Special Operations Speaks video

| October 28, 2012

If you’re not convinced that the Benghazi thing was important yet, the folks at Special Operations Speaks including our buddy, Larry Bailey, presents this video;

Thanks to OWB for the link.

William Kristol has ten questions for the President.

John Hinderacker asks “Will Obama’s Benghazi Cover Up Succeed?

Fox News asks “what is the mainstream media’s excuse for cautiously engaging the president on Libya?”

Category: 2012 election, Military issues

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Good one! Like everybody, I want to hear from the MIC what he did – or rather, did not do – as Benghazi burned.

However, as he did not come out immediately (as he did after ObL was killed)and spout his version of the truth, I very much doubt that ANY words out of his mouth now would be the TRUTH.

It IS up to the American people to demand accountability BEFORE the election.

America deserves better….

Frankly Opinionated

I saw this early today at Facebook, knowing several of those who commented in the video, and agree wholeheartedly that this must be fully opened up and shown as it is now while it is not putridly stale.


Enough said!


@1 – Unfortunately, we are so close to the election that the possibility of anything happening other than cracks in the cover-up is pretty slim. Not impossible, just unlikely.

There is nothing to say, however, that the loaded diaper can’t hit the garbage disposal just a day or two before the election. Is there? No.

Michael in MI

I have been seeing this floated around on various sites and posted by friends on Facebook: Benghazi was botched attempt to kidnap Ambassador and then trade him for Blind Sheik.

Granted, that article is almost 2 weeks old, so maybe this has been discussed and dismissed as conspiracy theory already?


Now Obama’s throwing long-time ally Egypt’s president Hosni Mubarak under the bus for the Muslim Brotherhood makes sense. All the White House contacts with Muslim Brotherhood front groups like CAIR and ISNA. All the changes that CAIR and ISNA made to the training manuals that our intelligence community uses.

Kevin Dujan, a political analyst and radio and TV host wrote an article and appeared on radio on October 8 putting forth a theory that the attack of the Libyan consulate was tied neither to a video or terrorism, but a botched kidnapping of Ambassador Stevens.

That Barack Obama had arranged with the Muslim Brotherhood to kidnap the Ambassador, and through Obama’s supposed affinity with the Muslim world, Obama would save the day and get the ambassador released.

But the Muslim Brotherhood wanted something in return.

Their beloved Blind Sheik.


I thought it was great, good to see BG Stringham was in it, I served under him at 1st Bat. In light of the new info coming out late last week I have just one question….Will Gen. Patraeus be the October/November surprise?



Have been wondering just when we would actually hear from him. We’ve heard from CIA spokesfolks and heard all manner of conjecture about where he was, who he saw, yada, yada.

Where is Patraeus?


I wonder if he is giving the admin time to come clean. Before he comes out with the real story?

2-17 Air Cav

“Where is Patraeus?” He went to the Hill and was singing the administration’s song, I’m sorry to say. I remain hopeful that one of the pentagonals or other uniform in the know will stand up and tell the truth for America to hear.

As for the video, evey one of the men looks ready to rock and roll. Tough SOBs.


[…] censors Special Operations Speaks October 31st, 2012 Sunday, we posted a video from Special Operations Speaks which criticized the Obama Administration for abandoning four Americans in the Benghazi consulate […]