his second term, there could be a “Secretary of Business.“ That’s right, he knows he has a problem with American business and naturally, he thinks there is a government solution. This shows how tone-deaf he is, how ignorant he must be of how business works in America and what American businesses want from Washington.

I guess he figures that since he doesn’t know how the business world works, no one does, so it needs a federal agency. All of you people in business who wants a Department of Business raise your hand. Yeah, they can do to business what the Department of Veterans’ Affairs did for veterans. Do for business like the Bureau of Indian Affairs did for Indians. Do for business like the Postal Service did for package delivery. Well, you can come up with your own examples.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Will this be instead of or in addition to the Department of Commerce?

Oh, never mind.


Yeah, man, like, uh, hmm, umm, uh, like, what happened to the um, the uh, hmmm, the uh, Department of Commerce and the ummm, the uh, hmmm, the Secretary of Commerce?

2-17 Air Cav

Department of Commerce? Yeah, we all ready have that. But how about something for small businesses? Umm. Ah. Um. Finger snap! We could call it the Small Business Administration!

2-17 Air Cav

The Department of Business and Other Shit I Know Nothing About.

2-17 Air Cav

Let’s play Name That Secretary! If we take a hint from the Geithner appointment (Treasury Secretary who failed to pay taxes), then the Secretary of Business should certainly not be an honest and successful businessperson. So, whaddaya got?


So, the CEO of Solyndra then?


Bernie Ebbers?


Anyone in the Madoff family.


The primary qualifications for the OIC’s Secretary of Business would be having a background in socialism and absolutely never owned a business, worked for a living, or held a full-time job outside academia.

Well, maybe having been a barista would be OK. And it should be a female, since he could pay her less than he would have to pay a male. Cindy Shehag? No, she was thrown under the bus some time ago. A movie star! Who was his biggest female fundraiser in Hollyweird?

2-17 Air Cav

Damn. So many candidates.


How about someone from the Gotti family?

2-17 Air Cav

You may be on to something there, OWB. Secretary Nose. Big voice. What the heck is her name? Slept in the Lincoln bedroom for a fee to Clinton. I cannot think of her name!

2-17 Air Cav

Help me out here. What the heck is her name?


Monica Lewinski?


Well, she can run a blog – and knows the language of the left. I will not type her name, but it rhymes with Babs. (I really used to enjoy listening to her sing, too!)

Actually, I was thinking of the young gal. Can’t spell her name, either, but phonetically it is something like “Beyonce.” Didn;t she just host a big fundraiser?


Her initials are BS! Streisand, if I MUST type it!


Niki Minaj?


@#9. Nah, this is ready-made for Van Jones. O had to get rid of him, and he’s got to find something for his homey. And, Van’s a Communist, so he’s ready-made for Secretary of Business. Another Affirmative Action job in the O Regime.


Psst – UpNorth – don’t tell anyone, but that was the first name that came to my mind as well.


Look, if he’s going to do this he might as well call it what it is: The Department of Increased Prohibitive Costs on Small Business and Continued Staggering Regulation

2-17 Air Cav

@16, Yes! BS of course! Thank you. It was driving me nuts–which is fitting b/c she drives me nuts too–and not in a good way. Secretary of Business Barbara Streisand. Hey, UpNorth, she can name Van Jones her undersecretary.

Tony: You should know by now that gov’t usually names things by the opposite of what the things actually do.


Well, you can come up with your own examples.

Do what the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms has done for alcohol, tobacco, and firearms?


Well, they can’t do any worse than the Department of Energy.

How will we abbreviate the Secretary of Business? SOB?


Thankfully this isn’t going to happen, but in the off chance it does, one thing’s for sure:

Percent chance anyone in that outfit having actual business experience: 0%.

Percent chance EVERYONE in that outfit is a bunch of bureaucratic hacks: 100%.

Just an Old Dog

If The Obama put someone in charge of an open weather food freezer in the North Pole the food would rot in three days. I’m convinced if he dropped a rock from shoulder height it would get lost before it hit the ground


Geez. What a bunch of pikers. The Secretary of Business will be none other than George Soros. Birds of a feather, and all that …


Nah. It will be Marc Rich – a payback to the Clintons for Hillary keeping her mouth shut for 4 years. And there’s technically no citizenship issue. The courts ruled in 1991 that since he’s never formally appeared in person before a US consulate and renounced his US citizenship, he’s still a US citizen.


Chelsey Clinton?


A Secretary of Business requires a Department. With paid staff. And contractors to do the work. And buildings. What were the startup costs for Energy and Education?

$70, $75bn? On top of rebuilding the socialist states of America after Sandy washed them clean?

Willing to bet Obama has a single credit card with a limit set by Michelle. No cash. No checkbook. Just the same card you give your kids because they refuse to learn to budget.